I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 697

Yuan Weiqing paused when he said this, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, I tell you, there will never be a problem with our Nanjun mireizong. It must be the problem of your Nanjun shadow alliance. There can be no mistake about this?"

Yi Tianhua shook his head. "Yuan Weiqing, we have a strict shadow alliance system in Nanjun. It is almost impossible to sell a false message.

Since it is impossible, tell me, how can our South County shadow alliance go wrong? "

Yuan Weiqing sneered, pointed to Yi Tianhua and said loudly, "Yi Tianhua, although the system of your Nanjun shadow alliance is strict, the system can\'t control you. It\'s easy for you to sell a fake message.

Yi Tianhua, am I right? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Yi Tianhua sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, I tell you, I won\'t sell fake news. In addition, I tell you, do you think it\'s so easy for me to sell a fake news?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"All the information about the sales of our South County Alliance has special people to give out information, and others can\'t give out information."

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "Yuan Weiqing, there is also me, do you understand?

Even I can\'t sell news to the outside!

So the assumption you said doesn\'t exist, and I can\'t sell fake news. "

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Yuan Weiqing frowned and was about to speak, but Zhang Chunren shouted first.

"Yi Tianhua, it is your Nanjun shadow alliance system that is strict, so you are the only one who can sell false news."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused and continued, "if others want to sell news, they need layers of review. Only you can easily sell news without review.

Yi Tianhua, although it is stipulated that you can\'t sell news, but if you sell news, who will know?

Even if someone checks, you can make a fake file to prove your business.

Yi Tianhua, don\'t say that you can\'t sell news. It\'s much easier for you to sell news than anyone else.

And you must have sold the false news of qinglingshan.

Otherwise, under such a strict system, how could it be possible to sell false news?

Yi Tianhua, everything you said is false, and this news is what you sold.

Now, Yi Tianhua, do you still want to sophistry? "

After listening to Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua frowned and said in a deep voice, "Zhang Chunren, if you say so, you may have done it!"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused, but then he continued without waiting for Zhang Chunren to answer his own words.

"Zhang Chunren, it\'s too easy for you, MI leizong of Nanjun, to cheat on this.

The news we sold you is indeed true, and there is no snow leopard on Qingling mountain. However, you fabricated this news to deceive me! "

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Zhang Chunren was stunned and then angrily said, "Yi Tianhua, you\'re talking nonsense. Why do we want to make a false news? Are we greedy for your 1 million gold coins?

Yi Tianhua, don\'t dream. Do you think I will harm my son for the one million gold coins?

Yi Tianhua, I tell you, only Huosheng has one son, not to mention one million gold coins. Even if you give me three million gold coins and ten million gold coins, I won\'t change my Huosheng!

Also, do you know what a senior craftsman means to our South County mireyzon?

Yi Tianhua, you don\'t understand. We lost too much this time, but we lost so much. How dare you say we faked.

Yi Tianhua, I tell you, if you don\'t agree to my terms, I will never let you leave today. "

Yuan Weiqing also said loudly, "Yi Tianhua, if you don\'t agree to our conditions today, don\'t blame us for being rude."

When Yi Tianhua heard the speech, he turned to look at Xue Zhizheng and said with a bitter smile, "hall leader Xue, I wanted to talk to them well, but look at their appearance. How does it look like talking well?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused and continued, "hall leader Xue, I really don\'t want our two gangs to cause a fight, so I\'ve been discussing with you here.

But if you really don\'t agree, hall leader Xue, I can\'t help it! "

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, before Xue Zhizheng spoke, Yuan Weiqing said first, "Yi Tianhua, can you blame us for saying we don\'t talk well? If you agree to our conditions, why should we talk nonsense with you? It\'s all your fault. Why don\'t you agree to our conditions?"

Yi Tianhua sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, anyway, I just want to tell you that I really can\'t meet you with such high conditions."

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Xue Zhizheng frowned and asked loudly, "Yi Tianhua, tell me, what conditions can you promise?"

Hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s question, Yi Tianhua frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly.

"I can\'t agree to the conditions of hall leader Xue and deputy hall leader Zhang. I can\'t have so many gold coins.

If you change it into a million gold coins, I\'ll go and collect it, which may meet your conditions. "

After hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Xue Zhizheng sighed in his heart, turned to look at Zhang Chunren and asked in a deep voice, "Zhang Chunren, you heard Yi Tianhua\'s words, a million gold coins. How do you feel?"

Hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s question, Zhang Chunren shook his head, "hall leader Xue, don\'t you think a million gold coins are too few?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued without waiting for Xue Zhizheng to answer his own words.

"Hall leader Xue, we have lost so much. Yi Tianhua just wants to give us a million gold coins. Do you think it\'s enough?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren lowered the pressure again and continued, "hall leader Xue, have you forgotten what we just said?

The reason why we want so many conditions, on the one hand, is to get compensation, and on the other hand, is it not to buy time for our South County mireyzon?

Yi Tianhua has ulterior motives. We have to guard against it! "

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Xue Zhizheng was stunned, which reminded him of what he had just said with Zhang Chunren.

If what I just said is true, in order to contain Yi Tianhua, I can\'t do without conditions.

If there were only one million gold coins, Yi Tianhua could collect the gold coins only by collecting them. However, if things were really like what Zhang Chunren said, wouldn\'t it be bad.

Once Yi Tianhua is released, I\'m afraid there will be endless trouble.

Thinking of this, Xue Zhizheng hesitated again.

Seeing this, Zhang Chunren hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "hall leader Xue, don\'t hesitate. We must ask Yi Tianhua to agree to our conditions. Only by doing so can we buy time for our Nanjun mi leizong.

