I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 422: Gorefiend Town

Qin Hao took out the freezing gun and directly froze the leeches into ice cubes.

Then the ice cubes were collected into the farm warehouse.

"Haha, I\'m such a genius!"

"Hehe, freezing is never difficult, thawing is the hardest! This system wants to know how the host keeps cells alive during the thawing process."

"Uh! Can\'t I take it back to slice and study? Humph!"

Qin Hao walked out of the cave and continued to walk deeper with Kui.

The two encountered various magical zombies on the road, one of which left a deep impression on Qin Hao.

The zombie had a huge tongue, and the tip of the tongue also had hollow fangs.

In battle, the sticky tongue will shoot out like a frog predator, and after piercing the body of other creatures, the hollow fangs will **** up the prey.

The strength has already surpassed the tyrant. Qin Hao wanted to control it as a thug, but it was a pity that the thing was so ugly, his body was all raised like a toad.

Qin Hao felt that watching it for too long would affect his physical and mental health, so he tightened the zombie fence.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully capturing the Alienated Tyrant. The system calculates that the zombie is equivalent to 200,000 ordinary zombies."

As Qin Hao deepened, such sounds became more and more frequent.

Half an hour later, the smile on Qin Hao\'s face was about to squeeze the mosquitoes to death!

So far, Qin Hao has caught more than 20 million senior zombies, which is equivalent to two blood demons!

Qin Hao suddenly felt that he was not careful and walked into the unguarded vault!

That joy, that excitement, it was almost the same as when Qin Hao had just obtained the system.

The only regret is that the zombies here are more uglier than one, constantly challenging Qin Hao\'s lower aesthetic limit.

Soon Qin Hao discovered the law. The uglier the zombies, the stronger their strength, and the larger the number of zombies converted into ordinary zombies.

Then Qin Hao frowned while cursing Ubi, with the corners of his mouth upturned and grabbing the zombies while smiling.

Kwai is very curious how her mother can have two expressions on one face at the same time!

"Mom, so tired!"

Kui stepped on a zombie with hundreds of hands and feet, like a human centipede, waved his hands and applauded.

Qin Hao took the time to free his right hand and stroked his bangs.


Kui jumped off the zombie, hugged the centipede zombie that was several times larger than him, and threw it towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao had a tacit understanding and waved the Demon Devouring Blade to capture the centipede zombies.

Kui jumped to catch other zombies.

Two people just walked all the way, caught all the way.

I don\'t know how long it took before the two came to a gathering place for blood demons.

Although it was a gathering place for blood demons, it looked more like a human graveyard.

Small hills covered with stones are neatly arranged on both sides of the road.

There is a tombstone in front of each hill, oh, it should be called the house number.

Three Trees Town, XX Street, No. XX, the home of Blood XX.

On the front of each hill, there is a big iron door down.

The Gorefiend remembered the Gorefiend lair he had visited before, either underground or in a cave.

Looking at the town, it is not difficult to infer that the Gorefiend likes dark and humid places.

But in this small town, not all houses are built underground.

At the end of the street is the only shop built on the ground.

The shop was full of blood-stained cages, and a gorefiend was sitting in it, napping.

With a few heads on the chopping board and twisted facial features, it is not difficult to see the pain they suffered at the last moment of their lives.

On the shelf behind the Gorefiend, there were still several sliced ​​human bodies hanging.

The flies buzzed around the flesh and blood, making the uneasy atmosphere in the air more intense.

And in the innermost cages of the store, there are still a few fat people who have been fed.

These humans can\'t speak or think, just like fattening pigs grown up on hormones, as if they have no souls, not even fear.

In the cage next to them, there were three shabby, yellow-faced and skinny people. They were obviously conscious and aware of their situation, and they swayed in the cage in fear.

One of them is the most special, that is a young man in animal skins.

Dark skin, dense muscles, coupled with fierce eyes, give people a savage primitive feeling.

He was younger than Qin Hao, his eyes were watching the surroundings alertly, as if thinking about how to escape.

Qin Hao and Kui hid on a hillside not far from the town, observing everything in the town.

When Qin Hao saw the shop, his fists cracked.

Although he was psychologically prepared, Qin Hao couldn\'t restrain his inner anger when he really saw human beings being sold like pigs, cows and sheep.

At this time, the sun was very strong, and there were not many blood demons on the street. There were only a few blood demons scattered. Go to the only store to buy some blood.

Qin Hao released Nezha and Gourd Little King Kong and let them lie in ambush at both ends of the town to prevent blood demons from escaping from both sides.

Qin Hao put Kui on the electromagnetic cannon again and lay in ambush to the top of the mountain. If a blood demon escaped from the middle of the town, he would bomb it.

After doing this, Qin Hao controlled the cells on his body, splitting and deforming quickly, and in a short while he became a blood demon.

Except that the skin color is not so scarlet, there is almost no obvious difference.

"The mental energy consumption is a bit too much!"

As Qin Hao said, he took out three Amu fruit and ate it, then strode towards the town.

As soon as Qin Hao arrived in the town, he attracted the attention of a few blood demons.

The blood demons didn\'t seem to communicate much, they just took a few glances, and then went to work on their own affairs.

Qin Hao swept around and found that on the edge of the town, a gorefiend was walking towards a big iron gate carrying a human head and a few pieces of flesh and blood.

It\'s relatively remote, and it\'s hard to see it from the positions of a few blood demons.

Qin Hao sneered, "I\'ll take you first!"

Qin Hao hurried away, just before the other party entered the door, and rushed behind him.

The Gorefiend held flesh and blood in one hand, and the door just opened in the other hand, and said with a sense of distance, "This is my private domain, please leave immediately!"

"I belong to the property, you should pay the property fee!"


The Gorefiend was a little confused and couldn\'t understand at all.

Just as the blood demon was stunned, Qin Hao immediately accelerated, strangling the opponent\'s neck, pushing the opponent into the room, and the door slammed shut, as if nothing had happened.

More than ten seconds later, Qin Hao walked out of it with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Hao continues to look for the next target!

Unknowingly, the few blood demons on the street just disappeared.

Qin Hao, who had caught eight blood demons in a row, saw that the street had been cleaned, and walked to the shop.

"Boss, buy meat!"