I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 198

Even sun Xinzheng himself admitted that if a disciple really wanted to explore the location of his secret room, he would probably know if he paid attention to it.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng felt even worse. His most trusted disciple was calculating himself from the beginning. This is really ridiculous!

Zhang Lezhi didn\'t want to make this clear, but it\'s already here. If he doesn\'t say it again, I\'m afraid he\'ll be unlucky himself.

Zhang Lezhi knows that his bad luck doesn\'t matter. I\'m afraid that the drawing will never be found. Therefore, it must be said that the drawing must also be found.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi hugged the master again and said loudly, "master, this matter must be investigated, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded and said slowly, "we must check it and find the drawings. No matter who stole the drawings, I won\'t let him go."

At the end of sun Xinzheng\'s words, those words seemed to jump out of half of his teeth. When he heard them in everyone\'s ears, he felt as cold as metal friction.

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s words, everyone\'s face changed. They knew that the master was really angry. If the man who stole the drawings was found this time, he would surely end up miserable.

Bai Jianmu\'s eyebrows stirred several times continuously, but all this was just a moment, and he had returned to normal. He just thought for a moment, then hugged sun Xinzheng and said loudly.

"Master, that\'s true, but do you really believe that someone will do this?"

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng was stunned, and then asked coldly, "what, do you think it\'s impossible?"

Bai Jianmu nodded when he heard the speech, and then stretched out his hand to point in the hall. Then he shouted, "master, look at these disciples in front of you. Which one has not been carefully taught by you, and which one looks like an ungrateful person.

Master, I really can\'t see who will do such a thing! "

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng also glanced at the people in the hall, and his heart was filled with emotion.

I have accepted these eight disciples in my life, but now something like this has happened.

Zhang Lezhi\'s words are reasonable. It is indeed possible that someone secretly looks for the address of the secret room and steals the most precious drawings after finding them. This is very possible.

However, what Bai Jianmu said is also reasonable. Choosing his apprentice depends not only on his talent, but also on his character.

It can be said that these eight disciples have passed the test of sun Xinzheng before they can become sun Xinzheng\'s disciples.

Can the apprentice of your choice really do such a thing?

Thinking of Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng hesitated again. Did he guess wrong?

Seeing the hesitant expression on Sun Xinzheng\'s face, Zhang Lezhi hurried forward to hug his fist and said again, "master, as the saying goes, you know your face but not your heart. No one knows the truth like this."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped for a moment, and then he added an emphasis.

"Master, whether you doubt them or not, the drawings are really lost. The disciple thinks that if you don\'t find the drawings as soon as possible, it will be a big deal."

Sun Xinzheng felt a sudden pain when he heard the speech. Zhang Lezhi was right. Whether he had doubts or not, the drawing was lost. This is a real thing. Everything else is a small matter. The drawing must be found as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the drawing is left outside, the master\'s half life\'s thinking will be in vain.

At the thought of this, the hesitation on Sun Xin\'s face immediately disappeared and was replaced by a cold and fierce look.

When Bai Jianmu saw the hesitant expression on the master\'s face, he knew that his words had worked, and his heart couldn\'t help but rejoice.

At this time, you must not let the master doubt others.

If you doubt others, it means that ye Xuan is no longer suspected. This is what Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want to see.

In Bai Jianmu\'s opinion, it\'s not important whether anyone found out in the master\'s secret room. The main thing is that the drawings must be stolen by Ye Xuan. It\'s decided that they can\'t be changed. If they are changed, that\'s the worst thing.

Seeing that the master\'s mind was about to change, I didn\'t expect to be persuaded by Zhang Lezhi again.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jianmu knows that he can\'t go on like this. He must find a way to reverse this situation. Otherwise, he may lose this dispute.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu didn\'t dare to neglect. He threw a fist at Sun Xinzheng and said loudly.

"Master, I don\'t think it\'s so troublesome. Ye Xuan must have stolen the drawing!"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng\'s face changed.

Just now, Zhang Lezhi has made it very clear that among the disciples, it is possible that besides Ye Xuan, someone else knows the location of the map setter. However, why should Bai Jianmu hold on to this point?

If Zhang Lezhi\'s words are confirmed, needless to say others, sun Xinzheng can also be sure that ye Xuan is much less suspected. Even, ye Xuan didn\'t do it.

However, at the moment, Bai Jianmu still said that ye Xuan did it. How can this not make sun Xinzheng doubt?

Is there anything wrong with Bai Jianmu?

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng looked up at Bai Jianmu and said in some displeasure, "just now, you heard what your third senior brother said. Do you think what he said is unreasonable?"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s question, Bai Jianmu quickly shook his head and said loudly, "master, it\'s completely different!"

Sun Xinzheng was puzzled when he heard the speech, "Bai Jianmu, what do you mean, tell me quickly?"

After listening to the master\'s question, Bai Jianmu hurriedly replied, "master, the disciple said that this matter is different from what the third senior brother said. It\'s reasonable.

The third senior brother said that someone knew where the master put the drawings, so he would steal them.

But the disciple thought it must not be so.

Because none of us will do anything sorry to master. Please believe me! "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng shook his head in disappointment. He thought Bai Jianmu would say something useful, but he didn\'t expect that there was nothing useful except a pile of nonsense.

Sun Xin was looking at Bai Jianmu and asked with some disappointment, "is that all you want to say?"

Bai Jianmu shook his head when he heard the speech. "Master, the disciples haven\'t started talking yet. I just want to know if the master wants to listen to the disciples."

Sun Xin was listening to the speech. His eyes suddenly brightened and hurried to say, "well, you can say it quickly!"