I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 202

After Tang Jian\'an said these words, he hugged sun Xinzheng again, "master, the disciples think that the third younger martial brother\'s practice is inappropriate, which makes the martial brothers cold!"

Sun Xinzheng nodded subconsciously after listening to Tang Jian\'an.

What Tang Jian\'an said is actually what he is worried about.

Even if the drawings were found, the disciples were dissatisfied with themselves, which he didn\'t want to see.

Sun Xin was thinking about it. He turned his head to look at Zhang Lezhi and asked, "you heard Tang Jian\'an\'s words, too. Do you have any other ideas?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "Master, since the second senior brother said well, he must have a way to solve this matter. Why don\'t we listen to the second senior brother\'s way!"

Tang Jian\'an\'s face suddenly changed after listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer.

What can he do? His only idea is to involve Zhang Lezhi in this matter as soon as possible, and then everything will be fine.

As for whether the drawings can be found, what does it have to do with Tang Jian\'an.

Even if he finds it, he won\'t get any benefit from Tang Jian\'an!

No good thing, why do you do it!

At the moment, after hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an was shocked. He remembered that if he talked disorderly, he would provoke the matter to himself.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an already felt a little bad. He quickly turned his head and looked at Liu Huarong around him, hoping that he could quickly say a word and lift the crisis.

Liu Huarong didn\'t dare to neglect Tang Jian\'an when he saw that Tang Jian\'an kept winking at him. After all, if Tang Jian\'an collapsed, it wouldn\'t do him any good.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong hurried forward and first saluted the master with a fist. Then he shouted.

"Master, since the Third Elder martial brother begged the master to summon everyone, there must be his way. I think it\'s better to ask the Third Elder martial brother to talk about his own way!"

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, sun Xinzheng also nodded. What Liu Huarong said still makes sense.

Since, since Zhang Lezhi dares to let himself call everyone together, it shows that he must have a way to solve this matter.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng turned his head to look at Zhang Lezhi and said slowly, "you don\'t have to be modest. There are no outsiders here. If you have anything, just say it and discuss it!"

After listening to the master\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head. "Master, my method is the method just now. All people check it one by one to find out the people who may steal the drawings, and then identify the people who really steal the drawings."

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, sun Xinzheng frowned again.

If there are other ways, he really doesn\'t want to take this way.

Once Zhang Lezhi\'s method is used, all the disciples in the hall will be dissatisfied. This is not what Zhang Lezhi wants to see.

Thinking of this, Sun Xin was looking at Zhang Lezhi and asked again, "is there no other way?"

Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, smiled bitterly and shook his head, "there\'s no more!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, sun Xinzheng turned his head in disappointment, turned his eyes to Tang Jian\'an and asked.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

After listening to the master\'s words, Tang Jian\'an hurriedly replied, "there\'s no way to think about it."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, sun Xinzheng was even more disappointed. He turned his eyes to Bai Jianmu and asked, "what about you? Is there a good way?"

Bai Jianmu shook his head when he heard the speech. "Master, disciples have no good way?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng was even more disappointed. He turned his eyes to Liu Huarong and asked, "what about you? What\'s a good way to find out who stole the drawings?"

Liu Huarong heard the speech and was about to speak. Suddenly, his heart moved and hurriedly replied loudly.

"Shifu, I\'m stupid. I always don\'t understand. The person who stole the drawings is obviously locked in the repentance Pavilion. Why should we look for the person who stole the drawings here?

Master, I really can\'t remember why! "

Liu Huarong just finished saying these words, and everyone suddenly felt a sudden enlightenment.

Bai Jianmu secretly praised Liu Huarong\'s brain for turning fast.

They\'ve been struggling here for a long time. Why?

At the moment, Bai Jianmu really has no idea about the drawing. His idea is similar to that of Tang Jian\'an. As long as ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi are defeated, as for the drawing, it\'s not important.

However, we have been struggling for a long time, but we all forget what they are arguing about here.

Zhang Lezhi raised this question. Isn\'t this their best chance? If they point out that ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings at this time, it will certainly make the master more believe that ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings.

Bai Jianmu thought of this and secretly regretted it. Why didn\'t he think of it when the master asked.

However, just now I remembered that I could immediately express my ideas and completely substantiate Ye Xuan\'s crime of stealing drawings.

However, although Bai Jianmu didn\'t say it just now, at the moment, Liu Huarong said it, and the effect is also good.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu looked up at the master. Sure enough, he saw sun Xinzheng frowning and thinking.

Although he didn\'t see anything on the surface, he only saw that Sun Xin was distressed there, but from his face, his heart was also hesitant.

Bai Jianmu guessed right. Sun Xinzheng was really hesitating.

No one mentioned Ye Xuan and repentance pavilion just now. He forgot it when he was nervous.

At the moment, Liu Huarong brought it up again and reminded him of Ye Xuan.

Everything has returned to the origin. No one can say whether ye Xuan stole the drawings or not, and no one has conclusive evidence to prove whether ye Xuan stole the drawings or not. Everything is everyone\'s guess.

Although everyone is suspected of the theft of the drawings, ye Xuan is the most suspected, because only he knows where Sun Xin is putting the drawings. This is the key evidence and the reason why everyone suspects him.

However, no one is sure whether ye Xuan stole the drawings.

What Zhang Lezhi just said is actually clear to everyone.

Ye Xuan had no motive to steal the drawing, because if there was no accident, he would soon become the next helmsman of Nanjun branch. At that time, the drawing naturally belonged to him.

In this state, ye Xuan would never steal the drawing as long as he was not a fool.

Not only won\'t steal the drawing, what ye Xuan should do most is to protect the drawing from being stolen.

However, the drawing was lost, and the only person who knew the location of the drawing was Ye Xuan. No one could refute this key evidence, even ye Xuan himself.