I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 698

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua angrily said, "Zhang Chunren, I have already said that this matter has nothing to do with me. What\'s the use of you looking for me?"

Zhang Chunren sneered, "Yi Tianhua, if you didn\'t sell us false news, how could my son be killed by snow leopard? If you didn\'t deliberately frame our Nanjun Milei sect, how could two senior craftsmen of our Nanjun Milei sect be lost? There are more than a dozen apprentices. Did they provoke you Yi Tianhua?"

At this point, Zhang Chunren\'s tone paused, but then he didn\'t wait for Yi Tianhua to answer his words, so he snorted coldly and continued.

"Yi Tianhua, you\'d better stop sophistry. If you know the truth, quickly promise our conditions, and we can let you go.

If you don\'t agree, don\'t blame us for being rude! "

Yuan Weiqing, who was on the other side of the hall, shouted, "deputy hall leader Zhang, what are you talking about with him? Don\'t you see that Yi Tianhua just doesn\'t want to promise our conditions and wants to leave."

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused and continued, "deputy hall leader Zhang, don\'t let Yi Tianhua leave, otherwise it will be bad for our Nanjun Milei sect. At that time, we will regret it!"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Zhang Chunren bit his teeth, turned to look at Yi Tianhua and shouted, "Yi Tianhua, I\'ll ask you again. Do you agree to my conditions?"

Hearing Zhang Chunren\'s question, Yi Tianhua shook his head with a bitter smile, "Zhang Chunren, I have said that there is a snow leopard on Qingling mountain. I really don\'t know. Naturally, I can\'t promise you anything.

Besides, your requirements are too high. I really can\'t promise you.

I can\'t get five million gold coins anyway. Even if I borrow them, I\'m afraid I can\'t borrow so many gold coins.

Zhang Chunren, if your conditions can be lower, I can guarantee that I will promise you. "

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Xue Zhizheng quickly turned to look at Zhang Chunren and said in a low voice, "deputy hall leader Zhang, I think your conditions are lower. The conditions just now are indeed too high. I think not only Yi Tianhua can\'t afford it, but everyone can\'t afford such high conditions?"

After hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s words, Zhang Chunren hesitated. Then he nodded. Turning to Xue Zhizheng, he asked in a low voice, "hall leader Xue, in your opinion, what conditions should we want?"

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Xue Zhizheng was stunned. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chunren asked him to decide the content of the conditions.

To tell the truth, Xue Zhizheng really didn\'t think about it. However, since Zhang Chunren asked, Xue Zhizheng frowned and thought for a moment, and then said slowly, "Deputy hall leader Zhang, I don\'t think so. You want one million gold coins, while yuan Weiqing wants 500000 gold coins. In this way, Yi Tianhua only needs to take out 1.5 million gold coins to solve this problem.

I think Yi Tianhua should be satisfied with this number. "


As soon as Xue Zhizheng\'s words were finished, Zhang Chunren snapped, "hall leader Xue, have you forgotten what we just said?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused and then continued, "hall leader Xue, the reason why we want him to take out five million gold coins is, on the one hand, as our compensation, and on the other hand, to prevent Yi Tianhua from having bad thoughts on our Nanjun Milei clan.

Hall leader Xue, if you do this, you only need to ask Yi Tianhua to take out 1.5 million gold coins. Then I believe Yi Tianhua should be very satisfied and will agree to our conditions.

However, once things are really like what we just said, Yi Tianhua really has a bad mind for our Nanjun Milei clan, what should we do? "

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Xue Zhi was stunned, then smiled and said, "if Yi Tianhua has bad ideas for us, we can go to him and ask him face to face!"

Zhang Chunren sighed at the speech. "Hall leader Xue, this is what I am most worried about. What if Yi Tianhua leaves here and we can\'t find him again?"

Xue Zhizheng frowned when he heard the speech. "It shouldn\'t be. Anyway, one day Hua is the boss of Nanjun shadow alliance. How can he disappear for no reason."

Zhang Chunren shook his head, "hall leader Xue, I\'m sure that if Yi Tianhua really wants to be bad for us, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued with a cold hum before Xue Zhizheng answered his words.

"Hall leader Xue, for the sake of the safety of mileizong in Nanjun, we must not let Yi Tianhua leave unless Yi Tianhua agrees to our conditions!"

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Xue Zhizheng sighed, "but are the conditions we want too high?"

Zhang Chunren shook his head with a sneer. "If our conditions are not high, isn\'t it easy for Yi Tianhua to promise, so the conditions can\'t be low. We must make Yi Tianhua unable to promise us!"

At this point, Zhang Chunren paused, but then, without waiting for Xue Zhizheng to answer his words, he turned to look at Yi Tianhua, snorted coldly and said loudly.

"Yi Tianhua, you\'d better not have illusions. Promise our conditions quickly, or we\'ll do it."

Hearing Zhang Chunren\'s question, Yi Tianhua sighed, turned his head and looked at Xue Zhizheng, and slowly asked, "hall leader Xue, do you really want to cause a fight between our two sects?"

Xue Zhizheng sighed when he heard Yi Tianhua\'s question. How could he be willing to cause a fight between the two sects?

But now, even if he doesn\'t want to, what can he do?

Zhang Chunren is right. If their conjecture is true, if Fang Yi Tianhua leaves, Nanjun Milei zongke will be in danger.

However, in case of a fight between the two gangs, it is not what Xue Zhi wants to see.

Thinking of this, Xue Zhizheng sighed and said slowly, "Yi Tianhua, now the evidence is conclusive, why do you argue?"

After hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s words, Yi Tianhua frowned, "hall leader Xue, why don\'t I understand what you said? Why is the evidence conclusive and why should I argue?

Hall leader Xue, I don\'t know about this. Should I go back and investigate? Is there anything wrong?

