I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 352

Han Qingyun looked at sun Qiaoer and suddenly smiled.

"Master Sun, you look nervous!"

Hearing Han Qingyun\'s question, sun Qiaoer turned her head and said, "it\'s a little hot, it\'s really a little hot here!"

After hearing sun Qiaoer\'s answer, Han Qingyun nodded, smiled and said.

"Master Sun, what are your plans after this competition?"

Sun Qiaoer was stunned when she heard the speech. She looked at Han Qingyun with some doubts. "Han sect leader, what do you mean?"

Han Qingyun smiled, "what I want to say, Master Sun should understand!"

Sun Qiaoer shook her head, "I don\'t understand. If you have anything to say, master Han, just say it."

Han Qingyun heard the speech, coughed lightly and said with a smile, "what I want to say is that after the game, Qiqiao gate has become Tiangong gate!"

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer\'s face changed and said faintly, "Han sect leader, the game hasn\'t started yet. It\'s too early for you to say this!"

Han Qingyun shook his head, waved his hand and said, "it\'s not early, it\'s not early at all. I just want to tell the fact to master sun as soon as possible. What luck does Master Sun have?"

Sun Qiaoer sneered at the speech, "then I want to thank sect leader Han."

Han Qingyun nodded with a smile and said slowly, "thank you, that\'s not necessary. I also saw Master Sun worried there, so I can remind him."

Sun Qiaoer shook her head, "Han sect leader, before the game is over, no one knows how to win or lose. Don\'t say such words."

After hearing sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Qingyun waved his hand and leaned against sun Qiaoer. Then he lowered his voice and said.

"Master Sun, to tell you the truth, our equipment for this competition uses deep-sea cold iron as raw materials. Don\'t you know?"

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer was stunned, turned her head to look at Han Qingyun and asked suspiciously, "what do you say, what materials do you use to make equipment, how can I know?"

Han Qingyun shook his head. "Master Sun, don\'t think you don\'t know what you do. I can tell you, I know everything."

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun sneered, "an Jiahui is the younger brother of your second disciple an Hongyu. I think you should have learned from him the materials for making our equipment."

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer was surprised and hurriedly said, "what are you talking about? I don\'t know who an Jiahui is. You\'d better not wrong a good man and let him go."

"Let people go!" Han Qingyun sneered. "An Jiahui, pass out the important secrets of our door. Do you think I can let it out so easily?"

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and hurriedly said, "you let him go quickly. We don\'t know him. He has nothing to do with this matter!"

Han Qingyun shook his head. "Master Sun, why? Since an Jiahui has done such a treacherous thing, you should know that I will never let him go."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and bit his teeth. "Han sect leader, what do you want to do? Can you let him go?"

Hearing sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Qingyun pondered for a moment and said with a smile.

"Master Sun, have you ever thought that when you join Tiangong gate and no one takes care of you, your future life will be very sad?"

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer shook her head, "it doesn\'t bother the Han sect leader. What\'s more, the game hasn\'t started yet. It\'s too early to say these words."

At this point, sun Qiaoer\'s tone paused and continued.

"If you tiangongmen lose this game, what you just said is ridiculous."

Han Qingyun waved his hand. "It\'s not funny. It\'s not funny at all. That\'s the truth."

At this point, Han Qingyun paused for a moment, pondered for a moment, and then continued.

"Master Sun, we are all people who make equipment. We are familiar with equipment and materials. I can tell you that in order to make this competition safe, we also used some refined gold brought back from the magic Empire, which greatly increased the defense of deep-sea cold iron.

And what do you use to make equipment?

If I guess right, your best raw material should be the diamond monster\'s skin!

Master Sun, do you think you can overcome my deep-sea cold iron with the skin of a diamond? "

Listen to Han Qingyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer didn\'t defend.

Anyone who makes equipment knows the importance of materials.

The deep-sea cold body itself is extremely hard. Since it is equipped, its defense is amazing. If you add refined gold, its defense will be even more terrible.

Although refined gold cannot deepen the hardness of the equipment, it can increase the toughness. This virtually increases the toughness of the equipment and the defense.

The material for making equipment of Qiqiao gate is really like what Han Qingyun said. The best material they can come up with is nothing more than the skin of a diamond monster.

Unfortunately, even the best diamond strange skin is vulnerable to the cold iron in the deep sea, not to mention the bonus of refined gold.

Seeing sun Qiaoer\'s silence, Han Qingyun pretended to sigh, "Qiaoer, why are you..."

"Shut up!"

Han Qingyun\'s words were interrupted by sun Qiaoer\'s red face before he finished.

"Han sect leader, please pay attention. You didn\'t call qiao\'er\'s name!"

After hearing sun Qiaoer\'s reprimand, Han Qingyun blushed.

Just now was only the first step of his test. If he called sun Qiaoer and the other party didn\'t care, he would carry out the second step.

Since Sun Qiaoer didn\'t allow him to call this name, he had to find another way.

Han Qingyun waved his hand. "I\'m sorry, sect leader Sun. I made a slip of the tongue just now. Please forgive me."

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun said with a smile after a little meditation, "it\'s mainly because our sect leader is worried about the safety of sect leader Sun. We\'ll be frank for a moment. Please forgive me for the mistake."

Seeing Han Qingyun apologized, sun Qiaoer\'s shame weakened a little. He said positively, "Han sect leader, you are the sect leader of Tiangong sect. Don\'t talk to me like this in the future."

Han Qingyun nodded, smiled and said, "Master Sun, in fact, you\'ve seen it. In the future, everyone is from Tiangong gate. Why do you divide each other?"

In the last sentence, Han Qingyun deliberately increased a little, hoping to attract sun Qiaoer\'s attention.

Sure enough, as soon as Han Qingyun\'s voice fell, sun Qiaoer\'s face turned red again and angrily said, "Han sect leader, why do you say that?"

Han Qingyun shook his head when he heard the speech. "Master Sun, am I wrong? Did you forget the rules of our game?

If Qiqiao gate fails, it will be attributed to Tiangong gate.

When Qiqiao gate returns to Tiangong gate, isn\'t it just a family, regardless of each other? "