I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 828

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan\'s face suddenly changed and asked in a trembling voice, "Yuan Weiqing, what are you talking about? What did I do in the wine? Do you make it clear?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused and gasped a few times, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, I tell you, if you\'re talking nonsense, don\'t blame me for being rude to you, so be careful when you talk to me, okay?"

Hearing that LV Hushan was full of threats, Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, since I\'ve spoken today, I\'m not afraid of anything. Just say it to everyone."

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused, turned his head and looked at LV Hushan with a sneer, "Lv Hushan, you have a very slow reading in this wine. If there is no accident, this reading will happen after drinking this wine about 50 times."


Hearing this, LV Hushan immediately exclaimed, "Yuan Weiqing, you are talking nonsense. How can there be such a thing? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, sneered and said, "Lv Hushan, how can you not know, because this is what you are doing?"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, what did you say? What did I do? Is it wrong for me to invite you to drink?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, I appreciate you for inviting me to drink, but how can I thank you if you read in the wine?"

LV Hushan shook his head. "Yuan Weiqing, it\'s all your nonsense. How can I read in the wine without anything?"

At this point, LV Hushan\'s tone paused, but then he sneered and continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his words.

"Yuan Weiqing, don\'t forget that every time we drink, we use a wine pot. If you say I read in the wine, I ask you, if you read, don\'t I also want to read.

Yuan Weiqing, don\'t you think your statement is ridiculous? "

After hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing shook his head and sneered, "Lv Hushan, you won\'t be so stupid. How can you read it?"

LV Hushan gritted his teeth. "Yuan Weiqing, as I said, we all have wine in the same wine pot. How can you have something, but I have nothing?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "because there is another thing in this world called antidote. Although we all drank the same wine, you ate the antidote, but I didn\'t eat it. In this way, only I have something, but you don\'t have anything."

A cold sweat has seeped from LV Hushan\'s forehead, "Yuan Weiqing, you\'re nonsense. We\'ve been drinking. How can I have the opportunity to take the antidote?"

Yuan Weiqing waved his hand and sighed, "Lv Hushan, you think I don\'t know, but I tell you, in fact, I know everything. I know everything you do. Do you still want to argue?"

LV Hushan bit his teeth and suddenly sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, don\'t talk nonsense there. We drink the same wine, and I haven\'t left on the way. Tell me, when did I take the antidote?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused and said slowly, "Yuan Weiqing, I ask you, have you seen me take the antidote?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "if I don\'t know this kind of reading, I really didn\'t find you taking the antidote, but I know what it is. After reading, I will naturally know when you are taking the antidote.

LV Hushan, I advise you to stop quibbling. It\'s meaningless, because I know everything. If you continue to quibble, I\'m afraid I really despise you.

LV Hushan, the eldest husband dare to do it. Even if you do it, you should admit it bravely. Only in this way can I admire you! "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan shook his head, sneered and said, "Yuan Weiqing, I didn\'t do anything. What do I admit?

Yuan Weiqing, you just said that I was suspicious and thought of everything to the bad. Now it seems that you are the real suspicious person.

I\'m just buying you a drink. It\'s unexpected that you should think of so many.

If I had known this, how could I invite you to drink? Not only did it not benefit from networking, but also got into trouble. Why do you think I have to suffer? "

After hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing sighed and said slowly, "Lv Hushan, if you really invite me to drink, I really appreciate you.

But you have dealt with me in this way. Do you expect me to thank you? "

LV Hushan turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing. He sneered and said, "Yuan Weiqing, I\'ll buy you a drink. Even if you don\'t appreciate me, I won\'t blame you. However, you use this kind of words to prevaricate me. Isn\'t it interesting?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, I treat you to drink so much wine every year. How many gold coins do I spend? Do you know if I can\'t do anything else with these gold coins? Why do I have to invite you to drink?

Yuan Weiqing, to tell you the truth, I just feel that the relationship between us is really bad, so I want to close our relationship by drinking.

There are only two Dharma protectors in the mireyzon of South County. If we don\'t unite again, who can help once something happens? Are you right?

It is for this reason that I often invite you to drink. I hope our relationship can go further and take care of each other in case of danger.

Yuan Weiqing, I know my martial arts are low, so every time I buy you a drink, I pay for it, and I don\'t have any complaints, because I know that if our relationship is close, you will save me at the moment of crisis.

However, now it seems that buying you a drink has not only not brought our relationship closer, but also made you doubt me.

Yuan Weiqing, I really regret it. If only I didn\'t buy you a drink!

If I use these gold coins to invite others to drink, I believe they will appreciate me. At the critical moment, they will also help me. Why do you think I have to suffer? "

After hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing frowned and sighed. After a while, he said slowly.

"Lv Hushan, to tell you the truth, I thought so the first time you invited me to drink.

The two of us are Dharma protectors. If we don\'t help each other, who can we count on?

