I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 398

The game continues. Now that both sides have resisted the level 20 attack, we will face the level 21 challenge next.

After eating a Zengshen pill, Ge Yunfei immediately increased his confidence and felt the majestic Qi in his body. Ge Yunfei believed that if he did his best, he would certainly cut a crack in the ground in front of him.

Ge Yunfei doesn\'t believe that with his terrible power, he can\'t break the leather armor of Qiqiao gate.

Ge Yunfei took the level 21 knife handed over by Han Yuchao and walked towards the leather armor of Qiqiao gate.

Ge Yunfei just stopped. Everyone present felt bad and stood up one after another and ran to the distance.

This has never happened before when testing equipment in the competition, so there are no defensive measures added in the competition field.

To be exact, Tiangong gate is playing tricks now. It wants to break the defense of Qiqiao gate with powerful attack.

According to the previous rules, tiangongmen will never be allowed to do so.

But this time, Han Qingyun seized the flaw that was not stated in the contract and wanted to use a powerful attack to break the defense of Qiqiao door leather armor.

Although I know Han Qingyun is cheating, no one can stop this behavior, because this is the moral bottom line and is not written in the contract.

Moreover, when sun Qiaoer protested, Han Qingyun also said that Qiqiao gate can also be tested by powerful people, but unfortunately, Qiqiao gate has no powerful people.

The disciples of Tiangong sect who had surrounded Zhang Meng now saw Ge Yunfei going to fight. They had already fled and hid far away.

In the whole competition field, only Zhang Meng and Nie Tianhao remained in place. The rest, even Yun Jianbai and fan Yan, left their seats and hid in a safe place.

Lengyeliu was scared to death. Ge Yunfei\'s attack just now was very scared. Looking at GE Yunfei\'s state, I\'m afraid this attack is much stronger than last time.

Cold night Liu Meng turned his head, but suddenly saw Zhang Meng living in the same place, but he was overjoyed and hurried to Zhang Meng.

After hiding behind Zhang Meng, Leng Yeliu was a little relieved, patted Zhang Meng on the back and asked softly.

"Can you stop it in front?"

Zhang Meng heard the speech, smiled and nodded, "no problem. I\'m here. I\'m sure I can\'t hurt you."

When Zhang Meng said this sentence, he didn\'t deliberately lower his voice. Nie Tianhao, sitting on the judges\' stage, said with a smile after hearing this sentence.

"I didn\'t expect that childe Zhang\'s accomplishments have reached such a high level at such a young age. It\'s really rare."

Under Ge Yunfei\'s powerful attack, Nie Tianhao\'s martial arts were enough to deal with the impact, so he didn\'t leave.

Yun Jianbai and fan Yan don\'t focus on martial arts, so they need to avoid it.

Han Qingyun, in fact, doesn\'t need to avoid, because with his martial arts, it\'s not difficult to withstand the impact of Ge Yunfei\'s attack.

When Han Qingyun did this, he actually wanted to monitor sun Qiaoer in case sun Qiaoer played any tricks.

Hearing Nie Tianhao\'s question, Zhang Meng smiled, "elder GE has excellent martial arts. It\'s really rare and powerful."

As soon as Zhang Meng finished this sentence, before Nie Tianhao answered, lengyeliu, hiding behind Zhang Meng, said first, "it doesn\'t seem so. I just saw that the old man surnamed Ge took medicine. I heard it can increase his attack power. I don\'t know whether it\'s true or false!"

Ge Yunfei just took medicine. Zhang Meng naturally saw it. He couldn\'t see it. He also heard the conversation of several people.

Through the conversation of several people, Zhang Meng has learned that the kind of medicine Ge Yunfei takes, called Zengshen pill, can indeed increase his personal strength, and the increase is very strong. Every time he takes one Zengshen pill, he can double his power.

Although Zhang Meng was curious that such a small pill could double people\'s strength, he was more concerned that each pill he took would reduce his life expectancy by two years.

So far, Zhang Meng has seen Ge Yunfei eat three Zengshen pills.

Three pills of Zengshen pill is equivalent to reducing the life span of 6 years.

Not only that, Zhang Meng has seen that GE Yunfei is slowly getting old.

At this moment, after hearing lengyeliu\'s words, Zhang Meng turned his head and looked at Nie Tianhao. He asked in some doubt, "great Xia Nie, every time you eat a Zengshen pill, you will reduce your life expectancy by two years.

Elder Ge ate three Zengshen pills in total. According to the reduced life span, it should be reduced by 6 years.

However, why do I feel that elder Ge, after eating these three Zengshen pills, the reduced life span seems to be more than these six years? "

Nie Tianhao was stunned when he heard Zhang Meng\'s question.

He naturally saw this problem. When GE Yunfei took the third pill, his aging speed became too fast.

Ge Yunfei has strong martial arts and deep internal power. Even if he reduces his life by six years, he will never become so old.


Nie Tianhao shook his head with a bitter smile. "I don\'t know. Wait a minute. If fan Yan comes back, ask him. He should be able to understand what\'s going on."

Fan Yan is an expert in Yaowang Pavilion. Naturally, he knows too much about these pharmacological changes than outsiders.

After hearing Nie Tianhao\'s answer, Zhang Meng nodded.

Cold night Liu patted Zhang Meng on the back, but suddenly asked, "Hey, brother Zhang, do you think this old man surnamed Ge can break our leather armor Defense this time?"

After hearing lengyeliu\'s question, Nie Tianhao suddenly moved in his heart and listened attentively.

Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I don\'t think so. Elder GE\'s martial arts are excellent, but this leather armor of your Qiqiao gate is not easy. Even if his attack power is twice as strong, I\'m afraid he can\'t break the defense of this leather armor."

Hearing Zhang Meng\'s words, lengyeliu sighed with relief and said with a smile, "I\'m much relieved to hear you say that. Old man Ge is really frightening people like this. I\'m afraid he will break our leather armor."

After listening to lengyeliu\'s words, Zhang Meng smiled and shook his head, "it doesn\'t matter. I can assure you that they can\'t break the leather armor of your Qiqiao door."

Hearing Zhang Meng\'s promise, lengyeliu smiled sweetly, "thank you, brother Zhang!"

Nie Tianhao on one side, after hearing the two people\'s dialogue, his heart suddenly jumped wildly, and an idea rose from his heart.

Is it really the reason for the young man that the leather armor of Qiqiao gate has such terrible defense?

According to Nie Tianhao\'s guess, Qiqiao sect, a small sect, can never make such terrible equipment, which is Nie Tianhao\'s doubt.