I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 830

LV Hushan looked at Yuan Weiqing and said with a sneer, "Yuan Weiqing, is it wrong that I am willing to eat sweets after drinking?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, sneered and said, "Lv Hushan, I can\'t control what you want to eat, but I can\'t forgive you for putting something in my wine or the kind of thing you put in."

"Wild bear dung!"

LV Hushan nodded and suddenly smiled, "Yuan Weiqing, if you say so, we haven\'t drank less of this wine these days. I don\'t know. Do you feel anything?"

As soon as he heard about it, Yuan Weiqing immediately felt a little disgusted. "Lv Hushan, stop talking and admit it honestly. Don\'t let me really look down on you."

LV Hushan shook his head and sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, since you know that there are wild bear feces in the wine, why do you come when I invite you to drink?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, this is my business. It has nothing to do with you. I just want to know whether you admit it or not?"

LV Hushan shook his head and said slowly, "Yuan Weiqing, don\'t you see that this thing is like what you said just now. Your friend doesn\'t have any good thoughts?"


Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, what do you mean?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, I mean, your friend is no different from my friend. They all want to harm you and me.

What they say has the same meaning. If you want to provoke the relationship between us, you\'d better let us fight to suit their wishes.

Yuan Weiqing, I don\'t understand. How can you believe such people? "

Yuan Weiqing bit his teeth. "Lv Hushan, do you mean my friend lied to me?"

LV Hushan nodded, "of course, don\'t you see such an obvious thing?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head and suddenly sneered, "Lv Hushan, I know, you want to provoke the relationship between us so that I no longer doubt you, right?"

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s question, LV Hushan shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, how can I think so? I just don\'t want you to be cheated, and after being cheated, I still take each other as friends. This is the last thing I want to see."

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, if you say so, you become a good man, but my friend becomes a bad man, isn\'t that right?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan nodded, "Yuan Weiqing, you\'re right. I\'m a good man. Your friend is not a good man."

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, if you think about it carefully, we are the only Dharma protectors of Milei sect in Nanjun. If we don\'t unite together, can we still unite with outsiders?

Besides, you are Dharma protector and I am Dharma protector. Although your martial arts are high, your status is not higher than me.

In that case, I have no reason to harm you. If you think about it carefully, you hurt me because you want your cousin to be the Dharma protector of mireyzon in South County.

What about me? Do you think there\'s any reason to hurt you?

Yuan Weiqing, I don\'t have a cousin, and I don\'t want anyone to be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun. What\'s my reason to harm you?

If you think about it carefully, why do I always buy you a drink? Isn\'t it just to close the relationship between us?

Since I have this idea, and we drink very well, why should I hurt you?

Yuan Weiqing, if you can give me a reason, I will admit it, but you don\'t even have a reason. How can you let me admit it? "

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, do you need any reason to harm me?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, am I really so bad in your mind? Even if you want to hurt you, don\'t you even need a reason?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, I tell you, no matter what we want to do, there will always be a purpose, or how much benefit we can get.

If I hurt you, tell me what I can get? "

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing frowned. After a while, he suddenly sneered, "Lv Hushan, do you really want me to say your real intention?"

LV Hushan nodded, "Yuan Weiqing, yes, speak up quickly, because I also want to know what my intention is.

Up to now, I haven\'t found any reason to hurt you. What benefits can I get after hurting you? "

After hearing LV Hushan\'s answer, Yuan Weiqing sighed and said slowly, "Lv Hushan, since you want to hear it, I\'ll speak your heart."

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he continued without waiting for LV Hushan to answer his own words.

"Lv Hushan, although my martial arts are higher than yours, in fact, from the beginning, you were very unconvinced with me. You think that although my martial arts are higher than yours, I am stupid and not as smart as you.

The two Dharma protectors of mireyzon in Nanjun should be excluded from the ranking. Of course, you are the first Dharma protector, and I can only be the second Dharma protector.

But, you know, no matter what you think, my martial arts are higher than you, so you want to surpass me.

But you are different from others. You want to surpass me in martial arts, but you don\'t work hard, but you want to harm me.

LV Hushan, through my friend\'s introduction, I have made it clear that the feces of wild bears will not kill people, but will slowly weaken people\'s martial arts.

Of course, to reach the dose of 50 times, this person\'s martial arts will gradually fade.

LV Hushan, now the evidence is true. Do you still want to sophistry? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan suddenly changed his face and quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, you misunderstood. How could I do this?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, weighed it in his heart, and then continued.

"Yuan Weiqing, I really don\'t think so. You and I are Dharma protectors of Milei sect in Nanjun, and your martial arts are high. You can help me at a critical moment. How can I be jealous because your martial arts are higher than me.

Yuan Weiqing, don\'t worry, I will never think so, and I won\'t weaken your martial arts because of this.

