I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 334

Everyone knows that if it is used as the main defense equipment, no one will choose leather armor, but metal armor.

However, this time, they competed with leather armor and metal armor.

When sun Qiaoer frowned and thought, the door of the living room was pushed open. Lengyeliu and Zhang Meng came in.

"Mom, what are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Liu is back. My mother wants to ask you, have you found what we want?"

Hearing sun Qiaoer\'s question, lengyeliu shook his head, "No."

Speaking of this, cold night Liu quickly came to sun Qiaoer and angrily said, "originally, Li Jin and his gang in the west of the city hunted a diamond monster. Unfortunately, they were preempted by Han Yuchao and others. It\'s a pity."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech, nodded, and said with some disappointment, "it\'s like this!"

With these words, sun Qiaoer suddenly saw Zhang Meng behind Liu in the cold night and asked suspiciously, "Xiao Liu, who is this man?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Leng Yeliu hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed to Zhang Meng, smiled and said, "Oh, I don\'t know your name yet?"

Zhang Meng heard the speech, smiled and hugged sun Qiaoer. "Under Zhang Meng, he originally wanted to ask Qiqiao men to make equipment instead. I didn\'t expect to encounter such a thing."

After Zhang Meng\'s words, before sun Qiaoer spoke, lengyeliu said first, "Mom, he said he could help us, and people brought him."


When sun Qiaoer heard the speech, she suddenly brightened her eyes and turned to look at Zhang Meng, "can you make equipment?"

Zhang Meng heard the speech and shook his head, "No."

Sun Qiaoer was disappointed and asked again, "childe Zhang has good materials for making equipment?"

Zhang Meng shook his head again, "No."

Seeing Zhang Meng shaking his head again, sun Qiaoer\'s heart, which had some expectations, cooled half again and asked casually.

"Childe Zhang can\'t make equipment and doesn\'t have good materials for making equipment. Then, how does childe Zhang want to help us?"

Hearing sun Qiaoer\'s question, Zhang Meng smiled and said slowly, "Master Sun, I don\'t know something. Can you please tell Master Sun?"

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and nodded, "what\'s up."

Zhang Meng asked, "everyone knows that leather armor is not as strong as metal armor. But why does the grandmaster compete with leather armor and metal armor?

Is Master Sun sure of winning? Will you agree to this competition?

I just don\'t understand this, so I want to ask Lord Sun to tell me. "

After hearing Zhang Meng\'s question, sun Qiaoer pondered for a moment and said slowly, "in fact, this matter will spread out sooner or later. Even if he said it to you, it doesn\'t matter."

Speaking of this, sun Qiaoer\'s tone paused and said the reason for this matter.


Tiangong gate, zhujianzong, Yaowang Pavilion.

These three sects converge on the three most important sects: equipment, weapon and single.

Tiangong gate is the most equipped sect in the Jianghu.

The sword casting sect is mainly to create all kinds of weapon sect doors.

The medicine King\'s Pavilion is the door for refining various pills.

The three main doors are strong, but they are still dissatisfied. They want to make their strength further.

However, the strength of the sect has reached the bottleneck, and new technology must be injected.

The three sects turn their attention to some small sects. They want to absorb these sects and use the technology of these small sects to develop their own sect strength.

The three sects work together to challenge the small sects with the technology they want most.

Of course, these small sects may not choose to fight, but the premise is to join the sect.

In this environment, Qiqiao gate is also unable to resist heaven. Although the conditions proposed by Tiangong gate are unreasonable, there will always be a glimmer of hope.

If Qiqiao gate does not agree to this confrontation condition, Tiangong gate will use extreme means to force Qiqiao gate to obey.

With the strength of a small sect like Qiqiao sect, Tiangong sect wants to deal with them or break them down. It takes minutes.

In order that Qiqiao gate can continue to exist and Tiangong gate can\'t make trouble, sun Qiaoer can only promise this unfair challenge to gain a glimmer of hope of victory.

However, sun Qiaoer also knew that this glimmer of hope was not much worse than not.

It is basically impossible to use leather armor over metal armor.

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s words, Zhang Meng nodded secretly.

He really doesn\'t know why qiqiaomen promised tiangongmen such an unequal competition.

Now he understands that although this competition is still unfair, it is still very fair compared with Tiangong gate\'s secretly making trouble or blatantly bringing down Qiqiao gate.

However, although this matter seems very fair, even if Zhang Meng doesn\'t understand the process of making leather armor, he also knows that Qiqiao gate is absolutely impossible to win.

Thinking of this, Zhang suddenly looked up at sun Qiaoer and asked, "if you get the diamond strange skin, is there a chance to win?"

After hearing Zhang Meng\'s question, sun Qiaoer was stunned and sighed, "I don\'t know. The production technology of Tiangong gate is almost the highest in the Jianghu.

If they try their best to build a good equipment, the defense of this equipment will be amazing. "

Speaking of this, sun Qiaoer sighed again, "to tell you the truth, even if we get the diamond strange skin, we don\'t have much chance to compete with tiangongmen."

As soon as sun Qiaoer\'s voice fell, lengyeliu exclaimed, "Mom, didn\'t you say that as long as we get the diamond monster\'s skin, we have a chance to defeat them?"

Sun Qiaoer shook her head. "There is indeed a chance to defeat them, but the chance is too slim. Moreover, we don\'t need all the materials to make the most perfect equipment."

Leng Yeliu said hurriedly, "Mom, what else do you need? My daughter will find it for you. We must beat them, so we don\'t have to look at the face of Han Yuchao."

Sun Qiaoer lovingly patted lengyeliu and said with a bitter smile, "if it was so easy to get, my mother wouldn\'t be so embarrassed."

Cold night Liu heard the speech and hurriedly asked, "Mom, what materials do you need? Tell me quickly. If you don\'t tell me, how can people know if they can find it?"

Zhang Meng heard the speech and nodded, "yes, sect leader Sun, as long as there is a way to defeat them, you can say it. If we think of a way together, we will always be able to think of a way."

After listening to Zhang Meng\'s words, sun Qiaoer\'s eyes suddenly coagulated and her eyebrows frowned. She subconsciously looked at lengyeliu, and finally turned her eyes back to Zhang Meng and asked coldly.

"Childe Zhang, why did you help us?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Zhang Mengmeng was stunned.