I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 196

Tang Jian\'an paused when he said this. He also turned his head to look at Zhang Lezhi and said with a smile.

"Younger martial brother, younger martial brother Bai was right. Even if ye Xuan wanted to tell others where to put the drawings, he would never tell him. Does younger martial brother doubt this?"

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head and said loudly, "of course, he won\'t doubt that ye Xuan doesn\'t have a good relationship with Bai Jianmu. What\'s more, ye Xuan won\'t tell others where to put the drawings. He won\'t tell Bai Jianmu where to put the drawings anyway. There\'s nothing wrong with that."

Tang Jian\'an was stunned by Zhang Lezhi\'s answer. He thought that Zhang Lezhi would argue with reason to make everyone believe that ye Xuan would tell Bai Jianmu where to put the drawings, so that he could naturally accuse Bai Jianmu of stealing the drawings!

Why, Zhang Lezhi also denied this possibility and even admitted that ye Xuan would not tell Bai Jianmu where to put the drawings. What does this mean?

What is Zhang Lezhi\'s purpose in saying so?

After Tang Jian\'an was stunned, the smile on his face dissipated a lot. He looked at Zhang Lezhi suspiciously and asked, "third martial brother, since Ye Xuan won\'t tell Bai Jianmu where to put the drawings, Bai Jianmu must not be suspected of stealing the drawings. I say so, third martial brother, right!"

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s question, Zhang Lezhi shook his head, suddenly turned his head, looked at his Master Sun Xinzheng, hugged his fist and said.

"Master, I want to say a word of treachery. Please allow me."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng was surprised and asked, "what are you going to say?"

After listening to the master\'s words, Zhang Lezhi looked at Bai Jianmu, gritted his teeth, turned his eyes back to sun Xinzheng and said loudly.

"Master, do you think that only Ye Xuan knows where you put the drawings?"

Sun Xinzheng was stunned when he heard the speech. Then his face changed. He looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked slowly after a long time.

"Zhang Lezhi, what do you mean?"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s words, Zhang Lezhi also threw himself out and said again, "master, the disciple thinks that I\'m afraid the place where the master put the drawings has long been known by others!"

After Zhang Lezhi\'s words, everyone in the hall changed their faces.

The meaning of Zhang Lezhi\'s remarks is that someone is secretly observing sun Xinzheng\'s every move, so as to know the place where the drawings are put, that is, sun Xinzheng\'s secret room.

What does that mean!

This means that everyone in the hall is suspected!

The reason why we suspect Ye Xuan is that ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings. At least on the surface, ye Xuan is the only person who knows where to put the drawings. No one knows except him, because sun Xinzheng never led others to his secret room.

However, Zhang Lezhi said this sentence, but he said another possibility.

This possibility is not only related to Bai Jianmu, but to everyone.

On the surface, only Ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings, but behind his back, someone may secretly find the place to put the drawings.

After listening to Zhang Lezhi, sun Xinzheng naturally wanted to understand this.

He didn\'t want to doubt his disciples, so he tried to control himself from thinking about the bad. But at the moment, since Zhang Lezhi said something, he couldn\'t help thinking about it.

Looking at the many disciples in the hall, Zhang Lezhi suddenly felt a sad mood spreading in his heart.

These disciples were carefully selected by him. They were highly qualified, loyal and reliable.

If ye Xuan stole the drawing, although sun Xinzheng was angry and angry that ye Xuan betrayed himself, he didn\'t have much sadness, because ye Xuan knew where to put the drawing. If he stole the drawing, he could only say that he couldn\'t help the attraction of his baby, so he stole the drawing. He could only say that he didn\'t have enough concentration and was obsessed for a while.

However, once what Zhang Lezhi said is true, it means that among the disciples he trusts most, some have betrayed themselves. Not only that, they are still observing themselves and deliberately looking for the secret room where they put their babies.

At the thought of these, sun Xinzheng only felt cold from his heart.

Nanjun branch is his home. He feels very safe at home, but now, a feeling of insecurity suddenly arises in his heart.

In sun Xinzheng\'s eyes, these disciples seem to have changed and become suspicious.

Sun Xinzheng\'s eyes, from left to right, slowly swept through the hall. His eyes fell on each disciple and would stay for a moment to distinguish whether the disciple had betrayed himself.

After reading all the disciples, sun Xinzheng sighed helplessly. It is certainly impossible to find these problems from the surface.

The more this happens, the more suspicious everyone is.

At the moment, sun Xinzheng had a feeling of regret in his heart. He regretted putting Ye Xuan in the repentance Pavilion, because he now knew that ye Xuan was not necessarily the person who stole the drawings. Although his suspicion was still great, there was at least a glimmer of possibility that he did not steal the drawings.

After Zhang Lezhi said these words, everyone in the hall was surprised.

In fact, everyone thought about Zhang Lezhi\'s words, but no one said them.

Because, after saying it, it hurts.

Looking at the master\'s face changing constantly, and the sadness in his eyes, Bai Jianmu secretly barked. If he continued according to the track just now, Zhang Lezhi must be finished, but he didn\'t expect that the dog would jump off the wall when he was in a hurry, not to mention Zhang Lezhi.

Bai Jianmu knows that Zhang Lezhi has been chased to the corner by them. If they don\'t resist again, there will be no chance.

At this time, we must beat back the idea and no longer let the master think of it. Otherwise, the master thinks of this possibility. Not only can he not break Zhang Lezhi into the bottom of the valley, I\'m afraid even ye Xuan will be released.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu knows he can\'t delay any more, but at the moment, he can\'t speak, because what Zhang Lezhi said is aimed at him. If he refutes, he has no strength.

Bai Jianmu quickly turned his head to Tang Jian\'an around him, and Liu Huarong, who was a little farther away, winked and motioned them to speak quickly to dispel the idea of the master.

After Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an naturally knew the stakes. If the master thought of this possibility, it would be a big deal. This proves that ye Xuan is not the only person who can steal the drawings. There is another thief hiding in the dark to secretly observe the master and wait for the opportunity, that is, one of the other martial brothers.