I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 199

To tell the truth, sun Xinzheng doesn\'t want things to be like what Zhang Lezhi said. In the Nanjun branch, in addition to Ye Xuan, there are people who know the secret room where the drawings are put.

Because that means betrayal. Some people betray their school. This is something sun Xinzheng doesn\'t want to see.

If ye Xuan stole the drawing, it can only be said that he did not have enough concentration, but if someone else stole it, it means that someone wanted to betray the school for the sake of interests from the beginning.

At the moment, hearing that Bai Jianmu might know where to put the drawings, sun Xinzheng had a faint expectation that Bai Jianmu was telling the truth. What Zhang Lezhi said was just speculation.

Looking at the look of expectation in sun Xinzheng\'s eyes, Bai Jianmu immediately understood the master\'s idea. He was immediately happy and said.

"Master, apart from the seventh younger martial brother and the eighth younger martial sister, the rest of the disciples present have been with you for at least 10 years. Over the years, if they knew the location of the secret room, they might have stolen the good things in it. Why wait until now.

Master, so the disciple thought that the drawing could not have been stolen by someone other than ye Xuan. "

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng couldn\'t help brightening his eyes.

What Bai Jianmu said must be very reasonable. We have been in school for so long. If we know where to put the drawings, can we wait until now to steal them?

In that secret room, there is not only that drawing. It can be said that the best things in the South County branch are in that secret room.

If anyone knows that secret room, can he wait until now to steal?


Sun Xinzheng just thought about this problem in his heart and immediately rejected it.

Since someone deliberately found the secret room where the drawing was placed, he will start early. Even if there was no drawing at that time, there were other good things.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng\'s face suddenly felt relaxed. Looking up at the disciples in front of him, he immediately felt a lot closer.

Thinking of those who didn\'t know the secret room among these disciples, sun Xinzheng sighed secretly while relaxed. He sighed for ye Xuan, who he trusted most, not for others.

If there were no accidents, such as stealing drawings, sun Xinzheng might really pass on the position of helmsman to him.

However, why did ye Xuan think so hard? Why did he steal the drawings at this critical moment? Can\'t he wait for so many days?

Or, as Bai Jianmu said, after stealing the drawings, ye XuanZhen wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate his opponents.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng sighed. He had clearly told ye Xuan that he still couldn\'t think of it?

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s sigh, Bai Jianmu was ecstatic. He knew that the master had believed his words and was sighing for ye Xuan!

At the same time, Bai Jianmu also breathed a sigh of relief. If the master really believed Zhang Lezhi and suspected that the person who stole the drawings was not ye Xuan, but someone else, it would be really difficult to do.

Now, everything goes back to his plan. As long as the master believes that ye Xuan is the one who stole the drawings, Bai Jianmu doesn\'t care about anything else.

Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t hear sun Xinzheng\'s sigh. He secretly screamed. He also knew who the master\'s sigh was for.

It must be for ye Xuan. There\'s no other possibility.

In this way, the master did not believe his words, but believed Bai Jianmu\'s words.

Ye Xuan has once again become the person who stole the drawings, and he is likely to become Ye Xuan\'s partner again and the target of attack by Bai Jianmu and his gang.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi dared not neglect it. He quickly bowed his hands to the master and said loudly, "master, the disciple thinks that younger martial brother Bai is wrong. Someone knows the location of the secret room and didn\'t start stealing because there is nothing worth stealing. He didn\'t choose to steal the drawing until he had this precious drawing.

Please believe the disciple\'s words. This kind of thing is absolutely possible. "

Sun Xinzheng heard the speech and nodded. When he was about to speak, Bai Jianmu on the side had said first, "master, the disciple thought that the Third Elder martial brother was wrong. In the master\'s secret room, a disciple guessed that there must be a lot of valuable things, which are rare treasures for those who practice mechanism skills.

I think anyone who cultivates mechanism skills will not help taking one or two when he sees so many treasures. "

At this point, Bai Jianmu paused, and then continued.

"Master, I don\'t think you\'ve lost anything over the years?"

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded, "it\'s true. He\'s never lost anything!"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s answer, Bai Jianmu had a proud smile on his mouth. He turned his head, looked at Zhang Lezhi and said with a smile.

"Third senior brother, you heard what master said. If someone knows the secret room where master put the drawings, why hasn\'t he lost anything in so many years.

Third senior brother, tell me why! "

At this time, before Zhang Lezhi could answer, Tang Jian\'an, who was on the side, said first, "junior brother three and junior brother Bai are right. If anyone plans to find the secret room where the master puts the drawings, when they see so many precious treasures, they will certainly take several pieces for their own cultivation. How can they wait until now?"

After listening to their questions, Zhang Lezhi also had some doubts in his heart.

Although Bai Jianmu and Tang Jianan are not with themselves, Zhang Lezhi still agrees with what they say.

Now that I know the secret room where Shifu put the drawings, why has Shifu never lost anything?

Zhang Lezhi also believes that although the master\'s secret room is the most precious drawing, there are still many good things that can attract people to steal.

However, why haven\'t you lost anything over the years? What\'s the reason?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart suddenly moved, and he thought of another possibility.

Can it be said that the person who stole the drawings only recently knew the location of the secret room?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Lezhi thought carefully again and felt that his guess should be somewhat reasonable.

Perhaps it was the precious drawing that attracted someone, so he tried to find the location of the secret room. After knowing the location of the secret room, he decided to steal the drawing.

If this is calculated, everything has an explanation.

Why Shifu hasn\'t lost anything before is because no one knows the location of the secret room.

Now I lose things because of the drawing.