I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 201

Bai Jianmu looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked coldly, "third senior brother, you tell me who else is likely to steal the drawings except ye Xuan?"

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi smiled bitterly. If he knew who stole the drawings, how could he spend so much time with Bai Jianmu.

Although I don\'t want to answer Bai Jianmu\'s question, the master is watching. If I don\'t answer, it must be impossible.

Looking at Sun Xinzheng\'s eyes, Zhang Lezhi understood that the master was eager to know who stole the drawings!

Zhang Lezhi thought in his heart. He suddenly turned around and looked at the Master Sun Xinzheng, hugged his fist and said, "master, the disciple has said, and the disciple doesn\'t know who stole the drawings. This time, please come, that is, I want everyone to discuss who is the most likely person to steal the drawings."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone paused. He thought carefully before he said again.

"Master, in order to find the drawings as soon as possible, I think we can\'t think too much now. We can only distinguish the people who may steal the drawings from those who may not, and then distinguish them.

I think only by doing so can we find the person who stole the drawings as soon as possible! "

At this point, Zhang Lezhi arched his hand to the master again, bowed and said.

"Please allow me to thoroughly check everyone!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a while. Then he turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu, "do you have any better ideas?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words just now, Bai Jianmu has understood what Zhang Lezhi wants to do. He just wants to restore things to the way just now, but this practice is very unfavorable to Bai Jianmu and his group. Therefore, Bai Jianmu will certainly not agree.

But the master watched while he could not interrupt Zhang Lezhi\'s words. He could only listen to Zhang Lezhi\'s words and keep thinking about countermeasures.

At the moment, after hearing the master\'s question, Bai Jianmu, who had long thought of countermeasures, bowed down and replied.

"Master, I don\'t think it\'s right!"

After saying this, Bai Jianmu squinted at Zhang Lezhi, and then continued.

"Shifu, we are brothers. We are all loyal to Shifu and never have any second thoughts. If we check again as we did just now, I\'m afraid it will cause everyone\'s dissatisfaction and lead to bad results. At that time, the gains outweigh the losses!

Therefore, this matter is very important. Please consider it carefully and don\'t act rashly! "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng nodded secretly. At the same time, he had a headache.

Zhang Lezhi is right. His words are very reasonable.

If you want to find the drawings, you should check them as soon as possible and find all suspicious people. Then, distinguish them and strive to finally find the person who stole the drawings.

In this state, this is undoubtedly the best way.

What sun Xinzheng is worried about is that he is afraid that the drawings will fall outside. If that kind of thing really happens, what face does he have to see the master!

Therefore, the drawings must be found as soon as possible without delay!

However, although Zhang Lezhi\'s words are reasonable, Bai Jianmu\'s words are unreasonable!

If you do as Zhang Lezhi said, you will doubt all the disciples, no matter who they are!

If it is the person who really steals the drawings, naturally it deserves it. However, only one of the eight disciples is the person who steals the drawings, which is the most deserving.

However, in addition to the one who stole the drawings, the other seven people suffered a reckless disaster and were doubted.

It must be hard to be suspected. Doing so is bound to chill the disciples who didn\'t steal the drawings.

At that time, even if they find the drawings, these disciples will be dissatisfied and create a gap between teachers and disciples.

Sun Xinzheng knows that once there is a diaphragm, it will never be resolved. Although everyone doesn\'t care on the surface, this diaphragm will never be really resolved. It will only be buried in the most hidden place in his heart and don\'t want to think of it.

However, no matter how deep it is hidden, it will reappear one day.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng hesitated.

I took eight disciples, taught them carefully, and treated them almost as my sons.

However, once his apprentice has a bad idea about himself, it is definitely not what Sun Xin wants to see.

What should I do?

How to solve this problem?

Do you listen to Zhang Lezhi\'s method and immediately start to investigate all the disciples, or do you think of another way as Bai Jianmu said.

These two kinds of thoughts whirled around in sun Xinzheng\'s mind, which made him have a splitting headache.

I can\'t find the drawing. He\'s sorry, master!

If you doubt your disciples, you will make them resent him!

These two results are not what Sun Xin is trying to get!

The master has worked hard to teach himself for so many years, and gave himself the drawings he had spent half his life studying for himself to study.

However, he was so useless that he lost such precious drawings!

If you let the things on the drawing fall outside again, wouldn\'t it be a sin to see the master again!

Drawings must be found!

But can these disciples doubt for no reason?

These disciples in the hall are all people who have been recognized by themselves.

In terms of character and talent, sun Xinzheng was accepted as an apprentice only after careful investigation.

Is it fair for them to doubt them for no reason?

Bai Jianmu, who had been waiting for sun Xinzheng\'s reply, saw the master\'s frown and knew that he had been moved by his words. He couldn\'t help but rejoice. In order to increase his persuasion, Bai Jianmu looked at Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong around him, motioned them to come forward and speak, and then gave the master a fire to make an early decision.

Tang Jian\'an, on the other side, saw Bai Jianmu\'s look at him. He immediately understood it, hurried forward, hugged Sun Xin Zheng who was thinking hard and said loudly.

"Shifu, I think what younger martial brother Bai said is reasonable. We disciples are loyal to Shifu and have no second thoughts. We never want to do anything sorry for Shifu."

At this point, Tang Jian\'an\'s tone paused, which continued with some sadness.

"Master, I think what the third younger martial brother said is wrong.

The drawings are very important. We all know that we not only know, but also catch Ye Xuan who stole the drawings at the first time. However, the third junior brother doesn\'t admit that ye Xuan is the one who stole the drawings, which makes us very helpless.

Not only that, the third younger martial brother even had to investigate us one by one. This is an insult to us. "