Therefore, every time you buy me a drink, I won\'t refuse, because I also want to close our relationship.

LV Hushan, although your martial arts are not as good as mine, as the saying goes, one more friend is one more way. I don\'t care about your martial arts. I only care about you.

It is for this reason that I will drink with you. Even if I have other things, I will push off to drink with you. "

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused for a moment, and then continued with a long sigh.

"Lv Hushan, it\'s a pity that my idea is good, but you treat me like this. You really let me down.

If I had known this, even if you bought me a drink, I would never have gone. "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, what are you talking about? Is there anything wrong with me buying you a drink?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Lv Hushan, it\'s certainly right that you invite me to drink, but I\'m afraid it\'s your fault that you read in the wine?"

"I didn\'t!"

Hearing these words, LV Hushan hurriedly explained, "Yuan Weiqing, I have said many times that I didn\'t poison the wine. Why don\'t you believe it?

Yuan Weiqing, tell me. How can I explain it before you believe it? "

Yuan Weiqing shook his head and sneered, "Lv Hushan, how can you explain it? I won\'t believe it, because my friend has seen through your strategy and knows that you read in the wine. How can I believe you?"

"Your friend?"

LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, who is your friend? How does he know about it? How does he know there is reading in the wine?"

Yuan Weiqing turned his head and looked at LV Hushan and said slowly, "Lv Hushan, I won\'t say the name. I\'ll tell you directly that my friend is also from MI leizong in Nanjun, and he specializes in all kinds of medicinal materials. He is a professional in this field, so he knew that there was reading in the wine. You have nothing to say this time?"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan was stunned, then sneered and shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, I just want to ask you, he is your friend, and you believe what he said.

What about me? We have drunk so many times. Why don\'t you believe me? "

Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, I have said that my friend is a professional in this field. Do you think I should believe his words?"

LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, although your friend is a professional, don\'t forget that even if he is professional, he is also a person.

Since he is a man, he may have his own mind. Is it necessarily kind of him to say this to you? "

After hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing\'s face suddenly changed, "Lv Hushan, what do you mean by this? Do you think my friend will cheat me?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, why not? Give me a reason?"

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Weiqing was stunned and said with a sneer, "Lv Hushan, I tell you, we have been good friends for many years and good friends who have nothing to say. Can I believe you when you say such a good friend?"

LV Hushan turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing and sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, we are also friends, but do you think I should believe you?"

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, how can our relationship be compared with me and my friends? I tell you, don\'t talk nonsense. My friends will never cheat me. You must read in the wine. There will be no mistake."

LV Hushan shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, I invited you to drink nine so many times, but in exchange for your doubt, it really chills me!"

Yuan Weiqing suddenly sneered, "Lv Hushan, I have just said that this kind of thing you put in the wine must be drunk 50 times before this kind of reading will happen.

LV Hushan, if I\'m right, you always buy me a drink. That\'s probably why.

In fact, you don\'t have any good ideas. You just want me to drink it 50 times and make it happen as soon as possible.

LV Hushan, am I right? I advise you not to deny it, because it has no meaning. I won\'t believe you, do you understand? "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan frowned, "Yuan Weiqing, according to what you say, won\'t you believe what I say?

Then why should I say it, so you don\'t have to ask me. If you believe it, it\'s up to you. "

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing frowned and said coldly, "Lv Hushan, do you still want to argue?"

LV Hushan shook his head and sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, let me ask you, have you ever heard that it takes 50 times to read?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head. "Although I haven\'t heard of it, it doesn\'t prove that I don\'t have it. What you put into the wine is the reading that can happen 50 times."

LV Hushan waved his hand and sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, these words of your friend can only deceive you. I\'m afraid it\'s impossible to deceive others."

Yuan Weiqing frowned. "Lv Hushan, you mean my friend is lying?"

LV Hushan nodded, "of course, if what he said is not a lie, how can he say such a ridiculous thing?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, do you think I will believe you if you argue like this? Then you say, why did he lie to me?"

Hearing this sentence, LV Hushan was overjoyed and waited for it.

"Yuan Weiqing, do you really want to know why he lied to you?"

Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, I\'d like to hear what you have to say?"

LV Hushan nodded and said slowly, "Yuan Weiqing, since you want to hear, I\'ll tell you that you\'ve been cheated by others, but you still don\'t know."

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, let\'s talk about the first problem. He said that this kind of wine will attack 50 times. Why did you say that?"

Hearing LV Hushan\'s question, Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, because this is the truth, so he would say so!"

LV Hushan shook his head. "Yuan Weiqing, you\'re wrong. The reason why he said so is because he wants you to doubt.

If you think about it, how can you drink wine 50 times in the world to read? This is obviously his lie, but he doesn\'t want to be seen through by you, so he told you so many times. As for 50 times or 80 times, didn\'t he just say it? "