I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 12: Slug Fairy

The contract was signed, just as Yunting was thinking about whether to summon the next slug while he was free.

Suddenly, white smoke was seen around his body.

"Is this... reverse psychic art?"

As soon as Yun Ting\'s voice fell, the whole person disappeared from the spot.

In the next second, members of the Fourth Mukage Guard rushed into Hokage\'s office. Seeing that there was no one there, Baiyun Hayama, the leader, shrank his pupils and said hurriedly: "Quick! Go and call the third generation!"

Yun Ting, who didn\'t know that because of his own reasons, caused the Hokage Building to panic for a while, when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a strange place.

In front of his eyes, he saw rows of trees piercing into the sky.

This kind of tree has no branches and leaves, and the bare trunk and branches are full of pale color, giving people a feeling of white bones.

But despite this, the woods were unexpectedly filled with moist and refreshing air, especially the huge life energy that he was very familiar with was mixed in it everywhere.

Yun Ting just took a light breath, and felt that his limbs were full of comfort.

"Damp bone forest? It really is a veritable treasure land." He sighed.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed the person coming, and saw blue and white slugs of different sizes sticking out their heads in the forest, looking towards Yunting.

Soon, a slug that was bigger than others of its kind squirmed and came to the latter, whispering in a gentle female voice that did not match its appearance: "Excuse me, is this Lord Qianshou Yunting? "

"I don\'t dare to be an adult, the slug fairy just calls me by my name." Yun Ting said quickly.

He knew that the entire Wetbone Forest was just a slug fairy, and the petite slugs in front of him were just its clones.

This also means that it is the slug fairy himself who is talking to him.

This is an old antique who has lived for thousands of years like the Toad Immortal in Miaomu Mountain, so he can\'t help but disrespect him.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m used to calling every one of my contract companions adults, and I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to change it for a while. Besides, I\'m not a fairy, just a slug that lives longer and knows some fairy arts So please call me live slug, this is my name." Slug\'s voice is still gentle and kind, and his words are also extraordinarily humble.

Sure enough, as I remembered, the immortal of Shishigulin unexpectedly had a good temper.

Here, Yun Ting had to observe a few seconds of silence for Orochimaru who contracted Ryuji Cave.

Now that everyone has said so, Yun Ting no longer calls out "live slug" when he sees others.

Seeing this, the latter nodded happily, and said again: "Since Mr. Tsunade, there have been no newcomers in the wet bone forest for a long time. When I saw the name of Mr. Yun Ting, especially when it was another Senshou , so he summoned Master Yun Ting to the past on his own initiative, hoping that the business of Master Yun Ting will not be delayed."

For the living slug, although it has all kinds of contractors during its thousand-year life, the one who has been with it for the longest time is the Qianshou clan. Naturally, it has more affection for people of this clan.

However, according to Tsunade\'s narration in the past, the current Senshou Clan has withered to almost non-existence, which also makes it very sad.

Therefore, after seeing that the name "Thousand Hands" was added to the contract scroll that he put on the outside world, he had this kind of counter-psychic behavior that didn\'t fit its personality, with a little willfulness.

Upon hearing this, Yun Ting immediately waved his hands and said, "No delay, I just happen to have nothing to do right now."

Anyway, the scroll of the psychic contract was placed in Hokage\'s office, even if other people didn\'t know it, the experienced Sarutobi Hiruzen could instantly understand what happened after seeing it.

So he wasn\'t worried about what might happen over there.

It just so happened that he came to the wet bone forest now, and he also took this opportunity to take a good look around this holy place.

"Master Yunting, do you want to see my real body?" After a while, the live slug that climbed onto Yunting\'s shoulder asked.

"Is it possible?" Yun Ting was very curious about the live slug\'s body.

As far as he knows, the real body of the living slug has not been fully summoned from the beginning to the end in the original book.

Even if it is Tsunade, what is summoned is only a small part of the main body.

"Of course there is no problem. Lord Yunting is my contractor, and we will fight side by side together in the future. It is also necessary to get to know each other better."

As the live slug said, he led Yunting to go deeper into the wet bone forest.

Looking around, Yunting saw large and small blue and white slugs with transparent mucus secreting mouthparts everywhere on the ground and trees along the way.

It doesn\'t look disgusting at all, but has a cute and simple feeling.

On the way, the living slug on the shoulder suddenly asked curiously: "Is the clothes that Master Yunting is wearing the Hokage Imperial Robe? Is Master Yunting the new Hokage of Konoha Village now?"

"Indeed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I am now the Fourth Hokage." Yun Ting nodded.

"It\'s amazing! This reminds me of Hashirama-sama from decades ago, who is also Hokage." Live Slug exclaimed.

"Haha! I\'m not as good as the first Hokage-sama now!" Yun Ting smiled and waved his hands.

During such exchanges, Yun Ting has arrived at the destination unknowingly.

When he passed through the last pale tree and came to an open space, he looked up, even though he had already prepared himself mentally, he still couldn\'t help showing a shocking expression on his face.

So... so... too big!

Even though his vision has experienced the baptism of various modern buildings made of reinforced concrete, when Yun Ting looked at the living body that couldn\'t be described in words, it was still so shocking that he couldn\'t speak for a while. .

At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of immortal.

The person in front of me doesn\'t even need any immortal skills, just roll his body slightly to cause the earth to shake, and its power is probably not weaker than the S-level large ninjutsu.

At this time, taking advantage of Yunting\'s stunned effort, the slug on his shoulder also jumped off, wriggled to the side of the living slug, and then fused its small body into it.

In the next second, the huge head on the living slug moved.

I saw it lowered its head slightly, looked at Yun Ting, whose eyes were only the size of a pebble, and still said in that soft female voice like a spring breeze:

"Master Yun Ting, this is the first meeting in the real sense, please take care of me in the future."

"Also... Please take care of him in the future." Looking at Huolu who still treats others as before, Yun Ting relaxed slightly, and said solemnly.