I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 351

Zhang Meng has had a leisurely and happy life these days. He plays in Nanjun city with lengyeliu every day, or he will go to the charming place outside Nanjun city.

Happy time always passes quickly. Unconsciously, it is time for Qiqiao gate and Tiangong gate to compete.


In order to let everyone know that they are fair and not to deceive others, tiangongmen specially invited a luxurious evaluation team to decide the outcome of the game.

Han Qingyun, deputy leader of Tiangong gate, is the main reviewer.

Sun Qiaoer, the leader of Qiqiao sect, is also a judge.

Yun Jianbai, the third disciple of the sword casting sect, also joined the ranks of judges.

Fan Yan, the eighth disciple of Yaowang Pavilion, also took part in the grand occasion regardless of the long journey.

Xia Tianhao, the fifth disciple of Tianjian sect, also came here to join the army of judges.

In this competition, people with enough weight were sent to participate in the large doors around Nanjun city.

Of course, there are some small gangs around Nanjun City, who also came to participate in the victory, but their fame is too small, so they can only sit in the audience.

The reason why Tiangong gate invites so many people to watch is naturally not just to defeat Qiqiao gate.

A small Qiqiao gate, I don\'t know how to use such a big scene.

The main purpose of tiangongmen is to let everyone know that tiangongmen can do what it wants to do.

There are so many sects in the world. Naturally, the sects that specially make equipment can\'t only have Tiangong gate and Qiqiao gate.

If you beat Qiqiao gate this time, it will also be a reminder to other small schools that make equipment.

As long as we easily defeat Qiqiao gate this time, it will be much easier for Tiangong gate to fight against other sects in the future.

Sitting in the middle of the judging platform and looking at the people below, Han Qingyun, the deputy head of Tiangong gate, has a feeling of complacency.

A small Qiqiao gate is nothing in Han Qingyun\'s eyes. It\'s easy to defeat them.

What\'s more, the equipment for this competition is made of deep-sea cold iron. Not only that, but also better materials, which makes the defense of this equipment more terrible.

Han Qingyun became the deputy leader of Tiangong sect. On the one hand, he was the junior brother of Zhu Jinshi, the leader of Tiangong sect. On the other hand, he stood out among many senior brothers and became the only deputy leader because of the climax of his system and technology.

Zhu Jinshi, the leader of Tiangong gate, doesn\'t care much about the affairs in the gate at ordinary times. Then, the power naturally falls into Han Qingyun\'s hands.

So, on the surface, Zhu Jinshi is the leader of Tiangong gate, but in fact, Han Qingyun has the greatest power.


Looking at the characters who came to participate in the competition, sun Qiaoer was a little nervous.

Anyway, Qiqiao gate is just a small sect with dozens of people. She rarely sees such a big scene.

In sun Qiaoer\'s eyes, Yun Jianbai, the third disciple in the sword casting, simply looked up to his existence.

Fan Yan, the eighth disciple of yaowangge, and Nie Tianhao, the fifth disciple of Tianjian sect, surprised sun Qiaoer.

She had heard about the strength of these three people, but she didn\'t expect that they all came to participate in their game today.

There were also those characters sitting in the audience. Sun Qiaoer looked carefully. She didn\'t dare to underestimate everyone.

Because these people are famous people near Nanjun City, either the sect leader or the sect elder. In short, sun Qiaoer has seen that most of these people are taller than her.

In the face of so many big people, sun Qiaoer was a little uneasy.

Although Zhang Meng\'s strength has been tested to prove that his skill really works, now sun Qiaoer is a little skeptical.

These people were invited by tiangongmen.

Tiangong gate invited these big people, naturally because they are sure to defeat Qiqiao gate. Naturally, the purpose is to let these people publicize the strength of Tiangong gate.

The reason why Tiangong gate dares to invite these big people naturally proves that they are absolutely sure that they can defeat Qiqiao gate.

Otherwise, wouldn\'t it be humiliating for these big people to come to tiangongmen.

Deep sea cold iron is one of the best materials in the world. If you use this material to make equipment, you can imagine the defense power of this equipment.

If Zhang Meng did not appear, sun Qiaoer would surrender immediately.

Even if they find the skin of the diamond monster, it is just a slag in front of the cold iron in the deep sea.

Sun Qiaoer once tested that using the best diamond skin can only block level 4 attacks, but it can\'t block level 5 attacks.

Sun Qiaoer can\'t imagine how strong the equipment made of deep-sea cold iron is.

The deep-sea cold iron itself is extremely hard. In addition, it is made with special technology to maximize the defense of deep-sea cold iron.

In the face of such terrible deep-sea cold iron armor, to tell the truth, sun Qiaoer had no idea that he could defeat each other.

Although sun Qiaoer has never seen equipment made of deep-sea cold iron, she guesses that if she tests the level, she may be able to block level 8 attacks at least, or even.

Originally, sun Qiaoer had some confidence in Zhang Meng. When she first came, she was also pleasantly surprised.

However, after seeing so many big people, sun Qiaoer\'s confidence suddenly decreased.

Thinking of this, sun Quaner\'s forehead burst into a cold sweat involuntarily.

At that time, the level 6 weapon was used in the test, that is, Zhang Meng\'s launching skill can definitely resist the attack of level 6 weapons.

However, if childe Zhang breaks out with all his strength, how many levels of weapons will he resist?

No one knows?

Sun Qiaoer felt a little worried and wiped his cold sweat involuntarily.

But her action was clearly seen by Han Qingyun.

Looking at sun Qiaoer\'s nervous appearance, Han Qingyun sneered in his heart.

It\'s ridiculous that a small Qiqiao gate wants to fight Tiangong gate. If this game is not for others, a small Qiqiao gate can kill it several times in minutes.

Looking at sun Qiaoer who kept wiping sweat, Han Qingyun\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

Just now, I only thought that sun Qiaoer was the master of Qiqiao sect. After looking carefully, I found that sun Qiaoer was so beautiful.

Although he is a little older, he still can\'t hide the elegance of the past.

Looking at sun Qiaoer\'s white cheeks, Han Qingyun suddenly remembered that his son had said something about sun Qiaoer\'s daughter.

Thinking of this, Han Qingyun quickly looked away to find the trace of sun Qiaoer\'s daughter.

But it\'s a pity that it\'s not time for the game, and the personnel of both sides haven\'t played yet.

Han Qingyun turned his head in disappointment and looked at sun Qiaoer next to him. He also sighed in his heart.

What a pity for such a beautiful woman!

No, if you beat Qiqiao gate.