I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 400

Han Qingyun continued, "Master Sun, I thought you, as a gang, should have the dignity of a gang. Unexpectedly, you asked an outsider to help. This obviously violates our contract. Isn\'t that your loss?"

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer sneered, "Han sect leader said that he violated the contract. Is it reasonable for you tiangongmen to do these things?"

Speaking of this, sun Qiaoer turned to look at GE Yunfei and said angrily, "you bully our small sect. In order to win the game, you go to the elder of Tiangong gate and want such strong martial arts to win the game. Can you say that you are not afraid of being shamed and laughed by outsiders?"

After hearing sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Qingyun immediately laughed, "Master Sun, Ge Chang is always my master. Do you think he is from Tiangong gate.

Since this competition is between the people of Tiangong gate and the people of Qiqiao gate, what rules have my master violated.

Unless someone can prove that my master is not from Tiangong gate, I naturally have nothing to say.

But who can prove it? "

At this point, Ge Yunfei stretched out his finger, pointed to Zhang Meng, sneered and said, "but this man, Master Sun, tell me, who can prove that he is a man of Qiqiao gate.

And you have admitted that he is not a qiqiaomen man. If he helped you win the game, wouldn\'t it be a breach of contract? "

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun turned to look at fan Yan again and said loudly, "since qiqiaomen violated the rules, it\'s a loss to see them according to the provisions of the contract!"

Sun Qiaoer smelled the speech and said angrily, "Han Qingyun, which eye did you see that childe Zhang helped us?"

Speaking of this, sun Qiaoer turned to look at fan Yan and others and asked loudly, "did you see that childe Zhang helped us?"

Hearing sun Qiaoer\'s question, fan Yan and others looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Fan Yan and others came here because Han Qingyun invited them.

It is reasonable to say that they should favor Han Qingyun. However, there is no basis. Childe Zhang Mingming sits so far away. Even if he wants to help Qiqiao gate, he has no chance!

After all, in the competition venue, there are not only a few judges, but also a large audience watching!

If several of their judges decide that qiqiaomen has lost because of this, once it comes out, their face will be completely lost.

Although I know this, I can\'t roll Han Qingyun\'s face. Therefore, fan Yan and others didn\'t speak. This is the best choice.

Seeing that fan Yan and others didn\'t speak, sun Qiaoer turned her head and looked at Han Qingyun, angrily said, "Han Qingyun, you can\'t compare this game. If you don\'t, it\'s OK. I won\'t force you."

See fan Yan and others didn\'t speak, Han Qingyun\'s irritable mood, you calm down a little.

I\'m afraid I can\'t win the game by this.

Thinking of this, Han Qingyun clenched his teeth and sneered, "why not? I want to see how many levels of attack you Qiqiao door can withstand today."

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer was relieved. She waved to the female disciple of Qiqiao gate who had been waiting for one side for a long time and said loudly, "go and test the equipment of Tiangong gate."

When the female disciple of Qiqiao gate heard the speech, she hurriedly answered and walked towards the equipment of Tiangong gate with a level 21 knife.

The female disciple of Qiqiao sect didn\'t have any powerful attack power. Naturally, there was no need to hide. They all turned and looked in that direction.

Being stared at by so many people, the female disciple of Qiqiao gate was a little nervous. Looking at the equipment of Tiangong gate not far away, she suddenly roared. While running, she raised the knife in her hand.

When she ran close to the front, the female disciple of Tiangong sect roared, raised her knife and cut hard at the equipment.


After the sound, the female disciple of Tiangong gate was shocked back a few steps again.

At the same time, on the playing field, there were several cold breath sucking sounds.

Han Qingyun\'s heart is heavy.

Tiangong gate these equipment made of deep-sea cold iron and refined gold, after the blessing of Lingshui, there were scars again at level 21.

Although it is only a shallow scar, we all know that once there is a scar, the defense will be broken in the next attack.

Cold night Liu saw this trace of scar, but he was overjoyed. He hurried to sun Qiaoer\'s side and said happily.

"Mom, their equipment has been cut out again. The next attack will certainly break the defense of the armor.

Mother, we are going to win! "

Touching her daughter\'s head, sun Qiaoer nodded with a smile!

Han Qingyun\'s face turned white.

He is an expert in making equipment. Naturally, he knows what lengyeliu said is true.

Since there are scars on the equipment, the defense will be broken in the level 22 attack.

Is tiangongmen going to lose?

At the thought of this possibility, Han Qingyun\'s forehead immediately burst into a cold sweat.

This situation is almost inevitable.

The defense of this equipment has reached its limit. It is almost impossible to increase the defense of this equipment again.

Unless you use the precious holy water again!

At the thought of Lingshui, Han Qingyun felt his heart trembling violently.

There are 21 drops of holy water in tiangongmen. Now I have used ten drops of holy water.

In other words, there are only 11 drops of spiritual water left in Tiangong gate, or I\'m afraid there are only 11 drops of spiritual water left in the world.

Use Lingshui again?

This idea kept rolling in Han Qingyun\'s mind, making him feel like he had a headache.

The leader of Tiangong gate, Zhu Jinshi, is now closed to practice. Everything belongs to Han Qingyun.

It is for this reason that Han Qingyun can mobilize Lingshui.

Han Qingyun has used ten drops of spiritual water. He doesn\'t know how to explain it to Zhu Jinshi. If he uses spiritual water again, Han Qingyun doesn\'t know what consequences will happen.

However, Han Qingyun knows very well that if he no longer uses Lingshui, his equipment will certainly break his defense in the next attack. At that time, tiangongmen will lose the game.

This result is unacceptable to Han Qingyun. The most important thing is that he can\'t bear this responsibility.

Deep sea cold iron and refined gold don\'t matter. Although these two materials are very precious, they can always be bought as long as they spend more money.

But Lingshui is different. Tiangongmen has only 21 drops in total. I have used ten drops. If I continue to use it.

At the thought of this question, Han Qingyun felt frightened.

If you no longer use Lingshui, you will lose. If you use Lingshui, there is still a chance of winning.