In addition, the terms offered by Zhang Chunren and Yuan Weiqing are simply whimsical. How can I agree?

Hall leader Xue, if it were you, would you promise to compensate five million gold coins for this? "

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Xue Zhizheng sighed again. Naturally, he refused to agree. Five million gold coins are definitely not a small amount. Even if it is him, I\'m afraid he will pay it back for a lifetime!

However, what Zhang Chunren said had to be guarded against, because what he said could really be true.

Xue Zhizheng sighed, "Yi Tianhua, your martial arts are so high. Haven\'t you ever thought of leaving here?"

After hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s words, Yi Tianhua was stunned and shook his head, "hall leader Xue, the things here have not been handled clearly. How can I leave like this?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "hall leader Xue, even if I leave, I will find out what\'s going on here before I leave!"

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s answer, Xue Zhizheng immediately remembered Zhang Chunren\'s words.

Yi Tianhua didn\'t leave immediately, but chose to stay here and reason with everyone. The reason is that Yi Tianhua wanted to annoy everyone, and then took the opportunity to fight everyone.

Xue Zhizheng had to admit that Zhang Chunren was right. Yuan Weiqing and LV Hushan had been hit hard during this period of time before Xue Zhizheng reacted.

Yuan Weiqing was cut off one arm and lost most of his combat effectiveness. Although LV Hushan was slightly injured, he also lost almost half of his combat effectiveness.

The most important thing is that these two people were injured almost all by themselves. It seems that they can\'t blame Yi Tianhua. This is the most terrible place.

Not only that, Yi Tianhua is still reasoning with everyone, and his reasoning is still irritating everyone.

Even Xue Zhizheng himself was angered by Yi Tianhua and hurt by Yi Tianhua.

If it goes on like this, I\'m afraid more and more people will be injured. Once they lose their combat effectiveness by Yi Tianhua, their own side will completely lose the ability to resist.

When Xue Zhizheng hesitated, Zhang Chunren shouted, "Yi Tianhua, stop talking nonsense and tell us whether you agree to our conditions or not?"

Yi Tianhua heard the speech, smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Zhang Chunren, I have said that your conditions are too high. Even if I want to promise, I can\'t realize it!"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s answer, Zhang Chunren sneered, "Yi Tianhua, I don\'t think you can\'t realize it, but you don\'t want to promise our conditions."

Yuan Weiqing shouted, "Yi Tianhua, vice hall leader Zhang is right. If you agree to our conditions, although there are more than five million gold coins, it is definitely not a problem for you.

The reason why you didn\'t promise is that you have ulterior motives and didn\'t want to promise our conditions.

Yi Tianhua, am I right? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Yi Tianhua said angrily, "Yuan Weiqing, you said there were not many five million gold coins. Then I ask you, can you take out five million gold coins?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head and sneered, "Yi Tianhua, how can I compare with you? I\'m just a little person. How can I get five million gold coins.

Yi Tianhua, as the boss of Nanjun shadow alliance, it shouldn\'t be difficult for you to take out five million gold coins? "

After listening to Yuan Weiqing\'s words, Yi Tianhua sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, even if I\'m the boss of Nanjun shadow alliance, five million gold coins are not a small number. How can I take them out?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "Yuan Weiqing, that\'s why I hope your conditions will be lower. Don\'t embarrass me any more?"

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Yuan Weiqing shook his head with a sneer. "Yi Tianhua, I don\'t believe that even if you can\'t get five million gold coins, you can definitely borrow them. With your identity, I believe borrowing five million gold coins is definitely not a problem."

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused and sneered before continuing, "unless you don\'t want to agree to our conditions, you will be able to borrow these five million gold coins."

Yi Tianhua sighed, "five million gold coins, even if I can borrow them, but don\'t I have to pay them back?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused for a moment, but then, he was annoyed and continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, if I borrow these five million gold coins, I\'m afraid I\'ll spend the rest of my life trying to return five million gold coins.

Yuan Weiqing, if it were you, would you? "

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Yi Tianhua, this is not a question of whether you are willing or not, but since you have done something wrong, you must compensate.

Yi Tianhua, if you didn\'t do anything wrong, how could you compensate us.

So, anyway, you have to find a way to borrow these five million gold coins. "

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he looked at his broken arm and said sadly without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his words.

"Yi Tianhua, you said that your five million gold coins would take a long time, but don\'t forget that my martial arts have been destroyed by you, and my broken arm. In the future, I have become a loser. How can I live without these two million gold coins.

Yi Tianhua, and about our deputy hall leader Zhang, he has only one son, but he lost this son because of your false news.

Have you ever thought about what he should do for the rest of his life? Do you know how hard he is without his son\'s company?

Yi Tianhua, you don\'t know anything. You only have the five million gold coins in your eyes. You only know how painful it is to return the five million gold coins, but do you know our pain!

Yi Tianhua, our pain is a hundred times more serious than you. If I can, I\'d rather exchange it with you, let you taste the taste of breaking your arm and losing your only son.

Yi Tianhua, would you like to? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Zhang Chunren also shouted loudly, "Yi Tianhua, Yuan Weiqing is right. You hit us for your own interests. Is there anything wrong with us asking you for five million gold coins?

Yi Tianhua, I advise you to agree to our terms as soon as possible, otherwise, when we start, don\'t blame us for being cruel! "

After hearing what Zhang Chunren and Yuan Weiqing said, Yi Tianhua also sighed in his heart.

Yi Tianhua knew that what they said was true.

Yuan Weiqing lost his arm. Since then, he has become a disabled man and can no longer practice martial arts.

Zhang Chunren lost his only son, Zhang Huosheng, and will spend the rest of his life alone.

Yi Tianhua understands the pain!