I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 399

The blade of level 21 contains all the skills of Ge Yunfei, and the effect of three Zengshen pills has almost reached an appalling level.

The sharp air breaking sound made by the blade has been clearly audible.

The blade collides with the leather armor, and the strong fluctuation generated almost makes the whole space move.

In an instant, on the playing field, a piece of flying sand and rocks exploded to four weeks.

Nie Tianhao, sitting on the judging platform, felt the ground tremble slightly when he cut the middle leather armor. With the fluctuation of strong Qi, a hurricane contained a lot of sand and dust.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Nie Tianhao hurriedly ran his true Qi to protect his whole body.

Nevertheless, Nie Tianhao also felt his body shaking backward, like a boat in the sea, sailing in the rough waves.

Seeing the momentum of Ge Yunfei\'s knife, lengyeliu was so frightened that her face turned white and couldn\'t help crying out.

But after a while, the cold night willow felt very strange.

Such a shocking momentum, even Nie Tianhao, who is highly skilled in martial arts, swayed left and right under this momentum.

However, lengyeliu didn\'t feel any fluctuations. She only saw that the sand and dust all over the sky flew around her, but nothing rushed in front of him.

Not only that, even Zhang Meng in front of her was not hurt by the sand.

Cold night Liu opened her eyes blankly and looked at what happened around her.

The sand and stones were flying everywhere. Not only that, but even the seats in the auditorium could not help the hurricane, and they flew away with the hurricane.

On the jury stage, except for the tables and chairs of Nie Tianhao and Zhang Meng, the rest, like a broken kite, were blown away by the hurricane.

After a long time, the terrible momentum slowly disappeared, and Qingming was restored again.

The judges and the audience have also returned to their positions one after another.

Although everyone had no seats to sit, they all stood in their original seats and looked at the competition venue.

After seeing the scene of the competition field, everyone was surprised.

The seats of the audience stage and the jury stage have been blown away by the hurricane, but the table and armor of Tiangong gate, which is closest to this force, have not been blown away by the hurricane.

Seeing this scene, people were even more filled with emotion.

"I didn\'t expect that elder GE\'s martial arts should reach such an amazing level..."

"Yes, an elder\'s current martial arts, I\'m afraid that Jiangnan Tian, the first person in Nanjun, is not necessarily his opponent..."

"Yes, you see, elder GE\'s control is so strong that the tables and equipment on the playing field have not been hurt. It\'s really powerful..."


Han Qingyun was the first to run back. Before the smoke had dissipated, he ran to the competition field against the smoke.

With Ge Yunfei\'s current attack power and Han Qingyun\'s guess, it should have reached level 26.

Under such a powerful attack, this equipment that they estimate can be broken at level 25 should be solved.

However, when Han Qingyun ran to the front of the competition field, he was stunned.

After such a fierce attack, qiqiaomen\'s leather armor made of wild bear\'s skin is still unharmed.

Han Qingyun looked at the leather armor in disbelief. After a long time, he came to ge Yunfei quickly and asked in a trembling voice, "master, how could this happen?"

When Han Qingyun came over, Ge Yunfei was staring at the leather armor in a daze.

After hearing Han Qingyun\'s question, Ge Yunfei reacted. He turned to Han Qingyun and asked blankly, "what did you say?"

Han Qingyun heard the speech and asked again, "master, what happened just now? Why haven\'t you broken the defense of that leather armor!"

Ge Yunfei shook his head sadly, "I don\'t know. Such a powerful blow can\'t break the defense of this armor. It\'s impossible!"

Han Qingyun only felt that his heart was sinking gradually, as if he had fallen into the bottomless abyss again, without a sense of sureness.

Now it has reached level 21 attack, but it still can\'t break the leather armor of Qiqiao gate.

What should I do?

Han Qingyun turned his head and looked at sun Qiaoer and others who had come. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at GE Yunfei. He said coldly.

"Master, the only way to do this is to wait until the next attack and eat the two Zengshen pills."

"Two Zengshen pills!"

Hearing these words, Ge Yunfei\'s heart trembled.

Two Zengshen pills are simple, but they can be equivalent to a life span of 4 years.

Now he has lost 6 years of life, and he has made himself very regretful. If he eats two more Zengshen pills, he will lose 10 years of life.

At the thought of losing 10 years of life, Ge Yunfei only felt cold in his heart.

Seeing that GE Yunfei didn\'t speak, Han Qingyun hurriedly urged, "master, there\'s no other way to think about it now. You can only fight hard and have a chance of life.

If you don\'t eat these two Zengshen pills, I\'m afraid you\'ll never have a chance. "

At this time, sun Qiaoer and others had come to him.

Looking at the still intact leather armor, sun Qiaoer\'s face suddenly brightened.

Seeing the expression on sun Qiaoer\'s face, Han Qingyun suddenly turned up in his heart and was furious.

A small Qiqiao gate forced itself to such a point.

At this time, lengyeliu also came to the people and looked at his leather armor. He leaned against sun Qiaoer and said with a smile, "brother Zhang is still really powerful. Such a strong attack can\'t break the defense of leather armor."

After hearing lengyeliu\'s words, sun Qiaoer\'s face suddenly changed and hurriedly whispered, "go and have a look. It\'s time to test tiangongmen\'s equipment."

Hearing sun Qiaoer\'s orders, Leng Yeliu hurriedly answered and hurried away.

Han Qingyun looked at lengyeliu\'s back in some doubt, suddenly turned his head and looked at sun Qiaoer, angrily.

"Master Sun, you have committed a foul. Do you know that this is a game between Tiangong gate and Qiqiao gate, but you have to ask outsiders to help."

At this point, Han Qingyun turned around and arched his hands at fan Yan and others. He said coldly, "qiqiaomen violated the contract. I don\'t think it\'s necessary to compare this game. Just judge qiqiaomen as a loser."

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, fan Yan and others were stunned.

Sun Qiaoer was angry, "Han sect leader, don\'t talk nonsense. How about our Qiqiao sect breaking the contract? If you don\'t make it clear to me, you\'ll lose the game."

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Han Qingyun sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed to the distant cold night willow, and said in a cold voice.

"Master Sun, stop sophistry. Your daughter has just said that it all depends on the help of Childe Zhang."