If we guessed wrong, we naturally won\'t take Yi Tianhua. But if we guessed right, at least we have countermeasures so as not to put our Nanjun mireizong in danger. "

Hearing this, Xue Zhizheng bit his teeth and nodded, "OK, I\'ll listen to you!"

Hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s answer, Zhang Chunren sneered at the corners of his mouth, then turned to look at Yi Tianhua and shouted.

"Yi Tianhua, you\'d better promise our terms quickly. If you don\'t promise again, don\'t blame us for doing it to you."

After hearing Zhang Chunren\'s words, Yi Tianhua quickly turned to Yi Tianhua and asked loudly, "hall leader Xue, what conditions do I say, do you agree?"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s words, Xue Zhizheng shook his head with a bitter smile, "Yi Tianhua, the loss on our side is too serious this time. Deputy hall leader Zhang lost his only son Zhang Huosheng, and our Nanjun Milei sect lost two senior craftsmen and more than a dozen apprentices.

I\'m afraid a million gold coins can\'t make up for such a serious loss. "

Speaking of this, Xue Zhizheng paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, I think you\'d better promise. Otherwise, we won\'t be able to go back and talk!"

Hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s answer, Yi Tianhua frowned and said loudly, "hall leader Xue, where is the problem in this matter? We don\'t know. How can I take out so many gold coins to compensate you?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused, but then he continued without waiting for Xue Zhizheng to answer his own words.

"Hall leader Xue, I think it\'s better for me to go back and investigate. After I find out the matter, if the matter is really on the side of our South County shadow alliance, I promise I will give you a satisfactory answer.

Hall leader Xue, what do you think? "

Yi Tianhua\'s voice just fell. Before Xue Zhizheng answered, Zhang Chunren shouted, "Yi Tianhua, you don\'t have to act anymore. We all know your ideas. It\'s meaningless to continue acting. I advise you to promise our conditions as soon as possible, otherwise, we won\'t let you leave today."

Xue Zhizheng also sighed, "Yi Tianhua, I think you can promise. We can\'t help it!"

Yi Tianhua frowned when he heard the speech. "Hall leader Xue, where do you want me to collect so many gold coins for you?"

Zhang Chunren sneered, "Yi Tianhua, it\'s very simple. You can promise us five years of free news, so you can only take out 500000 gold coins!"


As soon as Zhang Chunren\'s words fell, Yi Tianhua flatly refused, "it certainly won\'t work. If I give you five years of free news, if you want to be unfavorable to our Nanjun shadow alliance, wouldn\'t we be bad!"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s answer, Zhang Chunren sneered again, "Yi Tianhua, since you don\'t agree, give me three million gold coins. This thing is over!"

Yi Tianhua smelled the speech, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang Chunren, where do you want me to find three million gold coins for you? Isn\'t it difficult for you?"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s answer, Zhang Chunren shook his head, "Yi Tianhua, I don\'t want to embarrass you. If you have three million gold coins, you can borrow them!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chunren paused, but then he continued without waiting for Yi Tianhua to answer his own words.

"Yi Tianhua, for example, you can borrow from various sects. I believe it\'s absolutely not a problem to borrow 3 million gold coins with your face. Are you right?"

Yi Tianhua quickly shook his head when he heard the speech. "How can I borrow so many gold coins from others? If I don\'t return them, wouldn\'t it be a disgrace!"

Yuan Weiqing suddenly said loudly, "Yi Tianhua, stop talking nonsense. Why can\'t you pay back three million gold coins?"

Speaking of this, Yuan Weiqing paused and sneered before continuing, "Yi Tianhua, don\'t forget, there are not only three million gold coins, but also my two million gold coins. You also want to borrow them?"

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, Yi Tianhua suddenly changed his face, stared at Xue Zhizheng tightly and asked loudly.

"Hall leader Xue, do you want me to borrow five million gold coins?"

Xue Zhizheng smelled the speech and sighed, "Yi Tianhua, if you don\'t have five million gold coins, you can only borrow them!"

After hearing Xue Zhizheng\'s answer, Yi Tianhua was stunned for a long time. He suddenly looked up and laughed. After the laughter, he shouted loudly.

"I can see now. You don\'t really want to negotiate with me, but you\'re making it difficult for me?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tianhua paused, turned to see Xue Zhizheng, and then continued, "hall leader Xue, am I right?"

Xue Zhizheng shook his head when he heard the speech. "Yi Tianhua, it\'s not that we are difficult for you, but that you have caused us too much loss.

So many losses, if you don\'t compensate, it must be inappropriate!

Yi Tianhua, I think you\'d better find a way to borrow these gold coins as soon as possible? "

Zhang Chunren also shouted, "Yi Tianhua, I believe you are sincere. Borrowing these five million gold coins is absolutely no problem.

Yi Tianhua, now I\'ll see if you are sincere? "

Hearing what they said, Yi Tianhua was so angry that the green tendons on his forehead jumped and his teeth clenched. After a long time, he stabilized his mood and asked loudly.

"Zhang Chunren, your son\'s business obviously has nothing to do with us, but you want so many gold coins. What\'s your purpose? It\'s unreasonable!"

Hearing Yi Tianhua\'s question, Zhang Chunren shook his head with a sneer, "Yi Tianhua, what\'s the purpose?"

At this point, Zhang Chunren\'s tone paused, but then he didn\'t wait for Yi Tianhua to answer his words, so he snorted coldly and continued.

"Yi Tianhua, it seems that you should ask yourself this question?"