To tell you the truth, if I want to surpass you, as long as I practice martial arts well, even if I can\'t surpass you, at least I won\'t be left behind by you. How can I do such a thing?

Yuan Weiqing, please believe me, it can\'t be what you said. "

Hearing LV Hushan\'s explanation, Yuan Weiqing frowned, sneered and said, "Lv Hushan, you really let me down. I\'ve made it so clear, but you\'re still sophistry. Now, I don\'t look down on you just because of your low martial arts. Even your courage, I look down on you. Dare to do it or not. What a hero!"

LV Hushan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Yuan Weiqing, you really misunderstood me. I can\'t do such a thing?

Besides, I\'m just inviting you to drink with us. It\'s your business whether you want to come or not. How can I have the chance to calculate you? "

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, you are blaming me for drinking with you, aren\'t you?"

LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, you said this is too chilling for me. You told me that you said so much, and every sentence was accusing me. Then I asked you, what evidence do you have? Do you believe it with the words your friends said?"


Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing immediately sneered, "Lv Hushan, you want evidence, don\'t you?"

LV Hushan nodded, sighed and said, "Yuan Weiqing, I suspect your friend has ulterior motives and wants to take the opportunity to provoke the relationship between you and me, so I advise you not to believe his words."

Yuan Weiqing waved his hand, "Lv Hushan, do you think I have no other evidence except what my friend said?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan was stunned and asked tentatively, "Yuan Weiqing, do you have any other evidence?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, do you think I\'m as reckless as you?"

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he didn\'t wait for LV Hushan to answer his words, so he snorted coldly and continued to say it himself.

"Lv Hushan, in fact, I\'ve known this for a long time. Many people have heard you mention it among the MI Lei Zong in Nanjun. Do you think they won\'t tell me?"

LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, tell me, what did they say?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "once, I drank with some friends. These friends told me that when you drank too much, you said that although my martial arts were higher than him, I didn\'t have any wisdom.

So you propose to let yourself be the first protector of mireyzon in South County, and I can only be the second protector. "

Yuan Weiqing turned his head to look at LV Hushan and asked with a sneer, "Lv Hushan, you said this, shouldn\'t you deny it?"

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s question, LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, how can I say such a thing? Your martial arts are higher than me. I admit that your wisdom is also better than me. I didn\'t say anything else?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "no, LV Hushan, you said it, and you didn\'t say it to a person.

There were three people drinking with me at that time. All three of them heard you say these words. Do you still want to argue? "


LV Hushan turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing. He asked coldly, "Yuan Weiqing, tell me who these three people are. I\'ll ask them when I go back. What\'s wrong with LV Hushan?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, do you want to revenge them?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan reacted. He quickly waved his hand and said with a strong smile, "Yuan Weiqing, how can it be? I just want to ask them face to face. Why do you talk nonsense?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "Lv Hushan, I\'d better not tell you for their safety. Otherwise, how can I live up to what they said to me?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, you said just now. That\'s what you said when you drank too much. Can you take it seriously?

Besides, if I didn\'t say that at that time, no one would have conclusive evidence? "

Yuan Weiqing shook his head. "Lv Hushan, if I\'m just a person and I don\'t say anything, I think he heard it wrong, but there are three people. They didn\'t hear it at the same time, but they heard you say it respectively. Is there anything wrong?

LV Hushan, I advise you to admit it quickly and save me from looking down on you. "

LV Hushan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bitter smile, "Yuan Weiqing, maybe I said it, but I said it when I drank too much. How can I take it seriously.

Do you say that when you drink too much, you don\'t say something you don\'t even know? "

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, just like your cousin, didn\'t he say something he didn\'t know when he drank too much?

Did your cousin say it was all right, and I just drank too much and said it, and you took it seriously? "

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing frowned. "Lv Hushan, your situation is different from that of my cousin, because when you say these words, you don\'t drink too much, but your truth."

LV Hushan waved his hand and said with a sneer, "Yuan Weiqing, I don\'t understand. Why is what your cousin says nonsense and what I say is true?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "because when you say these words, you don\'t say them when you drink too much. The three of them can prove this."

LV Hushan shook his head. "Yuan Weiqing, how can you believe what you said? You said that three people proved that I said such a thing, and I said that five people proved that you also said such a thing. Did you say it?"

Yuan Weiqing frowned. "Lv Hushan, why do you argue? You still refuse to admit it when so many people testify. I ask you, what\'s the matter before you admit it?"

LV Hushan shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, to tell you the truth, no matter what you say, I won\'t admit it, because I didn\'t say it. Why should I admit it?"

At this point, LV Hushan\'s tone paused, but then he sneered and continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his words.

"What\'s more, your martial arts are really better than me. Even if Nanjun mireyzong chooses the first Dharma protector, he can only choose you. How can he choose me?

Under such circumstances, do you think I can still say that? "

Hearing these words, Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "Lv Hushan, don\'t quibble, because you said more than these words at that time!