I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 699

Although Yi Tianhua understands Zhang Chunren and Yuan Weiqing, it does not prove that she will agree to their conditions.

Zhang Chunren\'s conditions are too harsh. He not only wants a lot of gold coins, but also five years of free news, which is absolutely unacceptable to Yi Tianhua.

And Yuan Weiqing\'s condition. Although he broke his arm, the condition of two million gold coins is appalling. Yi Tianhua will never agree.

What\'s more, in Yi Tianhua\'s view, Yuan Weiqing\'s affair was purely self inflicted. If he didn\'t attack himself, how could he hurt him? In a word, it was yuan Weiqing\'s bad intentions towards himself that caused his arm to be cut off by himself.

Therefore, Yi Tianhua did not intend to be responsible for yuan Weiqing\'s affairs.

If yuan Weiqing is responsible for such things, what\'s the use of higher martial arts? The higher the martial arts, the faster the loss.

It is for these reasons that although Yi Tianhua understands their pain, he will not agree to their conditions, because all these things have nothing to do with himself.

Thinking of this, Yi Tianhua turned to look at Xue Zhizheng and said positively, "hall leader Xue, you have seen all the things that have happened now. I Yi Tianhua can say that these things have nothing to do with me, but you want me to compensate. If the conditions are not harsh, even if I promise you, it doesn\'t matter.

But five million gold coins? "

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "hall leader Xue, can you take out five million gold coins?"

Yi Tianhua\'s voice just fell. Before Xue Zhizheng answered, Zhang Chunren had shouted first.

"Yi Tianhua, stop quibbling. Why should hall leader Xue take five million gold coins? Even if he did, he didn\'t make any mistakes. How could he take these gold coins?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, if you make a mistake now, you should be responsible for your own behavior, and you should pay compensation. Is there anything wrong?"

Yi Tianhua shook his head when he heard the speech. "Zhang Chunren, you keep saying that I made a mistake. Then I ask you, what mistake did I make? I need to compensate you with five million gold coins?"

Before Zhang Chunren answered this time, Yuan Weiqing shouted, "Yi Tianhua, up to now, you are still quibbling. Let me ask you, was my arm hurt by you?"

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, Zhang Huosheng, the only son of our deputy hall leader Zhang, and two senior craftsmen of Milei sect in Nanjun, were they all killed because of you?"

Yi Tianhua shook his head when he heard the speech. "Yuan Weiqing, you don\'t have to say any more. Although I sympathize with you, I didn\'t do it. It has nothing to do with me. Do you understand?"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s answer, Zhang Chunren sighed and burst into tears, "Yi Tianhua, you are too cruel. What hatred does my son Zhang Huosheng have with you? You can be cruel.

Yi Tianhua, are you still human? My son Zhang Huosheng is only 18 years old. Such a young child was killed by the snow leopard because of you.

But you still dare not admit it. You want to stay out of it. Yi Tianhua, I tell you, you have a dream. If you don\'t agree to my conditions today, I will never let you go. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, turned his head to look at Xue Zhizheng, and then continued, "hall leader Xue, please do this?"

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua sighed sadly, "Zhang Chunren, I know you are in pain, but don\'t you want to find out the truth of this matter?"

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Zhang Chunren shook his head with a sneer, "Yi Tianhua, what truth do you still check? Now the evidence is conclusive. You did this. Why should I check?"

Yi Tianhua shook his head. "Zhang Chunren, I\'ve said it many times. This matter really has nothing to do with me. If you say so, I\'d like to ask you what your evidence is and what direct evidence do you have to prove that I did it?"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s question, Zhang Chunren sighed, "Yi Tianhua, since you want to know how I proved that you did it, well, I\'ll tell you, how did I prove that you did it?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, do you think I\'ll hurt my son?"

Yi Tianhua shook his head when he heard the speech. "Who will harm your son? I believe you won\'t harm your son."

Zhang Chunren nodded, "Yi Tianhua, you also admit that I won\'t hurt my son, but there are only two sides in this matter, one is your shadow alliance, and the other is our Nanjun Milei sect.

Since we won\'t harm my son, it must be your South County shadow alliance. Is there anything wrong with this? "

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua was also stunned.

It is because of this that he has never said that mireyzon in South County did this.

Zhang Huosheng is Zhang Chunren\'s son. Anyway, Yi Tianhua will never believe that Zhang Chunren will harm his son.

It is for this reason that Yi Tianhua didn\'t dare to say that it was mireizong of Nanjun who did it.

This is the biggest doubt in Yi Tianhua\'s heart. Since it was not done by Nanjun mi leizong, who did it?

After listening to Yi Tianhua\'s words, Zhang Chunren sneered, "Yi Tianhua, well, I ask you, since it was not made by our Nanjun mi leizong, tell me, who should have done it?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, we are the only two parties involved in this matter. On one hand, we are Nanjun mireyzong, and on the other hand, your Nanjun shadow alliance. Since this matter is not our Nanjun mireyzong, it must have been done by your Nanjun shadow alliance. Is there any doubt?"

