I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 333

Seeing that the coachman said nothing, lengyeliu and Zhang Meng had no choice but to get off the carriage and walk in the direction of coming.

Before approaching the scene, Han Yuchao\'s roar sounded in the distance.

"Waste, fool, so many people were run away by both of them.

Look at you. You usually call yourself an expert. Can an expert be pressed by a carriage?

And you two, are you stupid? The carriage dragged you away. Don\'t you know to let go?

And Shen Fei, Shen Da expert, didn\'t you say that you are quite powerful? How can you make yourself like this? I think you are powerful to yourself... "

Listening to Han Yuchao\'s roaring and looking at the miserable situation of his men, lengyeliu almost laughed. Thanks to Zhang Meng\'s quick eyes and quick hands, he covered her mouth and didn\'t let her make a sound.

Hearing Han Yuchao\'s roar and reprimand, several of his men dared not speak, so they could only bow their heads and hang their hands and listen honestly there.

Even Shen Fei drooped his head and looked listless.

I\'ve practiced martial arts for so many years. I didn\'t expect, I really didn\'t expect, I tripped myself.

Sliding so far against the ground is a blessing in misfortune, thanks to the fact that his face is not injured.

Hearing Han Yuchao\'s reprimand, Shen Fei blushed and wished he could find a crack to hide.

People waited for Han Yuchao to reprimand enough, and then whispered, "the girl ran away. What should we do?"

When Han Yuchao heard the speech, his anger, which had subsided, burst out again, "you waste, the girl ran away. What are we still doing here? Go home, fool!"

At last, Han Yuchao almost shouted out with a roar, which frightened the people to turn their heads and hide to the side.

At this time, the two men carrying the diamond monster also came over.

Seeing the diamond monster, Han Yuchao was suddenly in a better mood and sneered, "qiqiaomen wants to build a decent equipment, it is impossible to let go of this diamond."

Zhang Laoqi, who carried the diamond monster, also came forward and said, "childe, since they want to get this diamond monster, we\'ll set a trap for her with this diamond monster. Even if she knows it\'s a trap, I\'m afraid she\'ll have to jump. Young master, are you right?"

After listening to Zhang Laoqi\'s words, Han Yuchao was overjoyed and patted Zhang Laoqi on the shoulder. "Yes, you\'re right. What kind of trap should we set to catch the girl?"

Zhang Laoqi turned his eyes and said with a smile, "in fact, it\'s also simple. As long as we have this diamond monster in hand, and then tell lengyeliu, we\'ll say we\'re waiting for her in the garden in the west of the city. For this diamond monster, even if she knows it\'s a trap, she has to come."

After hearing Zhang Laoqi\'s words, Han Yuchao pondered and laughed up. After the laughter, Han Yuchao said, "cold night willow, Hello, I want to see if you can escape my palm."

While talking, Han Yuchao stretched out his hand and clenched his fist to show his determination.

Seeing this, Zhang Meng fell in cold night Liu\'s ear and asked in a low voice, "they set this trap. Will you go?"

Cold night Liu was stunned when she heard the speech, and then nodded sadly.

Seeing the appearance of lengyeliu, Zhang Meng also sighed in his heart.

Han Yuchao is sure. As long as he has this diamond monster, lengyeliu will never escape his palm.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meng turned to look at lengyeliu and whispered, "can you defeat tiangongmen with this diamond monster?"

Cold night Liu Leng for a moment, then shook his head, "I don\'t know."

After hearing Leng Yeliu\'s answer, Zhang Meng thought about it and whispered, "in that case, let\'s go back first."

Cold night Liu smelled the speech and hurriedly said, "don\'t we steal that diamond?"

Zhang shook his head. "Even if there is that diamond monster, you may not be able to defeat them. Why steal it.

Come on, let\'s go back. "

As he spoke, Zhang Yanzhao lengyeliu and walked back.

Cold night Liu fiercely broke away from Zhang Meng\'s hand and whispered, "don\'t you dare?"

Zhang shook his head. "It\'s not that I dare not, but it\'s useless to steal. Why waste time."

Lengyeliu said with some unhappiness, "you just don\'t dare?"

Zhang Meng not only lost his smile when he heard the speech, "where do you see that I dare not."

Cold night Liu said, "you see Han Yuchao, they have great power, so you don\'t dare."

Zhang Meng was too lazy to argue with lengyeliu. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed lengyeliu again and walked back.

"Well, let me tell you, I have a way to make you win this victory."

Cold night Liu smelled the speech and shook his head, "you lied to me. My mother can\'t help it. What can you do?"

Zhang Meng smiled, "don\'t worry, I really have a way, but I won\'t tell you first."

As they talked, they walked back.

Qiqiao gate is in the east of the city, and they are now in the west of the city. They walk all the way. It takes a lot of time to walk back.

They were also lucky. Before they went far, they found a manned carriage, negotiated the price, and galloped towards Qiqiao gate in the carriage.

Although I took a carriage, it took me nearly an hour and a half to get to the east gate.

After leaving the city, it took some time for the coachman to pull the galloping horse and stop in front of Qiqiao gate.

This time, Liu led the way on a cold night. Naturally, no one stopped Zhang Meng.

They entered the gate of Qiqiao gate and walked towards the backyard.

The courtyard of qiqiaomen is very large. It is divided into two parts. One part is where lengyeliu and Niang Liu live, and the other part is where they make equipment.

The rest, including sun Qiaoer\'s two disciples, had their own homes outside the yard and did not live in the yard.

Lengyeliu led Zhang Meng to the backyard. As soon as he entered the backyard door, he saw a middle-aged woman meet him.

"Miss, why did you come back? My wife is looking for you?"

Cold night Liu answered, asked where sun Qiaoer was, and led Zhang Meng to the living room.


Sun Qiaoer sat here in a daze after dinner.

She\'s thinking about the tiangongmen competition.

So far, although the two sides have not officially competed, lengyeliu actually knows that even if there is no competition in this game, she knows that she must lose in the end.

Originally, this game was unfair. It was not a fair game to compare the defense with leather armor and metal armor.

Everyone knows that as long as it is metal armor, it must be far better than leather armor in defense.

What is the role of leather armor? It is to reduce weight. In addition, wearing epithelial armor will not affect any action force. This is the real effect of leather armor.