I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 28: Orochimaru Substitution Technique

In Yunting\'s perception, the organs in Dashewan\'s body have been completely destroyed by lightning, and if it continues, there will be no target, it\'s just useless.


So he stopped Thunder Dun, and with a slight shake of his palm, Orochimaru was covered in scorched black, and the corpse with its long neck still dragged was dumped on the ground.

Only the extremely sharp Kusanagi sword remained in his palm.

"Good sword!"

Yun Ting released his right palm and took it out with his left hand. Looking at the sword body that had endured the baptism of lightning without any damage, he praised it.

At the same time, he was cut deeply, and the palm of his right hand, which was still bleeding before, quickly healed automatically.

Soon, Yun Ting\'s right palm was intact as before, as if the previous injury did not exist at all.

The Qianshou clan, especially the thousand-shoulders who inherited Mutun and had the strongest bloodline, recovered their health much faster than ordinary people imagined.

Putting away the Kusanagi sword, Yunting turned to look at Orochimaru on the ground.

If someone else had killed Orochimaru, one of the dignified Sannin, and the latter\'s body was in front of his eyes, he should have let down his vigilance.

But Yun Ting is not someone else.

He knew very well that Orochimaru, like Xiaoqiang, was notoriously difficult to die.

Although it is not more than ten years later, and he has carefully checked that the other party is indeed lifeless, it is always right to be cautious.

Yun Ting probed into the ninja bag with his palm, took out four kunai between his fingers, and attached the wind attribute to them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kunai, who was more than twice as fast as the normal throwing speed, shot four times at Orochimaru\'s head, chest, hands, and legs.

If it hits, the latter will simply dismember it.

This is absolutely dead.

But then there was a change.

Just as Kunai approached, suddenly a pair of pale arms broke out from the abdomen of Orochimaru\'s corpse. After opening all the former, a brand new Orochimaru crawled out of the corpse.

As if lifting off a human skin coat, when Orochimaru stood in front of Yunting again, except for the disgusting mucus all over his body, he was not injured at all.

‘Orochimaru substitute technique? \'

It can be called a secret technique with bugs, and it is also the most perfect substitute technique. It\'s just that like a series of secret techniques of Orochimaru, they all have very disgusting characteristics.

Unexpectedly, this guy had already developed it at this time, Yun Ting looked at all this with a frown.

It is difficult for him to understand the principle of this technique. After all, there was nothing else in the other party\'s dead body after checking for a long time.

"You are really cautious! Fourth Hokage-sama!"

At this time, Orochimaru, who had recovered as before, spoke.

When he said "Fourth Hokage-sama", his tone at this moment no longer had the usual ridicule, but instead had a very solemn flavor.

"I didn\'t expect Yunting-kun\'s strength to improve so much after becoming Hokage. He is worthy of being the Senshou Mori who has been passed down for thousands of years. I was arrogant before. Looking at it now, if I don\'t have the determination to kill you with all my strength, what will happen next?" I really have a very high chance of dying here!"

After calculating everything today, only Orochimaru, who miscalculated Senshou Yunting\'s strength, felt full of crisis at the moment.

Without further hesitation, he suddenly slapped his hands on the ground and shouted:

"Hidden shadows with many snake hands!"

In an instant, many more snakes were summoned than before, turning into raging waves and rushing towards Yunting.

"To be honest, snakes are the ones I hate the most of all animals!"

Looking at all this with a frown, Yun Ting quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Water Escape · Water Shockwave!"

Chakra was consumed rapidly, and with Yunting as the center, a tornado-like rapid swirling water flow surrounded him in all directions like a waterfall.

The poisonous snakes attacked one after another, and they couldn\'t break the water curtain at all, and they were crushed instantly by the strong water pressure.

Yun Ting did not stick to it.

Soon, under his control, the tornado water around him expanded rapidly, submerging a large area of ​​the surrounding poisonous snakes.

Just when he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, a large shadow suddenly appeared under him.

He looked up subconsciously, and saw an extremely thick snake descending from the sky, and it swept over fiercely with its snake body thicker than a human.


The water curtain was crushed.

Yun Ting jumped several times in a row and quickly dodged.

Just when he stopped, another big snake that was no bigger than the one just below suddenly came out from behind, opened its **** mouth and bit him at speed.

"I really think I\'m afraid of you!"

Yun Ting quickly turned around and passed the big snake, and then saw him pull out the Kusanagi sword he had just acquired, and slash towards the snake beside him.

In an instant, smelly snake blood splattered, and the big snake that had been cut in half by a sword turned into a cloud of white smoke amidst the wailing sound, and was kicked back to Ryūji Cave.

It was only a big snake that fell to death, but there were hundreds of snakes rushing towards him afterwards, many of them were killed by Yunting before.

Seeing this, Yunting put down the Kusanagi sword, made seals with both hands again and said:

"Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!"

The rapid ultra-high-pressure fine water jet spewed out from Yunting\'s mouth, at this moment it was like an extremely sharp scalpel, hitting everything along the way in the distance without any hindrance, no matter if it was a small snake, UU reading www.uukanshu. No matter whether it is a big snake, it can be easily torn and shredded.

Soon, everything in front of me was cleaned up.

"Where\'s Orochimaru?" Yun Ting looked around to check.

"I\'m here!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Yun Ting didn\'t even think about it, and quickly turned around and punched.


Orochimaru let Yunting hit him without any resistance, but in the next second, his body collapsed instantly, and dozens of poisonous snakes gushed out from inside.

It\'s just that it\'s different from before. At this moment, the poisonous snake\'s body suddenly swelled while rushing towards Yunting.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Continuous explosions sounded in front of Yun Ting.

When the smoke dissipated, only a half-broken charred log was left lying on the ground.

"Strange ninjutsu."

On the other side, the intact Yunting reappeared, looked at where he was before and shook his head.

On the opposite side not far away, Orochimaru also rose from the ground, and said with a dark smile: "It seems that I was underestimated by Master Hokage."

While talking, he carefully looked at Yunting, trying to find out how much Chakra the latter had left from the clues.

"It\'s getting late."

At this time, Yun Ting suddenly said such a sentence.

Orochimaru was taken aback for a moment, at this moment, it seemed more appropriate for him, a traitor, to say this.

However, Yun Ting did not explain this. He turned his head and glanced behind him, and said to himself: "Calculating the time, the people I invited will arrive soon. After all, the stage has already been set up, so how can the audience be indispensable. "

"What\'s the meaning?"

Orochimaru suddenly felt bad, as if something important had been ignored by him.

This feeling is very bad.