I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 200

This drawing is too precious. Everyone knows that as long as they get that drawing, their mechanism skills will immediately increase greatly. Under this attraction, someone should be moved.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi hugged sun Xinzheng and said, "master, the disciple guessed that it was likely that after the drawing was sent, someone coveted the drawing and deliberately looked for the location of the secret room. After finding it, he decisively stole the drawing.

It was for this reason that Shifu didn\'t find anything lost before. That\'s because no one knew the location of the secret room at that time. "

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng\'s eyes were frozen, and his heart was suddenly raised again.

According to Zhang Lezhi, it is also possible that someone wants to explore his secret room after the drawing is sent, and then steal it.

Thinking of this, Sun Xin is turning his head and looking at Bai Jianmu, "what do you say?"

After listening to the master\'s question, Bai Jianmu quickly hugged his fist and replied, "master, I don\'t think it\'s possible.

First of all, although the disciple didn\'t know where the secret room where the master put the drawings was, the disciple guessed that it must be very secret and can\'t be easily found.

This drawing was sent only one month. During this month, it should be impossible to find the master\'s secret room.

Therefore, the disciple thought what the third senior brother said was unreasonable, and he didn\'t think anyone else knew the location of the secret room. "

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s tone stopped. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi, sneered and said, "third senior brother, do you think someone can find the master\'s secret room in such a short time?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi just smiled faintly, "younger martial brother Bai, the master has never been on guard against our disciples. If someone has a bad heart and deliberately looks for the secret room where the master puts the drawings, I think he may still find it."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu sneered and asked loudly, "third senior brother, you are so sure. Do you know who stole the drawings, or do you know who knows the master\'s secret room besides Ye Xuan?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "I don\'t know, but I believe that fire can\'t be wrapped in paper. We can certainly find that person?"

Bai Jianmu sneered, "Third Elder martial brother, since you don\'t know who it is or whether anyone knows the master\'s secret room, just say here that in addition to Ye Xuan, there are others who know the master\'s secret room."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu paused. He turned his head and hugged sun Xinzheng and said loudly, "master, I doubt the third senior brother\'s intentions.

The third senior brother doesn\'t know who stole the drawings, nor does he know whether anyone knows the secret room where the master put the drawings. Just here, in addition to Ye Xuan, others know the secret room where the master put the drawings.

I always suspected that the third senior brother was suspicious. He wanted to hide his real purpose by this statement.

Master, please be careful. "

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng was also stunned.

If Zhang Lezhi really, as Bai Jianmu said, said that there were other people who knew where to put the drawings for other purposes, it would be really suspicious.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng\'s face sank. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked, "you heard Bai Jianmu\'s words, too. What do you want to say?"

After listening to what Bai Jianmu just said to his master, Zhang Lezhi secretly scolded Bai Jianmu for being cunning, but he had to admire Bai Jianmu. This guy can always find an excuse to refute in adversity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi hurriedly said, "master, no one knows whether this thing is true or false, but do you think it will happen?"

Sun Xinzheng heard the speech, thought a little, nodded, "go on."

Zhang Lezhi continued, "since it\'s possible, why don\'t we check it out? Don\'t forget, up to now, we haven\'t found the whereabouts of the drawings. The longer this matter is delayed, the easier the drawings will fall outside. Therefore, we must find the drawings as soon as possible."

As soon as Zhang Lezhi\'s voice fell, Bai Jianmu sneered, "third senior brother, the drawing was not found because ye Xuan refused to take it out. What does it have to do with others? I think as long as ye Xuan stays in the repentance Pavilion for a period of time, he will take it out obediently."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was angry. If ye Xuan closes for another period of time, it\'s really two words whether he can come out alive.

Repentance Pavilion. It\'s almost nerve breaking to stay in it for three days. Now, ye Xuan has been in it for four days. If he stays for another period of time, no one dares to say what accidents can happen.

Looking at Bai Jianmu with an indifferent face, Zhang Lezhi can only sigh secretly.

He got started five years earlier than Bai Jianmu. When Bai Jianmu got started, Zhang Lezhi helped him many times.

In Zhang Lezhi\'s opinion, helping younger martial brothers is the right thing to do. Although he doesn\'t do as much as big martial brothers in this regard, when Bai Jianmu asks him for advice, he never refuses and will teach carefully until Bai Jianmu learns.

At that time, Bai Jianmu was modest and polite and respected Zhang Lezhi. The "three senior brothers" he shouted every day was so sincere.

But now, it has become like this.

Looking at Bai Jianmu\'s sneer and the disdain in his eyes, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart also filled with a trace of sadness.

When people grow up, they will certainly change a lot, but it\'s really surprising to be like this.

Zhang Lezhi took a deep breath and calmed his chaotic mood. He looked at Bai Jianmu and said slowly.

"Bai Jianmu, you should also know where the repentance Pavilion is. Now ye Xuan has been locked in for four days. The time is not short. If you close it again, there is likely to be a big problem.

If ye Xuan did this, then no matter what accident happened, ye Xuan did it himself.

However, if ye Xuan didn\'t do it, what should we do if there was an accident? Bai Jianmu, haven\'t you thought about it? "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu was stunned, but then he thought of his family and his situation. His originally loose heart became cold again.

"Third senior brother, why do you think ye Xuan didn\'t do this? Up to now, you have to talk about who is suspected of being Ye Xuan. In the whole Nanjun branch, you have to talk about who is likely to steal that drawing.

Besides Ye Xuan, who knows where to put the drawing, who else might steal the drawing. "