I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 13: fairy art

As a contract partner who will fight side by side in the future, after having a cordial exchange with Yunting, Huolu also fulfilled the obligations of the contract, and carefully described his various abilities to the latter.

In addition to the ultimate medical ability known throughout the ninja world, the former also has the ability of sticking acid on tongue and teeth, splitting technique, vision sharing and so on.

Among them, tongue and tooth sticking acid, a rare offensive method, is the technique that Dashewan can kill him by default.

And because the live slug itself is a mollusk, purely physical attacks are even more ineffective against it.

These are only part of the opponent\'s strength.

After all, both Yunting and Tsunade can only summon a small part of the living slugs at the moment, and they cannot let them exert their full strength.

I don\'t know if Senshou Zhujian in his peak period can do it?

Yun Ting shook his head, although the intercolumnar cells in that person\'s body can be called bugs, but facing the unbelievably huge living slug, I really want to forcefully summon them all, I am afraid that all the chakra in the body will be emptied in an instant In the end, the intercolumn cells had no time to replenish, so they died.

The topic is brought back.

At this time, Yun Ting proposed to Huo Wu the core purpose of signing the psychic scroll this time.

"Do you practice fairy arts?" There was no surprise in the gentle female voice of Huozhu.

As long as people who know the three holy places are naturally very interested in their celestial arts that are different from the chakra system, but there are very few of them that can be cultivated in the end.

Huolu did not refuse this, and first patiently explained: "If Master Yunting wants to practice, I will not refuse. But please know, Master Yunting, that unlike Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave, the immortal humans in Shibone Forest are not It is not suitable for cultivation. In the past thousand years, only Master Zhujian has successfully cultivated. Even Master Tsunade has to give up after practicing for a period of time. Because the process of practicing immortal art is also full of dangers, if you are not careful, you will be killed. You will be assimilated by natural energy and die, please bear this in mind, Lord Yun Ting."

"I understand." Yun Ting said clearly, "Just because Tsunade can\'t practice, doesn\'t mean I can\'t practice."

Although they belong to the same clan, the blood relationship between Yun Ting and Tsunade is not that close. After all, the Senshou clan was so big in the past, and there were many branches.

To be serious, he and Tsunade, who is a dozen years older than him, are considered to be of the same generation, so they just call him by their first names.

Huo Wu didn\'t care about these, but was surprised by Yun Ting\'s self-confidence: "Oh? Why does Master Yun Ting think so?"

Yunting speaks with facts.

I saw him clap his hands together eleven times, and in an instant, the ground centered on him was like an earthquake, and one after another, extremely thick trees sprang out one after another.

Soon, with a roaring sound, a large amount of green woodland quickly appeared in the original snow-covered bone forest.

"Senior Zhujian was able to practice the immortal technique of the wet bone forest, presumably because his life force with the wood escape is far superior to others." Yun Ting, standing among the trees, said to himself, "Now I also have the wood escape, so I want to use the immortal technique. The probability of success in cultivation is also greater."

"Wood Dun!" The living slug said with emotion.

At this moment, it looked at Qianju Yunting again, as if through the other party, it saw that old friend who was invincible in the ninja world, but still kind and carefree in character.

"If you say that, Master Yunting can really succeed in cultivating immortal arts." Huo Wu soon came back to his senses and congratulated, "I agree to Master Yunting\'s request. So, should we start practicing immortal arts now?" ?”

Yun Ting was about to agree, but he was paying attention to the time and found that he had been away for a long time, so he changed his words and said: "I won\'t do it today, I have to go back and explain one or two things. Let\'s start tomorrow, and then I will spare some time every day Come to the wet bone forest to learn fairy art, and then I will trouble you."

"It\'s not troublesome, if Master Yunting is here, it can just relieve my boredom." Huolu cheered.

"Oh? Tsunade doesn\'t come often?" Yun Ting asked curiously.

Live slug: "For Master Tsunade, more time should be spent on drinking and gambling. Even if you come to the wet bone forest, most of the reasons are to avoid the creditor\'s recovery."

Uh~ This is really in line with Tsunade\'s style.

Just the outstanding bills with Tsunade\'s autograph that are sent to the Senshou Clan every year, Yun Ting in the past does not know how many stacks he has received in his memory.

At the beginning, he helped to pay back some of the bills, but when he saw that the outstanding bills were still being delivered, he gave up.

After all, no matter how rich the property left by the Thousand Hands Clan is, it can\'t withstand such squandering by the other party!

For this reason, Tsunade who traveled around, or ran away, sent a letter back to scold him for being unjust.

Now Yun Ting thinks about it again, and just wants to say that what he did was too right.

Also, the elders of the former Thousand Hands Clan did have vision.

He chose to entrust the inheritance of the Thousand Hands Clan to him instead of the more justifiable Tsunade. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In addition to patriarchal thinking, there is also a deep understanding of Tsunade\'s personality.

If it is really going to be handed over to the latter, with the style of that prodigal girl, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Thousand Hands inheritance will disappear.

At this time, Yun Ting couldn\'t help thinking of Kato Shizune who followed Tsunade.

I don\'t know if this little girl is a blessing or a curse, but she followed such an incomprehensible adult at a young age.

Come to think of it, her childhood must have been very colorful.

After a second of silence for him, when Yun Ting was about to tie the seal and leave, he suddenly thought of something, put down his hands and said to Huo:

"By the way, living slug, please help me keep the matter of Mu Dun a secret."

"Are you going to keep it a secret from Tsunade-sama?" Live Slug quickly figured it out.

"Yes, because of certain things right now, the matter of Mu Dun can\'t be exposed. In addition, compared to you telling me directly, I still look forward to her reaction after hearing it inadvertently." Yun Ting\'s face Hanging a gloating smile.

Thinking about it, when Tsunade, who is the grandson of Senju Juma, but did not inherit Mu Dun himself, will definitely have a lot of emotion on his face after hearing the news that he will become Mu Dun.

"Well, even though we are both contractors, since Yunting-sama asked to keep it a secret, I will keep my mouth shut in front of Tsunade-sama. In addition..." At this point, the tone of the living slug is also full of With a look of anticipation, he said, "I also really want to see Tsunade-sama\'s reaction then."

"Don\'t worry! When that day comes, I will specially remind you."

Yun Ting finally said goodbye with a smile, then turned into a cloud of smoke and left from the wet bone forest.

Seeing the former\'s disappearing seat, the live slug slightly moved his body, smiled and said, "What an interesting contractor!"