I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 420: Go outside the Great Wall

Qin Hao promised to give the Blood Demon a great pleasure, and the Blood Demon Hou said all that should not be said.

The Blood Demon Lord in charge of Donghua Continent, named Blood Soul, had already stepped into detachment sixty years ago.

There are tens of millions of blood demons, among which there are more than one hundred thousand blood demons above the sky level.

The blood demons advocate individual bravery, and even social governance is ranked by force.

When Qin Hao heard that it was the same human being who fired the nuclear bomb at Qin and that it was the same human being who made plans for the Gorefiend, his mood was extremely complicated.

"I thought it was a confrontation between two races, but I didn\'t expect it to be a confrontation between two human thoughts in the end!"

At the end of the trial, Qin Hao found a bright spot.

The few blood demons I interrogated had never appeared in the family structure of the blood demons. The first two blood demons said that they had no family members. Qin Hao thought it was a coincidence. Now the blood demons also said that they have no family members!

This is very strange!

"Then how do you breed?"

When Qin Hao asked this, he regretted it. He had encountered exercises between male and female blood demons before, how could this breed?

So Qin Hao quickly added, "Without family members, what about the little blood demon, don\'t you have little blood demon?"

The Blood Demon Hou directly said: "Our Blood Demon Race has no children!"

Qin Hao was even more curious, and Qin Hao understood after the explanation of the blood demon.

It turns out that after the female of the blood demon clan becomes pregnant, they will automatically go to a place called the Palace of Blood Education.

Only pregnant Gorefiend females can enter there, so Gorefiend doesn\'t know what\'s inside.

All I know is that when a pregnant Gorefiend female comes out, the embryo in the body will disappear.

The blood demon female will leave alone, and a new blood demon clan will come out in a few days.

No one knows who the newly emerged blood demons are related to, and the blood demons don\'t care.

Hearing this, Qin Hao\'s mouth twitched.

Gorefiends have no concept of family at all, they only have the relationship between the individual and the entire ethnic group.

"It\'s a bit like an extremely individualistic DINK!"

Qin Hao guessed that the place called Blood Palace should be similar to a public nursery.

In this way, the blood demon baby does not need to grow in the mother\'s stomach, and the blood demon female will not have the weak period of human female pregnancy in October, and then think that the blood demon does not have an early childhood, and it is directly adult!

Qin Hao couldn\'t help but feel shocked. The Blood Palace was like a factory specializing in the production of blood demons!

Qin Hao asked again: "Then how many births do you blood demons have a year!"

This seemingly abnormal problem is related to the increase in the number of blood demons, and Qin Hao couldn\'t help but not care.

The Blood Demon Hou replied: "This mainly depends on the willingness of the blood demon women. In some cases, you can\'t go to the Blood Palace once a year, and some can go hundreds of times a year."

Hearing this, Qin Hao couldn\'t help but explode.

"Damn, this is going to let go, the whole planet can\'t stand it!"

But Qin Hao changed his mind to think, it seems that more blood demons are not all bad things!

A bold idea appeared in Qin Hao\'s mind-to use war to support war.

"Others may not be able to deal with blood demons by fighting and raising wars, but I can do it with the system! As long as there are enough blood demons, I can\'t grow any plants, and I can\'t feed any powerhouses. Give me 10,000 Gorefiend, I also planted a world for you."

Qin Hao was immersed in his own YY ​​world and couldn\'t help himself.

The Blood Demon Hou tremblingly said, "I have already said what I should say, so please give me a happy one!"

Qin Hao realized that he had nothing to ask, so he tightened the zombie fence.

Two hundred and sixty-five blood demons were accounted for, plus the original 41, Qin Hao now has a total of 306.

There is still one hundred and seventy-two from the 478 that ripens the banana fan.

Qin Hao opened the warehouse and only had two bags of organic fertilizer.

With all of them, there are still eighty-one.

The zombies saved these days have been used by Qin Hao to grow super sunflowers and wind chimes.

Although the satellite was destroyed, Qin Hao was still worried that a blood demon would fly in with a nuclear bomb, so the air defense had to catch it.

Although super fireworks can only attack low-altitude targets within 800 meters, they are better than nothing.

Even if it is only used as a street light, it can reduce a lot of energy consumption.

The battle against the blood demon is about to start, the wind chimes can shield the blood demon\'s ability to control the zombies, naturally the more the better.

This was very embarrassing, and Qin Hao couldn\'t even use zombies to get together.

After thinking about it, Qin Hao decided to take a trip to the forbidden area outside the Great Wall.

First, you can collect information on site inspections.

Second, you can catch the blood demons, and the blood demons there are counted in tens of millions.

Qin Hao was excited when he thought about it. The third reason was that Ji Wuyue was gone.

Qin Hao had already told Bailixing the strategy of active defense.

They must not only collect and sort out enemy intelligence, but also analyze the situation to determine the direction of the offensive, and formulate specific tactical arrangements. It will not be done in less than two weeks.

Qin Hao could just seize the gap of these two weeks and go for a run outside.

Qin Hao made up his mind and did what he said. In other people\'s territory, keeping a low profile is the most important thing.

Qin Hao let Nezha and Gourd Xiaojingang enter the farm, and then rushed out of the Great Wall with Kui and Xiaoshan.

Kui\'s electromagnetic gun can be used at critical moments, and Kui\'s speed can be comparable to lightning, and Qin Hao can\'t catch up without using the real dragon\'s body and the power of faith!

Xiaoshan was specially used by Qin Hao to escape.

Xiaoshan reached the northern border in only half a day.

Qin Hao didn\'t alarm anyone, and directly let Xiaoshan use the shrinking space to cross the border.

Inside and outside the border, there are totally two worlds.

Inside the border, in addition to the various cities, you can also see various architectural debris left by humans for hundreds of years.

Outside of the border, there was no trace of any building debris, and the whole sight was dense forest, a completely primitive and barren scene.

"Is this the difference between human activity and no human activity?"

Qin Hao observed the vegetation with great interest.

At first, only scattered plants were red, but the deeper you go, the more red plants will be.

Crimson, scarlet, vermilion, bright red, crimson, water red, orange, apricot, pink, pink, rose...

Qin Hao almost thought he had fallen into the red dye vat.

"No wonder looking down from space, this is a red planet. It turns out to be the cause of these plants!"

Qin Hao was dazzled by the novel plants in front of him. In the hidden place, a big red flower with fangs moved quietly towards Qin Hao.

When it was only five meters away from Qin Hao, the big red flower suddenly accelerated, hitting Qin Hao\'s head, and quickly snapped...