I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 29: Wooden Dungeon and the Arrival of the Tree Realm

Yun Ting smiled, and suddenly asked politely: "Mr. Oshemaru thinks what is the basis for me daring to hunt you down alone?"

"You have a high opinion of yourself? No! Just now, Mr. Yun Ting, your performance has already sat on the truth of Hokage."

After all, he is one of the Sannin, and Orochimaru, who knows that panic can\'t solve anything, has adjusted his emotions at this time, regained his previous calm, and even has time to seriously think about Yunting\'s problem.

"The person who can quickly grasp my handle and use this to make arrangements for the three generations of teachers, perfectly grasp their psychological reactions, and achieve a sure hit, will not be the kind of person who gets carried away at the last moment."

"Mr. Yun Ting, after you learned that the three generations of teachers let me go, you didn\'t end it willingly. Instead, you wanted to catch me with additional results. There is only one thing you rely on...that is, you are confident that you can beat me !"

At the end of the deduction, Orochimaru\'s pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of surprise.

Until now, he doesn\'t think Yun Ting is a reckless person.

But he couldn\'t understand why the other party had such confidence even though the two had never fought against each other before.

Especially now that he knows the basics, the other party not only has no intention of giving in, but expresses his intentions unscrupulously.

What gave him such confidence?

Orochimaru was very puzzled.

But Yun Ting saw that the time was almost up, it was not too early to start now.

So, he finally stopped suppressing the eagerness in his heart, and explained: "Senior Orochimaru is also curious about what my support is. In order to thank you for answering the words just now, and the time is almost up, I will no longer hide it now. .”

As Yun Ting spoke, he folded his hands together,

"What I am relying on is the talent that Senju Mori is most proud of! It is the ability of the first generation of Hokage, the **** of ninja world, to sweep everything back then! It is recognized as the number one blood successor in the ninja world!"

"Wood escape·The tree world is coming!"

The moment Yun Ting\'s voice fell, Dashewan\'s undisguised horrified eyes saw the former as the center, and countless trees in all directions pulled out their roots from the ground in an instant and grew rapidly.

Soon, a large forest replaced the original grassland in front of Orochimaru.

"So... it\'s really Mu Dun?" Orochimaru looked at everything in front of him in shock.

He never thought that the current Qianshou Yunting could awaken Mu Dun.

You must know that the latter is now twenty years old. According to common sense, if there is no limit for awakening bleeding before, then the probability will approach zero infinitely.

Just like Tsunade.

As the granddaughter of Qianshou Zhujian, the purest direct lineage of the Qianshou clan, she has the best chance of awakening Mu Dun, but if she can\'t, then she can only let it go.

However, who would have thought that Qianshou Yunting, who was obviously far away from Zhu Jian\'s lineage, would be able to unknowingly awaken Mu Dun at this age.

No wonder the opponent dared to come alone and was confident of defeating him.

Orochimaru, who has studied the cells between the pillars, naturally has some understanding of Mu Dun, the blood successor limit that once swept the ninja world.

He even cooperated with Danzo in the Mudun human experiment, and even proudly gave birth to a Mudun experimental subject that has survived to this day with a very small probability and cannot be reproduced.

It was precisely because of his understanding that he was even more afraid of Mu Dun.

Especially right now, it is not the Mudun experimental subject who has been named Jia by Danzo, but the real thousand-handed man.

The incomplete version of the wood escape power exerted by the former.

The latter is 100%!

Orochimaru\'s face showed an unprecedented solemnity.

At this moment, he couldn\'t allow him to think about it anymore, because the tree world descending performed by Yunting had quickly spread to his side.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The foot of Orochimaru was like an earthquake, and trees rushed up one by one.

Even if he kept retreating, the latter was still with him.

Soon, there was nowhere for him to hide.

"Hidden shadows with many snake hands!"

Orochimaru slapped the ground quickly, and an astonishing number of poisonous snakes poured out one after another, counterattacking the trees coming from all sides.


Facing the wave of poisonous snakes, the trees inspired by Mu Dun suddenly stabbed away with more numbers.

Soon, the poisonous snakes were strangled with almost no room for resistance, and even the many snakes summoned after Orochimaru did not escape this fate. After struggling a little, they turned into fertilizer to nourish the trees.

"Although it was expected, it is still too strong!"

Orochimaru kept dodging the thorny trees at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that his ninjutsu was easily deciphered, he didn\'t show it on the surface, but he became more and more anxious in his heart.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he took the time to look at the top of his head. The originally clear sky had been covered by a large luxuriant canopy of trees. Unknowingly, he had fallen into the world of Mutun trees.

"Fire Escape - The Art of Fire of the Great Dragon!"

The huge fire dragon spewed out from the mouth of Orochimaru, and after covering the trees that had approached very close, the aftermath continued to spread to the surroundings.

Soon, a fire broke out in the forest.

Orochimaru was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly he saw that the originally vigorous fire was quickly extinguished visible to the naked eye, and the trees that had been burned before even sprouted new shoots rapidly.

In just a few breaths, the small piece of forest that had just been destroyed by his fire tunnel re-grew, and the thick branches on it continued to strangle him from all directions.

Obviously, if Mu Dun was so easily restrained by Huo Dun, then he wouldn\'t be called the No. 1 blood follower in the ninja world.

"I can\'t go on like this anymore, I must escape from the scope of the technique of descending from the tree world."

The sharp wooden thorns brushed across the face in a thrilling manner, the flesh was torn apart, and the **** Orochimaru didn\'t even blink his eyelids.

After determining the direction, he broke out and fled outwards at the fastest speed.

Not far away, Yun Ting, whose own eyes and ears were in the entire forest, was moved when he noticed it, and quickly and consciously manipulated the surrounding trees to strangle him with more reasonable tactics.

All of a sudden, the danger that Orochimaru faced became even worse.

Front, back, left, right, above the sky, underground, there are countless thick branches of trees hitting everywhere.

Even if some are cut off, the follow-up is still continuously connected, which makes people feel only hopeless.

After barely holding on for a while, Orochimaru was finally unable to dodge, and was tightly wrapped around his right leg by a thick branch.

This is just the beginning.

Soon, more trees rushed in, tying his body tightly round after round.

Feeling that the organs of the whole body are constantly crowded inward under the huge force, and the sharp wooden thorns penetrated into his body.

Orochimaru suddenly opened his mouth wide.

Orochimaru Substitution Technique.


A pale and wet arm protruded from the mouth first, and soon, the newborn Orochimaru crawled out of the old and worn-out tire.

Looking at the big thorny tree gathered on the old tire at this moment, moistened by its flesh and blood.

Orochimaru took a deep breath, bit his finger, slapped the ground suddenly and said:

"Psychic art!"