I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 11: wet bone forest

Naruto Office.

The pungent smell of smoke filled the house.

Yunting does not smoke.

The only person in Konoha who can smoke freely in his office is the highly respected Third Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Protection Plan?"

After receiving the scroll specially handed over by Hiruza Sarutobi, Yunting opened it and looked at it with a complicated expression.

So, is the day finally here?

Looking at the Uzumaki Kushina\'s pregnancy information issued by Konoha Hospital on the scroll, Yun Ting thought of the Nine-Tails Rebellion after October.

Now the countdown has officially started.

Opposite the desk, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said while smoking a pipe: "Kushinna is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, pregnancy is very important to Konoha. After all, during this period of her weakest days, it is hard to guarantee that she will be pregnant." There are hostile forces coming to sabotage, and once Kyuubi gets out of control, it will pose a serious threat to Muye Village."

Yun Ting suppressed his thoughts, and agreed, "Indeed, especially at the time of childbirth, that is also the time when Kyuubi is most likely to lose control."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "At that time, there will be the strictest protection, but before that, the village also needs to arrange more Anbu people to protect Kushina."

"Can you take Jiuxinna to a hidden place where no outsiders will know and hide her to survive the pregnancy? In this way, you can avoid the eyes of the outside world to the greatest extent. At least, it can also make those who harbor evil intentions not know her Let her spend this day with the lowest risk." Yun Ting suddenly thought of an idea.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was a little moved, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he wondered: "With Kushina\'s character, it may be difficult to do it."


Thinking of Naruto\'s reaction if he inherited his mother\'s personality, if he was confined to one place for ten months, Yun Ting shook his head resolutely.

If this is the case, given the nickname "Blood Red Pepper" and the fact that pregnant women are irritable and irritable, Jiu Xinnai may tear up the hiding place in a short time.

Forget it, when he didn\'t say it.

Yunting bowed his head again, and looked at the Anbu protection list selected by Hiruzaru Sarutobi in the lower scroll, among which Kakashi Hatake\'s name happened to be on the list.

"The kid Kakashi was asked by Minato to join after learning about the plan." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who saw it in his eyes, explained, "Minato hopes that Kakashi will have a peaceful mind in the process of guarding Kushina. out of the shadows."

"Witnessing the new life coming to the world bit by bit, for people like Kakashi who is in despair, it is indeed a beam of warm sunshine that can be firmly grasped. The staff arrangement of the third generation is very reasonable, and I have no objection. "

Saying that, Yun Ting signed his own name on the scroll next to Hiruza Sarutobi\'s signature.

It\'s a matter of Inchūriki, even though Hiruzaru Sarutobi has a lot of power, he has to explain this to Yunting, who is the fourth generation.

"In that case, I\'ll tell Anbu to do it." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who picked up the scroll, got up and said goodbye to Yunting.

Soon, only Yunting was left in Hokage\'s office.

Unlike Tsunade Mirai, who is of the same clan as him, there are piles of documents on his desk every day after he became the fifth generation, but now Yunting is a lot lighter.

After quickly processing the few documents, he got up from his seat and looked out the window behind him, but his real attention drifted far, far away.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion was approaching. In fact, he had also thought about whether he would go directly to the Land of Rain and kill him before the black hands behind the scenes arrived.

He didn\'t have this ability before, but now he has the wood escape and has mastered many powerful wood escape secrets in the following time, but he has this confidence.

After all, the current Uchiha Obito is still a ten-year-old boy, even with the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the actual combat ability is very jerky.

This can be seen from Namikaze Minato\'s fight against him, seeing through his ability in a short period of time, and breaking his right arm with one move, and he almost couldn\'t escape.

At this time, Uchiha Obito is far from reaching the level of strength that will stir up the ninja world more than ten years later.

It\'s just that although Yunting\'s idea is good, it is basically impossible to realize it.

Just because of his current status as the Fourth Hokage, he can\'t run around at all.

Not to mention going to the Land of Rain, but just leaving Muye Village, the impact and consequences will be astonishing.

In addition, at this time, Obito Uchiha is not without helpers.

Nagato, who has the eyes of reincarnation, and Konan, whose strength should not be underestimated.

With the three of them working together, Yun Ting can\'t guarantee whether he can come out after entering.

Although he said he knew how to escape, but after all he was not Senshou Zhujian.

Therefore, what Yunting can do now is to continuously improve its strength and at the same time strictly guard against death.

However, no matter how strong the defense is, how effective it is in the face of an enemy who possesses the power of time and space and has the best infiltration ability in the ninja world.

Could it be that he has been by Uzumaki Kushina\'s side all the time.

Stop it!

It is reasonable for a woman to give birth and her husband is by her side.

What was he like there.

I am not the old king next door.

Forget it, there is still time, let\'s think about it later.

Yun Ting rubbed the center of his brows, sat down at the desk again, and took out a long arm scroll that was tied with a thin rope and looked a bit historical in appearance.

This is a contract scroll about psychic beasts that he found by accident when he was looking for the wood escape secret technique in the Thousand Hands Clan\'s collection.

And the object of the contract, UU Kanshu www. uukanshu. It is the wet bone forest slug that has a deep connection with his Thousand Hands Clan and is one of the three holy places in the ninja world.

Spreading out the scrolls, Yunting looked at the surnames of the ninjas who had signed their names one by one.

Apart from the familiar names of the Thousand Hands Clan, there are also the Uzumaki Clan, the Kaguya Clan and so on.

These were undoubtedly the top wealthy ninjas in the ninja world.

However, when faced with the contract of one of the three holy places, they all flocked to it.

We can imagine the charm of wet bone forest.

Yunting continued to scroll the scroll, and nodded knowingly when he saw the names of the two people closest to him as "Thousands of Bashers" and "Thousands of Tsunade".

Turning back again, it is a blank.

Obviously, there is still room for this psychic contract right now.

Without any hesitation, Yun Ting bit his finger, signed his name in the empty column immediately after "Thousand Hands Tsunade", and then pressed the **** fingerprint under "Thousand Hands Yun Ting".

The reason why the first generation of Hokage is powerful is not only Mu Dun, but also the immortal art he cultivated.

Yun Ting, who was inspired to evolve from the first generation of the trumpet to the first generation of the full body, naturally would not miss this opportunity.

He doesn\'t have to worry about not being able to practice.

The reason why Tsunade, who is also a member of the Senshou family, was unable to practice the wet bone forest fairy technique was that her physique could not withstand the corrosive damage that accompanied the practice of the wet bone forest fairy technique.

But Yun Ting is different. Like the first generation, he possesses the Wood Dun, his own life recovery speed is extremely fast, and he is not afraid of the influence of corrosion, which is completely in line with the conditions for practicing the wet bone forest fairy technique.

What\'s more, even if the cultivation is not smooth at that time, isn\'t there still a system?

As long as he has been exposed to the cultivation method of the wet bone forest fairy art, he can exchange the fairy art in the system.

So why not do it!