I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 829

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, why did he say so many times?"

LV Hushan sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, this is because he doesn\'t know how many times you have drunk such wine?

Think about it. If he said it three or five times, if you have drunk it more than a dozen times, doesn\'t it mean that the things in the wine have broken out, and what he said is not a lie?

So in order to prove that what he said is true, he can only say as many times as possible.

If you have drunk wine 20 times, he said 50 times, it means you still have 30 times. If you have drunk wine 10 times, there are only 40 times left.

In short, he said that the number of attacks must be more than you drink. I guess in his opinion, you must not have drunk 50 times, so he dared to say so. "

Hearing these words, Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "Lv Hushan, this is nonsense. I can\'t believe you. Do you remember the antidote I said?"

LV Hushan nodded, "Yuan Weiqing, as for the antidote, it\'s nonsense. There\'s no antidote. You see what antidote I take. Isn\'t it all a lie?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "Lv Hushan, don\'t lie to me. The antidote you take is actually a common thing, and this kind of thing is something I don\'t eat. Therefore, we drink the problematic wine together. You eat the antidote there, but I don\'t eat it. In the end, you will never have a problem. I\'m the only one who has a problem.

LV Hushan, I\'ve said everything here. Do you want me to say it clearly? "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan\'s face changed and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

But soon, LV Hushan calmed down and said with a sneer, "Yuan Weiqing, can you really say that ordinary things are antidotes? Is this a little ridiculous?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, it\'s not funny at all. It\'s for this reason that I haven\'t seen you hurting me."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

LV Hushan was annoyed. "Yuan Weiqing, when did I hurt you? I just invited you to drink. I also drank the same wine. How did I hurt you?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, I knew you were such a person. I wouldn\'t buy you a drink if I said anything.

You know, there are so many people who want to drink with me. I didn\'t promise, but I rushed to invite you to drink. As a result, I drank so many problems. Yuan Weiqing, are you worthy of me? "

Hearing these words, Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, should you be worthy of me?

There were so many people who invited me to drink, but I pushed them off and just promised you. Do you know why? It\'s because I want to get closer to you and make the relationship between the two Dharma protectors of millizon in South County closer.

However, I never thought that my kindness was used by you. When you used me to drink with you, you put that kind of thing in the wine. LV Hushan, tell me. Do you deserve my pains? "

LV Hushan sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, I invited you to drink, and I paid for it. In any case, I can\'t be sorry for you?"

Yuan Weiqing turned his head and looked at LV Hushan. He said coldly, "Lv Hushan, it\'s a good thing that you invite me to drink. However, you put that kind of thing in the wine, which is harming me. Do you harm me and want me to thank you?"

LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, as I said, I didn\'t hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. Why don\'t you understand?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, why don\'t I understand? You just want to hurt me. If you don\'t want to hurt me, why do you put that kind of thing in the wine we drink?"

LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, I didn\'t?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, you have. Don\'t you admit it?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, since what I say is useless and you don\'t believe me, what else do you want me to say?"

Yuan Weiqing bit his teeth. "Lv Hushan, I want you to admit that you did put that kind of thing in the wine?"

LV Hushan shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, I haven\'t done it. Why should I admit it?"

Yuan Weiqing turned to look at LV Hushan, gritted his teeth and said, "Lv Hushan, in fact, the kind of thing you smile is also very common, but few people know its effect.

If you let people know that you put something like this in wine, no one will believe that you are hurting me, just laugh it off. "

After hearing these words, the green veins on LV Hushan\'s forehead suddenly jumped, and his face became ugly.

"Yuan Weiqing, what are you talking about? Why don\'t I understand?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, since you won\'t admit it, let me say it?"

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he continued without waiting for LV Hushan to answer his own words.

"Lv Hushan, you look like this thing in the wine, which is the feces of our common wild bears.

The faeces of wild bears are very common. Everyone will walk around when they see them, but only a few people know that although the faeces of wild bears are very common, if they are taken for a long time, as we just said, drinking 50 times of wine will cause problems.

If you take a small amount, it\'s no big problem. That\'s why my friend said that it takes so many times for me to have a problem.

LV Hushan, you have nothing to say this time? "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan was surprised and his face turned blue.

"Yuan Weiqing, how do you know?"

Looking at LV Hushan\'s ugly face, Yuan Weiqing nodded with satisfaction. What he wanted was this effect.

LV Hushan thought she did it secretly, but she never thought she knew the secret.

There is a small amount of reading element in the feces of wild bears, but the content is too small, so it doesn\'t matter even if you eat it, but if you eat more times, there will be big problems.

Generally, no one studies the feces of wild bears, so few people know about it. Only some strange people want to study the feces of wild bears.

Yuan Weiqing is very lucky. His friend has studied this aspect, so he knows that if he eats too much dung of wild bears, there will be problems.

From the standpoint of his friend, he told yuan Weiqing the news and asked him to be on guard as soon as possible and never take it again.

It was precisely because this friend told him the news that Yuan Weiqing knew why he would get drunk very quickly every time after drinking at LV Hushan\'s house. As long as he got home, he would lie down and sleep immediately without any spirit,

At that time, Yuan Weiqing also asked why they were drinking the same wine and had something to do with themselves, while LV Hushan had nothing to do with it?

Yuan Weiqing\'s friend also answered this question, because he is an expert!

