I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 197

When Tang Jian\'an saw Bai Jianmu\'s eyes, he immediately understood, hurried forward, arched his hand at Sun Xin Zheng and said.

"Master, don\'t listen to the nonsense of the third younger martial brother. Among our martial brothers, who will do such a thing? Please believe us!"

When Liu Huarong heard Tang Jian\'an finish, he also knew that it was not time to flinch. He hurried forward and said, "master, we are all your disciples. How can we do something sorry to master? Please trust me. We will never do such a thing."

Mei Guangji, the seventh younger martial brother, and Li Xueyan, the eighth younger martial sister, who had not spoken all the time, hurried forward and said, "master, please believe me. I will never do anything against the school!"

LV Wenkang, the eldest martial brother who has been silent nearby, also came forward and said, "master, please trust me. I will never do such a thing!"

When everyone came forward to speak, Bai Jianmu bowed his hands and said to sun Xinzheng, "master, the three senior brothers spend the belly of a gentleman with a villain\'s heart. I think only those who do such things will have this idea. Please check it out!"

Hearing that at this time, Bai Jianmu is still blaming himself. Zhang Lezhi is helpless. He can only hug sun Xinzheng and say, "master, the disciple will never do anything sorry to the master. Please trust the disciple."

Looking at the disciples who have come forward to make a guarantee, sun Xinzheng can\'t believe it at the moment.

Someone secretly looks for his secret room. The idea is like a magic box being opened. Since the idea has been released, it is impossible to take it back completely.

Sun Xinzheng\'s idea is exactly the same. In the past, he didn\'t want to think about this because these disciples are the people he trusts most. Therefore, he didn\'t want to think bad about these disciples.

However, Zhang Lezhi dug out the idea buried in his heart. Once this idea was dug out, it could no longer be controlled.

Looking at these disciples who bowed to themselves and said they would not steal drawings, sun Xinzheng suddenly felt a little tired.

I taught every disciple carefully and wanted to teach them everything they learned in their life. However, how did they treat themselves? They observed themselves secretly and looked for the place where they put their treasure. Then, they waited for the opportunity to steal the precious drawings that the master had spent half his life studying.

At the thought of these, sun Xinzheng felt that the beast in his heart was out of control. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked fiercely.

"Zhang Lezhi, since you think that besides Ye Xuan, there are others who know where to put the drawings, who else knows where to put the drawings?"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s question, Zhang Lezhi quickly bowed down and said, "master, I don\'t know my disciples!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, sun Xinzheng immediately sneered, "since you don\'t know, dare you say that in addition to Ye Xuan, someone else knows where to put the drawings. What\'s your mind?"

Although sun Xinzheng\'s question was cold, after Zhang Lezhi said this sentence, he had already thought out the words to deal with it. At the moment, after hearing sun Xinzheng\'s question, Zhang Lezhi hurriedly replied.

"Master, I think so because I know the value of the drawing. If I don\'t find the drawing as soon as possible, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi secretly looked up at the master. He saw that his face was getting worse and worse. Knowing that he guessed right, he hurriedly continued.

"Master, in order not to let that drawing go out, it\'s better to find a way quickly.

Now, ye Xuan has been locked up in the repentance Pavilion for a long time. If he really stole it, I\'m afraid he would have taken it out long ago. "

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused, and then continued.

"That\'s why the disciple had to say something rebellious. I hope to find the drawing as soon as possible in case it is known by outsiders."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded, spoke slowly, and said again, "Zhang Lezhi, what should I find next? Do you have an idea?"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s words, Zhang Lezhi smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Master, disciples don\'t have any good way. Originally, he asked the master to summon everyone to think about it, but he didn\'t expect this to happen."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped for a moment. He thought about it and then continued, "if you want to find someone who can steal drawings at any time, you must find it first. Who will have the idea of stealing drawings."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi, sun Xinzheng nodded and asked slowly, "is that the same as the question you just asked?"

Zhang Lezhi nodded. "It\'s even more so. Just now, the disciple put forward the question with this idea."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng thought carefully.

If what Zhang Lezhi said is true, the drawing was not stolen by Ye Xuan, but by someone else.

In the whole Nanjun branch, sun Xinzheng knew very well that he had only led Ye Xuan to the secret room. Except ye Xuan, he would not allow others to approach even if they wanted to.

If Zhang Lezhi\'s hypothesis succeeds and ye Xuan is not the one who steals the drawings, then if others want to steal the drawings, they must know where to put the drawings.

There are two ways to get to the place where the drawings are put. One is from ye Xuan, and the other is from sun Xinzheng.

It\'s impossible to know from sun Xinzheng, because this secret room is his own secret. He put all the secret things in this secret room. The reason why he told ye Xuan this secret room and even led Ye Xuan to it is because, if there were no accident, ye Xuan would be the next helmsman and would know this secret room sooner or later, even if he knew it earlier, It doesn\'t matter.

But it is absolutely impossible for others to know from sun Xinzheng.

Therefore, the location where the drawings should be placed from sun Xinzheng can basically be ruled out.

Then, only Ye Xuan is left.

Will ye Xuan tell us where to put the drawings?

Sun Xinzheng guessed that it should not be, because this is the secret of being the helmsman of Nanjun branch. If you tell others, it can\'t be a secret.

Therefore, sun Xinzheng felt that the possibility that ye Xuan told the secret room where the drawings were put was very small, or even none.

Well, since neither sun Xinzheng nor ye Xuan can get the news of the secret room, they can only observe it secretly.

Among these disciples, except Mei Guangji and Li Xueyan, everyone has been around Sun Xinzheng for at least 10 years. In these 10 years, if you really want to explore the clues of the secret room, it should also be very possible.

Because sun Xinzheng, no matter how strict his defense is, will always relax.