I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 194

Just when sun Xinzheng was confused and Zhang Lezhi was stunned, Bai Jianmu suddenly turned around and looked at Sun Xinzheng, hugged his fist and said, "master, the third senior brother is right. I might steal the drawings, but he forgot one thing."

At this point, Bai Jianmu turned around and looked at Zhang Lezhi. He smiled and said, "third senior brother, do you know what you forgot?"

Zhang Lezhi, who was shocked and stunned, shook his head blankly after hearing Bai Jianmu\'s question.

Seeing Zhang Lezhi shaking his head, Bai Jianmu nodded with satisfaction, turned around again, hugged the Master Sun Xinzheng and said loudly, "master, the disciple doesn\'t know the location of the master\'s drawing. Even if he wants me to steal the drawing, where can I steal it?

Master, is what the disciple said right? "

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng was stunned. Then he nodded, but he didn\'t answer.

Zhang Lezhi already knows why Bai Jianmu is so calm in the face of his accusations!

Although he said it reasonably, he lacked the most important thing. Bai Jianmu didn\'t know where to put the drawings, so he naturally couldn\'t steal the drawings. All his accusations were not only useless, but also disgusted the master.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi secretly glanced at the master. Sure enough, the master was looking at himself with an angry face.

Sun Xinzheng saw Zhang Lezhi look over and asked again, "Bai Jianmu, I don\'t know where to put the drawings. Naturally, there\'s no way to steal the drawings. If you talk later, think clearly."

After listening to the teacher\'s reprimand, Zhang Lezhi hurriedly promised to promise that he would never dare again next time.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu is in a good mood. Zhang Lezhi is scolded by his master, which shows that things are going according to his plan.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu hugged the master again and said, "master, just now the disciple suspected the third senior brother for a reason, not without evidence."

"The relationship between senior brother three and ye Xuan has always been very good. Everyone should know this. If ye Xuan will tell others where to put the drawings, then the disciple has reason to believe that this person must be senior brother three.

That\'s why the disciple said so. "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng nodded. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked.

"Zhang Lezhi, what do you want to say?"

After listening to the master\'s question, Zhang Lezhi knew that the master had become suspicious of himself. At the moment, he dared not neglect it. He quickly knelt down towards the master, hugged his fist and said, "master, the disciple can swear to God that he will never do such treacherous things. Please trust the disciple. There must be someone else who steals the drawings. Please be careful."

Before sun Xinzheng spoke this time, Bai Jianmu sneered and said.

"Third Elder martial brother, does it work to swear? Then I can tell you that ye Xuan, who is locked up in the repentance Pavilion, can also swear. Can ye Xuan not be suspected as long as he swears?

Third senior brother, you won\'t think so simple! "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was already furious. He couldn\'t be too presumptuous in front of his master, so he had to be angry.

"Bai Jianmu, what do you want?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Bai Jianmu ignored him, but turned to sun Xinzheng and threw a fist, "master, if the third senior brother says he is not suspected, he must give accurate evidence. Otherwise, for the first time, he and ye Xuan stole the drawing together."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng thought a little, nodded, turned his head, looked at Zhang Lezhi, slowly opened his mouth and asked, "what do you want to say!"

At this point, sun Xinzheng paused in his tone, and then continued.

"Ye Xuan is really the only one who knows the location of the drawing. As Bai Jianmu said just now, you have a good relationship with Ye Xuan. I also know that ye Xuan can tell others the location of the drawing and can only tell you. You shouldn\'t deny it."

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s questions, Zhang Lezhi secretly screamed bad. He knew that sun Xinzheng had begun to doubt himself now. Maybe he had thought that he stole the drawings.

At this moment, Zhang Lezhi was really flustered. He didn\'t expect that he just wanted to find justice for ye Xuan, but now, instead of finding justice for ye Xuan, he wanted to trap himself.

Zhang Lezhi knows that if he is trapped, no one can really save himself.

Ye Xuan was put into the repentance Pavilion, and he wanted to rescue. If he was also put into the repentance Pavilion, I\'m afraid they would never have a chance to turn over again.

However, Zhang Lezhi doesn\'t know whether ye Xuan stole the drawings or not.

Just now, Bai Jianmu\'s analysis is aimed at Ye Xuan, but even Zhang Lezhi has to admit that what Bai Jianmu said is very reasonable.

Ye Xuan really has a good relationship with himself, but can he prove that he is not the one who stole the drawings, or can he guarantee that he is not the one who stole the drawings?

No, because it\'s really strange. The place where the drawings are put is really what Bai Jianmu said. Only Ye Xuan knows.

No one knows whether ye Xuan will be moved when he sees the drawing. Or, really, as Bai Jianmu said, ye Xuan stole the drawing with ulterior motives. He used others\' hearts not to doubt him to eradicate his opponents.

But why did this happen.

Ye Xuan stole the drawing. Instead of eradicating his opponent, he was locked up in the repentance Pavilion.

Whether it was his miscalculation or whether he didn\'t do it, no one knows which of the two possibilities is true.

Like these martial brothers in front of us, who can guarantee that they didn\'t steal the drawings.

As just said, is the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang really not suspected?

Is Bai Jianmu not suspected?

In the face of that precious drawing, everyone is suspected, but they all lack the most critical evidence. They don\'t know where to put the drawing. Therefore, their suspicion is much smaller, or even none.

Zhang Lezhi knows that now the master has doubts about himself, but the next thing is really difficult to do.

This situation must be changed. Otherwise, Bai Jianmu must succeed in the final outcome.

Although Zhang Lezhi thought so, he couldn\'t think of any good way to change this situation.

Bai Jianmu said he was suspected because he had a good relationship with Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan would tell others where to put the drawings. Even Zhang Lezhi himself admitted that ye Xuan would only tell himself, not others.

Well, since this is the case, his suspicion must be the greatest. Zhang Lezhi himself believes this.