I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 332

Hearing the sound of the wind behind him, lengyeliu was pale with fear.

Seeing Han Yuchao\'s eyes just now, lengyeliu understood that Han Yuchao was going to be serious this time. If he didn\'t run, he couldn\'t say what would happen.

Seeing that lengyeliu was thirty or forty meters away from the carriage, Shen Fei jumped in front of him from the air. The next moment, the cold light in Shen Fei\'s hand suddenly appeared, and a long sword stopped in front of lengyeliu.


Seeing Shen Fei blocking in front, it was impossible to stay. Cold night Liu pulled Zhang Meng and rushed directly to the nearby alley.

Shen Fei sneered. He didn\'t want to hurt the two people in front of him. He just needed to stop them.

Shen Fei\'s body soared up again, turned around in the air, and fell in front of lengyeliu and Zhang Meng again.

Cold night Liu exclaimed, pulled Zhang Meng and ran away.

Shen Fei tried hard at his feet again. When he was about to jump into the air, he suddenly found that one of his legs tripped on the other leg. He had fallen forward obliquely, and the strength of his feet broke out at this moment. The whole person slid forward for a distance against the ground like lightning, hit Zhang Meng\'s feet, and then stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, lengyeliu had pulled Zhang Meng and ran to the carriage.

Seeing the fierce chase battle in front of him, the coachman was stunned, and heard the people jumping on the wagon desperately urging him. Then he reacted, waved the whip quickly, and the horse slowly began to run.

At this time, several of Han Yuchao\'s men have caught up.

Several people acted separately. Someone grabbed the carriage at the back and someone went up to the front to stop it.

Looking at someone in front waving to stop, the coachman was just about to hold the horse, but lengyeliu grabbed the whip and beat the horse fiercely. The horse who pulled the car screamed, immediately stepped four hoofs and rushed forward regardless.

The two men of Han Yuchao who stopped in front of the carriage rushed to the carriage, but they just laughed and were not afraid.

Both of them are thieves. They both have good martial arts. Although they can\'t compare with Shen Fei, they are absolutely no worse.

At the moment, seeing the carriage rushing over, they looked at each other and nodded slightly to understand each other\'s thoughts.

Naturally, the two people separated, one left and one right, and grabbed the reins at the same time, so they could stop the carriage.

When they were about to separate, they suddenly felt that their legs were soft and couldn\'t stand anymore. They actually fell in front of the carriage like that.

Seeing that the carriage was getting closer and closer, it was too late to escape. The cold sweat on their foreheads suddenly came out. But they had to bite their teeth and close their eyes to wait for the disaster.

The horse pulling the cart was beaten by lengyeliu and his back hurt. No matter what obstacles in front of him, he jumped over them when he saw someone fall in front of him and his hooves rise.

Although the horse that pulled the cart jumped over, the wheels of the carriage could not jump over. In that way, they pressed over them.



After two shrill screams, the bumpy carriage recovered its smoothness and continued to rush forward.

The two people who stopped the carriage in front were run over by the carriage, and the two people behind couldn\'t stand it.

The two men grabbed the carriage. In fact, they also knew that it was impossible to hold the power of the carriage, that is, they looked behind and didn\'t let lengyeliu run away.

But after they caught the carriage, they suddenly felt that their feet were soft, and they were dragged up by the carriage. They wanted to let go, but their hands could not be loosened, so they could only be dragged forward by the carriage.

The carriage went all the way, and they dragged behind. It was impossible to let go, so they could only scream continuously.

I don\'t know how far they ran. When they felt that their hands were loose, they stopped. But at the moment, they had been dragged black and blue by the carriage.

When Han Yuchao arrived, he thought he would catch lengyeliu, but unexpectedly, he not only didn\'t see his men catch lengyeliu, but saw several of his men lying there moaning constantly.

Shen Fei\'s martial arts are excellent, but he broke out with all his strength. It\'s not light to rub against the ground. The whole dress has been scratched.

And the two people who stopped the carriage were crushed by the carriage.

In the distance, there were two men lying on the ground who couldn\'t move, but kept screaming.

Seeing this scene, Han Yuchao was furious. He looked at the carriage running farther and farther and roared loudly.

"Cold night willow, wait for me."


Seeing that she had escaped from the danger, lengyeliu\'s excited little face turned red, stretched out her hand to hold Zhang Meng and said, "we finally ran out."

Zhang Meng nodded, "we finally ran out."

When he said this, Zhang Meng smiled in his heart. If he hadn\'t helped himself, the little girl would surely fall into Han Yuchao\'s hands today.

Leng Yeliu was happy for only a moment, and then became depressed again. "Unfortunately, it was not easy to have a diamond monster, but Han Yuchao bought it first.


It\'s not easy to find another diamond monster! "

After listening to lengyeliu\'s words, Zhang Meng suddenly moved in his heart. He turned his head and looked at lengyeliu, smiled and said, "in this case, why don\'t we go back and grab the diamond monster back."

Cold night Liu smelled the speech, his eyes lit up, but soon, they dimmed again, shook his head and said, "no, their martial arts are too high, we can\'t beat them!"

Zhang Meng smiled, "why should we fight them? We can..."

While talking, Zhang Meng made a very secret move.

Seeing Zhang Meng\'s action, Leng Yeliu\'s eyes lit up again, "well, let\'s do it. Since Han Yuchao dares to break our good deeds, we\'ll go..."

With these words, lengyeliu also made the same gesture as Zhang Meng.

After they finished this gesture, they looked up and laughed at the same time.

Leng Yeliu turned his head and looked at the coachman, smiled and said, "please turn back. We still have something to do."

After what happened just now, the honest coachman is still frightened. After hearing lengyeliu\'s words, he immediately shook his head, "no, no, don\'t go back."

Leng Yeliu said, "don\'t be afraid. You\'ll be fine with us."

The coachman wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said in a trembling voice, "don\'t embarrass me. I mean I won\'t go back."

Cold night Liu saw that the coachman refused to go back, so he could only say, "shall we give you more money?"

The coachman shook his head again, "I won\'t go back."