His friend said that all things in the world have antidotes, so there are antidotes for the feces of wild bears.

If you want to understand the reading of wild bear feces, you can only eat honey from bees.

Hearing the news, Yuan Weiqing suddenly realized why every time he drank, there would be a dish made of honey.

Most importantly, Yuan Weiqing never eats sweets, so he never eats a dish made of honey.

After knowing this, Yuan Weiqing now thinks about it. It seems that every time LV Hushan drinks a glass of wine, he will eat a dish made of honey, and then he will eat something else.

Thinking of this, Yuan Weiqing understood it all at that time. He was fooled by LV Hushan.

In addition to being angry, Yuan Weiqing was also secretly frightened. If his friend hadn\'t told him the news, I\'m afraid he would be completely finished in a short time.

If he and LV Hushan had drunk three or more times according to the number of times his friend said, and drank more than a dozen times, the wild bear feces should also attack.

At the thought of this, Yuan Weiqing was really scared. If he hadn\'t discovered it long ago and didn\'t know anything, he fell into the plan of the guy in Lvhu mountain!

Yuan Weiqing never thought that there were wild bear dung in the wine he drank in Lvhu mountain.

At the thought of this, Yuan Weiqing felt sick. The most important thing is that LV Hushan also drank the dung of wild bears with himself. It\'s really powerful.

After hearing the news at that time, Yuan Weiqing was furious and wanted to settle accounts with LV Hushan.

But his friend stopped him, because few people knew about this kind of thing. Even if they said it, I\'m afraid not many people believed it. In addition, both of them were Dharma protectors of Nanjun Mi Lei Zong, which had a great impact. Once something went wrong, it would be bad for the whole Nanjun Mi Lei Zong.

It was for various reasons that Yuan Weiqing never told the news.

However, there are too few times to drink in Lvhu mountain in the future, because Yuan Weiqing can\'t eat any delicious food when he thinks of the feces of wild bears.

Most importantly, every time yuan Weiqing drinks wine at LV Hushan\'s home, he will drink a can of honey to relieve the waste of wild bear dung.

Although yuan Weiqing didn\'t want to eat sweets, he could only bite his teeth and drink a can every day for his own safety.

Yuan Weiqing didn\'t debunk this trick. He also understood that even if he said it, I\'m afraid no one would believe it.

So he can only bear it and take the opportunity to retaliate!

Yuan Weiqing looked up at LV Hushan and sneered, "Lv Hushan, up to now, you have nothing to say this time?"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan frowned and knew that Yuan Weiqing knew all his plans, but it was impossible for him to admit it.

"Yuan Weiqing, don\'t you think it\'s funny what you said?

Who knows that the feces of wild bears can have this effect? Yuan Weiqing, if this is true, isn\'t the wild bear a treasure? "

Yuan Weiqing frowned. "Lv Hushan has not been studied, but many people have studied it. However, the role of wild bear feces is too small, so most of them have never used this kind of thing after they have studied it."

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing turned his head and looked at LV Hushan, and suddenly sneered, "Lv Hushan, to tell you the truth, I really admire you. You let me eat the feces of wild bears because you want to harm me.

But even you eat with me, and you still know it. Do you like the taste? "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan\'s face changed, "Yuan Weiqing, what are you talking about? Who likes the taste?"

At this point, LV Hushan\'s tone paused, but then he sneered and continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his words.

"Yuan Weiqing, I see. It turns out that you like the taste. No wonder you\'ll drink it after you know there\'s this kind of thing in the wine. I didn\'t expect you to like it."

Hearing these words, Yuan Weiqing was furious, "Lv Hushan, do you admit it this time? It\'s you who want to use the feces of wild bears to harm me, isn\'t it?"

LV Hushan shook his head. "Yuan Weiqing, it\'s the first time I\'ve heard about the feces of wild bears. Since I don\'t know, how can I harm you with this kind of thing?"

Hearing LV Hushan\'s answer, Yuan Weiqing was stunned and sneered, "Lv Hushan, I really didn\'t expect that now that the evidence is conclusive, you dare to argue. Do you think I don\'t understand your cunning?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan waved his hand, smiled and said, "Yuan Weiqing, I think you misunderstood. I deny it. It\'s because I didn\'t do it, so I deny it.

If I did this, I would certainly stand up and bear it. Do you think I am you? Dare I do it? I tell you, I am definitely not such a person in LV Hushan? "

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing snorted coldly, "Lv Hushan, you don\'t admit it. Don\'t you think I don\'t know?"

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he didn\'t wait for LV Hushan to answer his words, so he snorted coldly and continued to say it himself.

"Lv Hushan, let me ask you, why do you eat dishes made of honey every time you drink? Can you argue this?"

Hearing this question, LV Hushan waved his hand casually and said with a sneer, "Yuan Weiqing, you are still my friend. We drink together so many times. Don\'t you even know that I like sweets?

Yuan Weiqing, don\'t you forget that every time I drink, I eat sweets. Even in ordinary times, I like them very much. Is it wrong that I even want sweets? "

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing was stunned, and then sneered, "Lv Hushan, no one cares about your sweets, but why do you eat after drinking wine? This is not to relieve the effect of wild bear feces. Tell me, what is this for?"

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s question, LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, I really didn\'t expect that even if I had a dessert, you should check it out!"