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua was stunned and frowned. For a time, he didn\'t know how to answer Zhang Chunren\'s words?

This matter is obvious here. Only two parties are involved. This matter can only be done by the people of these two parties. Since it was not done by mirezong in Nanjun, it must be done by Nanjun shadow alliance.

Everyone will understand this truth!

However, Yi Tianhua is unwilling to believe this fact, because he knows the system of selling news in Nanjun shadow alliance.

Under this system, Yi Tianhua knows how difficult it is to sell a fake message.

For example, in Nanjun shadow alliance, someone wants to make a false news, just like qinglingshan.

He went to explore the terrain, found huolingshi, and then found the snow leopard. Therefore, he wanted to make a false news, so he hid the snow leopard and only spread the news of huolingshi.

However, this can not create a false message, because the South County shadow alliance will send someone to check the authenticity of the message again.

The most important thing is that the candidates for audit are not fixed.

There are many people to investigate and many people to audit.

The biggest problem among them is that no one knows who will audit, and maybe they can guess roughly, because those who audit will take turns to audit.

However, after the person who found huolingshi sent the news back, the matter was not in his charge. As for the person who went to qinglingshan to review the news, I\'m afraid he didn\'t even know who he was. Even if he wanted to collude with the reviewer, he couldn\'t have a chance.

In the discovery message and audit message, the person who finds the message does not know who will audit the message, and the person who reviews the message will not know who found the message.

Under this system, it is impossible to create a false message unless the person who finds the message colludes with the person who reviews the message.

However, the people who review the information and the people who find the information do not know each other. In fact, it is not easy or even impossible for them to collude with each other.

When selling news, it is not easy to sell fake news.

The person who sells information is responsible for selling the information, and after he sells it, someone will review the information he sells to prevent problems.

People who sell information and those who review information are the same as those who find information and those who review information. They don\'t know who sells information and they don\'t know who reviews information.

Therefore, in the process of selling news, it is really difficult or even impossible to create false news.

The person who sells the news will no longer be responsible for this matter after selling the news. He doesn\'t know who will be sent by the alliance, what news, and when the person who reviews the news will review. It\'s almost impossible for him to collude with the person who reviews the news.

It is precisely because under such a strict system, the shadow alliance has never been troubled by false news for so many years.

However, now there is this problem, the problem of false news.

Yi Tianhua is unwilling to believe that under such a strict system, Nanjun shadow alliance can sell false news.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, all the people in the South County shadow alliance have colluded. Only in this way can they sell false news.

The key is, is it possible?

Although Yi Tianhua doesn\'t believe it, he also has some doubts.

Zhang Chunren can\'t harm his son, which shows that they are unlikely to make mistakes on this side.

Is the problem really on your side?

Just one day when he was still hesitant, Zhang Chunren asked impatiently, "Yi Tianhua, do you still want to deny it?"

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua shook his head with a bitter smile, "Zhang Chunren, if this thing is really done by our Nanjun shadow alliance, it will be big."

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused, but then he continued without waiting for Zhang Chunren to answer his own words.

"Zhang Chunren, so I must go back and investigate this matter. In case of a big problem, we can\'t afford it!"

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Zhang Chunren shook his head, "Yi Tianhua, that\'s your business. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to tell you that since you hurt my son, you must make compensation, otherwise, I will never let you go."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, then roared and said, "Yi Tianhua, even if I die with you, I won\'t let you go easily!"

As soon as Zhang Chunren\'s voice fell, Yuan Weiqing shouted, "Yi Tianhua, and me, do you think my arm injury is over? It\'s impossible. I will never promise. If you don\'t solve my problem today, we will all die together."

Looking at their angry appearance, Yi Tianhua sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, I just said that you attacked me first. Can\'t you let me fight back?"

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Yuan Weiqing bit his teeth. "Yi Tianhua, although I attacked you first, don\'t forget, I don\'t want to hurt you, so I will do it to you. If I really want to hurt you, do you think I will do it?"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Yi Tianhua was stunned and shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, no matter what the reason, in short, you attacked me first. If I don\'t fight back, I\'m afraid I\'ll be hurt by you!"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "your arm was hurt in our fair battle, so I won\'t be responsible."

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Yuan Weiqing suddenly sneered, "Yi Tianhua, you don\'t want to be responsible, do you?"

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused and suddenly shouted, "Yi Tianhua, do you think my arm injury is no threat to you, so you don\'t want to be responsible for my injury, right?"

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he shouted without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, I tell you, you are dreaming. Although my arm is hurt, don\'t forget that I have another hand.

Although the martial arts of this hand is not good, there is absolutely no problem throwing thunderbolt pills at you.

Yi Tianhua, do you want to try? What\'s the difference between the thunderbolt pill thrown by my left hand and the thunderbolt pill thrown by my right hand? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s cold laughter, Yi tianhuadun was surprised when he remembered the explosion of thunderbolt pill just now.

Although he was no longer afraid of the attack of thunderbolt pill, he was only able to avoid the attack of thunderbolt pill because of his fast speed.

If he is blown up by a thunderbolt pill, he will still be seriously injured.