I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 195

If according to what Bai Jianmu said, Zhang Lezhi knows that he is indeed the most suspected, which need not be questioned.

This is also the dilemma. If you want to defend, what can you defend!

What Bai Jianmu said, although it also depends on speculation, is reasonable.

Ye Xuan knows the location of master Fang\'s drawings, which everyone knows.

Ye Xuan has a good relationship with himself, which is also very clear to everyone.

Then judge, ye Xuan will tell himself the location of the drawing. Although this may be very small, everyone believes that if ye Xuan is willing to tell others the location of the drawing, that person will be himself.

Under so many reasonable judgments, Bai Jianmu\'s inference is believed, although there is no evidence.

Even Master Sun Xinzheng believes it, because all this is so reasonable.

Zhang Lezhi thought about it carefully. He threw a fist at the master and said, "master, what Bai Jianmu said is impossible.

Since ye Xuan may become the next helmsman, the master will tell him the secret room where he puts the drawings and become his secret. In the future, even if he wants to put any more treasure, he will put it in this secret room. If he tells me the location of the secret room, there will be no secret in the secret room where he puts things in the future.

Therefore, ye Xuan will never tell me where to put the drawings. Please check this clearly. "

After saying these words, Zhang Lezhi hugged the master again, stopped talking and waited for the master\'s decision.

Originally, sun Xinzheng\'s analysis of Bai Jianmu also thought that it was reasonable and possible. However, after listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, he hesitated.

Bai Jianmu said that ye Xuan is likely to tell Zhang Lezhi the place where the drawings are placed, but Zhang Lezhi said that ye Xuan will not tell himself the place where the drawings are issued.

Because if ye Xuan becomes the helmsman in the future, this secret room will belong to Ye Xuan in the future. When you want to place any treasure in the future, it must also be placed in this secret room.

Even if ye Xuan is stupid, he can\'t tell such an important secret to others.

Although this chamber of secrets now belongs to sun Xinzheng, in the future, when ye Xuan becomes the helmsman, this chamber of secrets will belong to Ye Xuan. So, is Ye Xuan really willing to tell this secret to Zhang Lezhi?

Sun Xinzheng thought carefully and felt that it was still impossible. If ye Xuan told Zhang Lezhi the secret, wouldn\'t there be no secret in the secret room.

In other words, when ye Xuan became the helmsman, he took charge of the secret room. No matter what treasure he placed in the secret room, it was no longer safe, because Zhang Lezhi knew the location of the secret room.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng raised his head, looked at Bai Jianmu and asked, "Bai Jianmu, what do you think of Zhang Lezhi\'s words?"

Since Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu has been thinking about countermeasures. When he heard the master ask, he hurriedly replied, "master, although what the third senior brother said is reasonable, there are still many doubts."

At this point, Bai Jianmu turned to look at Zhang Lezhi, and then continued.

"Master, the Third Elder martial brother said that ye Xuan would not tell him where to put the drawings. This is true or false, so we won\'t defend it.

Let\'s talk about other things. Even if the third senior brother doesn\'t know where to put the drawings, he can still conspire with Ye Xuan to do it.

Maybe Ye Xuan wanted to win the support of senior brother 3, so he promised to let senior brother 3 see the drawing. On this condition, he asked senior brother 3 to help him achieve his goal.

Master, this is also very possible. "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng thought carefully and suddenly asked, "Bai Jianmu, why do you always suspect that ye Xuan is connected with Zhang Lezhi? Is there any reason?"

Bai Jianmu shook his head and replied, "master, the reason why the disciple suspected that the third senior brother was connected with Ye Xuan is that he knew Ye Xuan did it and had to defend Ye Xuan. The third senior brother\'s practice is too suspicious.

Anyway, master, you can see that no one here dares to take care of this matter except the third senior brother. They are all waiting for the master\'s decision, which shows that everyone is calm and not afraid of being suspected by the master.

However, only the third senior brother risked being punished by his master to speak for ye Xuan who was locked up in the repentance Pavilion. He even wanted to identify the eldest senior brother as the person who stole the drawings and wanted Ye Xuan to be free from suspicion.

Shifu, although it seems nothing at all, it seems that the third senior brother spoke out for justice and wanted to find justice, but when you think about it, it seems that there is something else in it.

Master, can it be said that the third senior brother is guilty and will do it?

Maybe the third senior brother knows that if he doesn\'t save Ye Xuan again, I\'m afraid Ye Xuan will give him up. Therefore, he is anxious to speak for ye Xuan in case Ye Xuan gives him up. "

At this moment, Zhang Lezhi has listened to many of these words, and he doesn\'t have the towering anger just now. Now he just wants how to resolve Bai Jianmu\'s accusation and make himself no longer suspicious.

Bai Jianmu is right. Among these martial brothers, they are the only ones who speak for ye Xuan. The rest are either Bai Jianmu or those who don\'t care about things. It\'s impossible to have someone speak for themselves. All this depends on themselves.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi took a deep breath and calmed down his chaotic mood. Then he said slowly, "Bai Jianmu, you keep accusing me of being with Ye Xuan. Then, let me ask you, can I doubt that you are the one who stole the drawings?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Bai Jianmu sneered, "third senior brother, I have just said that even if you accuse me of stealing the drawings, I don\'t know where the master put the drawings. How can I steal the drawings? Did ye Xuan tell me where to put the drawings?


It seems that this is impossible. I don\'t have a good relationship with Ye Xuan. I don\'t think he will tell me where to put the drawings anyway. Everyone should be very clear about this. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu looked around at the four week old martial brothers, and then looked at Zhang Lezhi again.

At this time, after hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, Tang Jianan hurriedly stood up and said, "it\'s true. Ye Xuan has a good relationship with Zhang Lezhi. We all know and believe that ye Xuan can only tell the third younger martial brother where to put the drawings. It seems impossible for others!"