I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 353

Sun Qiaoer was furious when she heard the speech, "you can\'t think about it?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Qingyun sneered, "Master Sun, you were also present when we made the rules. Do you want to go back so soon?"

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun paused and continued, "Master Sun, even if you want to go back, do you think you can go back in front of so many people?"

When sun Qiaoer heard the speech, she was in a hurry, but when she made the rules, she did participate. For a time, she was so angry that she couldn\'t speak.

Seeing that sun Qiaoer didn\'t answer, Han Qingyun said again, "you Qiqiao gate is a female. If you become the door of Tiangong gate in the future, if no one takes care of you, I\'m afraid..."

Although Han Qingyun\'s words were not finished, sun Qiaoer also understood that what he said was absolutely true.

Ninety percent of tiangongmen are men, and a group of women from qiqiaomen join tiangongmen. If no one takes care of them, their future life will be really difficult.

If you really lose this competition, you can be sure that qiqiaomen will never be better in the future.

However, it is impossible to make sun Qiaoer give in.

Sun Qiaoer suddenly turned her head and looked at Han Qingyun angrily.

"Han sect leader, what do you want?"

Sun Qiaoer\'s voice was a little loud, and several judges next to him also looked over here.

Seeing this, Han Qingyun hugged the left and right sides and said apologetically, "I\'m so sorry. I discussed something with sect leader sun just now. It\'s a little loud. Don\'t blame it, don\'t blame it."

Sun Qiaoer didn\'t want to make things big. She could only turn her head angrily and ignore Han Qingyun.

Looking at sun Qiaoer with an angry face, the evil fire in Han Qingyun\'s heart was more intense.

I swear in my heart that I must.


With the passage of time, all the people gradually arrived, and the game officially kicked off.

Han Qingyun first stood up and addressed the crowd, saying a lot of useful and useless things. In short, he welcomed everyone and hoped that everyone would witness this moment. In addition, there would be no meaningful words.

After Han Qingyun finished, he introduced several judges to you, and then announced the official start of the competition.


Both sides of the competition entered the competition venue from two directions, that is, the open space between the judges\' seats and the audience.

In this open space, there are two opposite tables, and there is a row of weapon racks next to the table. A total of 10 knives are hung on the weapon racks.

The person who appeared at Tiangong gate was Han Yuchao.

The original candidate for the competition could not be Han Yuchao, but Han Qingyun could only promise under the attack of Han Yuchao\'s nose and tears.

Therefore, Han Yuchao went out on behalf of Tiangong gate.

As the host, Han Yuchao took the lead.

Han Yuchao is extremely handsome. He is dressed in a snow-white gown and holds a gold painted folding fan in his hand. In addition, he is really good-looking. He can be regarded as a handsome childe.

Behind him was a disciple of Tiangong sect, who was holding a golden rectangular box.

One by one, they came to their table. Han Yuchao instructed the disciple to put the box on the table. Then they hugged the people in the audience and shouted.

"The equipment of tiangongmen game has been on the stage."

Next, the people of qiqiaomen came on.

On behalf of qiqiaomen, it is natural that lengyeliu and Zhang Meng are two people.

Lengyeliu, dressed in pink and holding a gray box in his hand, walked side by side with Zhang Meng, came to their table and put the box on the table.

Feeling Han Yuchao\'s style, lengyeliu also hugged his fist and shouted.

"Qiqiaomen came to the competition."

Why did Han Yuchao take the initiative to represent tiangongmen in the competition? That\'s because he has a purpose.

Han Yuchao and lengyeliu stood side by side in front of the crowd.

A white dress is better than snow, and a pink dress is beautiful, which suddenly brightens everyone\'s eyes.

It was at this time that someone suddenly shouted in the back of the audience.

"Good job, young master Han and miss Leng are really a natural couple..."

"Mr. Han and miss Leng are a perfect match..."


Under the leadership of conscientious people, more and more people eat melons. They feel that these two people are really a perfect match, and they can\'t help but echo loudly.

Hearing the voice under the stage, Liu Qi\'s face turned red in the cold night. He turned his head and stared at Han Yuchao angrily.

"Did you do it?"

Unfortunately, the voice under the stage was so loud that it covered up the voice of lengyeliu.

Leng Yeliu stamped his foot fiercely and returned to Zhang Meng.

"Brother Zhang, Han Yuchao must have done this. I can\'t spare him!"

Looking at the people who shouted the most fiercely behind, Zhang Meng smiled to himself. Aren\'t these the doglegs of Han Yuchao that day!

Thinking of the relationship between Tiangong gate and Qiqiao gate, Han Yuchao even wanted to use this method to get cold night willow.

Zhang Meng thought it was ridiculous.

Listening to the cheers from the audience, Han Qingyun was stunned at first, and then his heart was overjoyed.

If the young son of his family takes sun Qiaoer\'s daughter, he is more confident of taking sun Qiaoer.

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun not only didn\'t stop it, but also began to clap his hands.

Sun Qiaoer was so angry that she asked her daughter to play on behalf of Qiqiao gate. The main reason was that she didn\'t want Han Guyun and an Hongyu to know about Zhang Meng, so she let her daughter play.

Where did you think that Han Yuchao used this idea.

When the cheers stopped, Han Qingyun stood up, waved to the audience and said loudly.

"Before the game, let me talk about the rules.

The way of competition is according to the old rules. You see, the knives hanging on the weapon rack are from left to right. Each knife has a handle level.

The higher the level of equipment tolerance, the final winner will be the one. "

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun\'s tone stopped for a moment, turned his head and looked at sun Qiaoer. Then he continued to say loudly.

"In addition, both Tiangong gate and Qiqiao gate also have colorful heads in this competition.

In order to pay attention to the competition, tiangongmen took out the Qiankun tripod, the treasure of the town gate, as a colorful head.

The Qiqiao gate, however, is not as beautiful as the heaven and earth tripod. Therefore, if the Qiqiao gate fails, the Qiqiao gate will fall under the Tiangong gate and take this as a bonus.

Now that the rules have been set. "

Speaking of this, Han Qingyun hugged the judges on the left and right, and then continued.

"Several judges are also invited to supervise and maintain the fairness of the competition."

After hearing Han Qingyun\'s words, several judges stood up one after another and promised loudly that they would be fair.

Several people have excellent martial arts and use some internal power when talking. Although there are a large number of people present, their voice is still clearly heard by all people under the promotion of internal power.