I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 421: Unfriendly environment

Seeing the big red flower, when he wanted to hug Qin Hao\'s head, Qin Hao seemed to have known it a long time ago, and raised his hand to grab it.

Qin Hao firmly grasped the flower stem of the big red flower.

The petals of the big red flower, like a monster\'s blood bowl, opened and closed frantically, Hua Xin also let out a whining roar, but it was a pity that it couldn\'t escape no matter what it struggled.

"Is this still a plant?"

Qin Hao jabbed the big red flower with a dagger while observing with interest.

The big red flower biting the dagger could release strong acid, and the dagger\'s capital was corroded into pits.

Qin Hao directly cut open a piece of large red flower tissue, and as a result, red juice came out of it. Although it was not blood, it was more red than blood.


The call of the big red flower suddenly changed, and immediately around Qin Hao there was a "swish" sound, like countless pythons walking fast in the grass.

After a while, hundreds of red flowers appeared around Qin Hao.

"Oh, you can also call a companion, study this carefully!"

Qin Hao took out the Nirvana lock, tied the big red flower in his hand, and threw it into the farm warehouse.

This operation seemed to stimulate the big red flowers, and those big red flowers directly bite at Qin Hao and Kuipao.

Suddenly it gave the illusion of a war between humans and pythons.

Qin Hao is about to activate the fire attribute ability to burn the mountain, just think about it, forget it, low-key is very important!

If it really burns up, it won\'t be any different from jumping at someone\'s house.

"Run the hill!"

Under Qin Hao\'s instructions, Xiaoshan launched a magical action and ran for more than ten kilometers with the two behind his back before throwing away the big red flowers.

As a result, I just stopped and encountered a plant full of spikes. The hill just made a little noise, and the red spikes on the tree, like clusters of arrows, suddenly shot towards the hill.

Qin Hao activated the cutting technique and cut off all the spikes that came.

I didn\'t want the big red mushrooms on the ground to fly into the air like jellyfish, releasing red smoke.

Qin Hao itself has good anti-toxicity, and coupled with Titan\'s sixth-level physical strength, the smoke has almost no effect on him.

It doesn\'t matter if the hill is a zombie. Poor Kwai, just like drinking fake wine, started talking nonsense, and even sang "Only Mother in the World is Good"!

You know that Kwai is the second-rank of the Celestial Rank. Although the physical strength has not reached the Titan rank, it is already very strong among humans. She has been recruited. What if it is replaced by someone else?

Qin Hao couldn\'t help but sighed, "The environment outside the Great Wall is really unfriendly to humans!"

Qin Hao took out the poison ivy and gave it to Kwai.

First grabbed a jellyfish mushroom and threw it into the warehouse, and then dug out the two trees that can shoot spikes by themselves.

The whole tree was thrown into the farm warehouse!

Qin Hao is now only a small schoolbag away from those elementary school students who went to the field to collect plant specimens.

After Kwai recovered, the two rode on the hill to continue on their way, and within a short while they heard a "buzzing" sound coming from a distance.

At first Qin Hao thought it was a bee, but the voice grew louder and louder, and in the end he almost caught up with the sound of the helicopter.

Qin Hao jumped up and saw that it was indeed a bee, but it was a bit too big, and the stinger at the tip of the tail was almost as thick as Qin Hao\'s arm. This was going to happen, and it was hard to imagine that sourness!

Qin Hao turned his head and said to Kui: "You are fast, how about going to stun us quietly?"

"Mom, don\'t worry, wrap it on me!"

After Kwai finished speaking, it turned into an electric light and appeared behind a huge bee.

Grasping the wings of a bee with both hands is an electric shock.

The bee stiffened and froze and fell to the ground. Qin Hao rode up the hill, quickly stepped forward, grabbed the bee, trapped it with a thin thread, and prepared to pack it away.

The creatures cannot be stored in the farm warehouse, but fortunately this weight is nothing to Qin Hao, so take it back and study it!

In the next second, Kwai returned to the back of the hill.

"Mom, how am I doing?"


As soon as Qin Hao was about to boast, he noticed something wrong in the surrounding atmosphere. He looked up and saw that the good guy was staring at the two of them with thousands of super-large bees, almost filling the sky.

At this time, Kwai was still nervous and asked, "What is it, is it awesome, I know, hehe!"

Qin Hao swallowed and exploded directly, "Great hammer, Xiaoshan runs quickly!"

More than six hours later, the hill lay on a cave and vomited bubbles.

Qin Hao grinned with a bee stinger that had just been pulled from the **** of the hill.

The bees caught were still there, not only this bee, but also thousands of bees who had chased Qin Hao for more than two hundred miles, all of them blocked outside the cave.

Qin Hao sealed the hole with a string, and the bees could not get in for a while.

It\'s just that the hill is a bit miserable, and the buttocks are swollen and tall, and I can\'t run.

Unexpectedly, the poison of these bees would actually be effective on zombies.

Qin Hao couldn\'t use poison ivy to detoxify the hill. The hill itself is a zombie. It is very likely that the bee poison has not been detoxified, and the hill himself belched first.

Kwai hugged Xiaoshan\'s neck and used Xiaoshan\'s mouth as a bubble machine, having a great time.

Qin Hao first walked to the bee that was **** and tried to control it with the three vines, but it was really successful.

Qin Hao let Sanshengteng control the bees to fly out, to see if he could deceive the bees that were stuck outside.

The three vines were familiar with it for a long time before they completely controlled the body of the bees, sent a signal to the other bees, and led them away.

"I wanted to study it, but it seems we have to find another opportunity to grab another one!"

The hill couldn\'t ride for the time being, and when he took the hill into the farm, Qin Hao greeted Kui to continue on his way.

"Hey, Kwai, when did you have a tail?"

"No, where did I get the tail?"

Qin Hao pointed to the half-meter-long tail hanging from behind Kui\'s **** and said, "Isn\'t it?"

Kwai turned his head to look, and jumped up more than two meters high.

"What is this?"

Aoi grabbed it and pulled it down, but didn\'t move.

"Hehe looks good too, it\'s bright red and pretty."

The corner of Qin Hao\'s mouth twitched, he was joking, Kui actually took it seriously, this girl\'s reflex arc is a bit weird!

What kind of tail is this, it\'s obviously a leech.

Fortunately, Qin Hao likes to cook, and salt is always available in the warehouse.

Take out the table salt and sprinkle it on the leeches. After a while, the leeches will fall off by themselves.

With Aoi\'s recovery ability, the blood holes left by the leech on her **** grew up in a short while.

Qin Hao held this super large leech with curiosity on his face!

It can actually escape, Qin Hao\'s perception, unconsciously lying on the **** of the heavenly powerhouse, if he is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will be sucked up without knowing how he died!

Qin Hao wanted to grab it and study it, but unfortunately there was no place to put it, and the warehouse could not store creatures.

Soon Qin Hao thought of Frozen Gun!