I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 188

Zhang Lezhi looked at Tang Jian\'an and asked in surprise, "second senior brother, do you think it\'s the master\'s drawing?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an suddenly changed his face, waved his hand and said, "third younger martial brother, don\'t talk nonsense. When did I say that the eldest martial brother is the one who stole the drawings."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, Zhang Lezhi asked in surprise, "but I just heard you say that my sophomore senior brother is the one who stole the drawings!"

Tang Jian\'an heard the speech and looked at it again. He was thinking quickly. Did he say this just now.

Watching Tang Jian\'an frown and meditate there, Zhang Lezhi sneers. When he wants to ask again, Bai Jianmu sees the situation and speaks first.

"Third Elder martial brother, don\'t make random identification. I just heard that you said that the eldest martial brother might steal drawings. That\'s not what the second elder martial brother said."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he waved his hand. "No, it was the second senior brother who said it just now. I never said it."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi suddenly looked at Tang Jian\'an and asked with a smile.

"Second elder martial brother, now tell me if the elder martial brother has the idea of stealing drawings to improve his mechanism skills."

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an was annoyed when he heard that Zhang Lezhi asked this question again.

The last thing he wants to face is this problem.

Because he knows very well that it doesn\'t matter what he says, but once he answers Zhang Lezhi\'s questions, it\'s bad.

Because we all learn mechanism art. Everyone knows the value of that drawing.

Needless to say, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang said that he was very excited when he heard that there was this drawing.

In fact, Tang Jian\'an\'s position in Nanjun branch is a little awkward. As a second senior brother, he is the biggest except the eldest senior brother LV Wenkang. However, because he has low attainments in mechanism technology, although he is the second senior brother, his position is not high. On the contrary, ye Xuan and Bai Jianmu have high attainments in mechanism technology, Naturally, the master has more trust.

Tang Jian\'an once dreamed that if he got the drawing, he would improve his strength and change this embarrassing situation by using the mechanism technology on the drawing.

At that moment, Zhang Lezhi asked him if his eldest martial brother LV Wenkang had a secret idea. If at ordinary times, Tang Jian\'an would not hesitate to say yes!

Because he once had this idea.

However, this is not a normal time, but a critical time. He must not say it. The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has the idea of stealing drawings, because if he does so, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is afraid to move closer to Zhang Lezhi and become his own enemy.

Originally, the enemy had Ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi, which was already a huge threat. If you add LV Wenkang, the leader, it would be bad.

Therefore, Tang Lezhi doesn\'t want to answer this question.

However, whether to think or not is one thing. The master is watching. If he dares not to answer this question, the master will never forgive him. He will certainly expel him from the school. By the way, he will be locked in the repentance pavilion to sober him up.

Seeing that Tang Jian\'an was in trouble there, Liu Huarong knew that he must help him. In case the second senior brother couldn\'t stand it, the result was very bad.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong hurriedly said, "senior brother three, let\'s not talk about that problem first. I think ye Xuan is the most likely to steal the drawings, but senior brother three thinks it\'s impossible. Then, can you please tell senior brother three why Ye Xuan can\'t steal the drawings? What\'s the reason?"

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Tang Jian\'an was relieved and hurriedly said, "yes, ye Xuan was the first person we suspected. Since the third junior brother said Ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings, tell us why Ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings."

Seeing that Liu Huarong turned the topic back, Zhang Lezhi secretly scolded Liu Huarong for being cunning, but now that they have asked this question, they can only answer it.

"We\'ll talk about whether ye Xuan stole the drawings later. Now, what we want to know most is who is suspected.

Let\'s check down one by one. In the end, we should be able to find the person who stole the drawings. "

Tang Jian\'an shook his head when he heard the speech, "junior brother, it\'s meaningless for you to ask like this. The idea of stealing drawings is different from really stealing drawings. You can\'t confuse them.

I think we\'d better talk about ye Xuan, who is most likely to steal the drawings. After all, only he knows where the master put the drawings, so he is the most suspected. "

As soon as Tang Jian\'an\'s voice fell, Liu Huarong hurriedly said, "the second senior brother is right. Ye Xuan is the most suspected. The third senior brother, you can\'t deny this."

Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t help but change his face after listening to the two people\'s words, and then nodded, "you\'re right. According to reason, ye Xuan, who knows the location of the drawing, is really the most suspected. I won\'t deny this."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused before continuing.

"However, we can\'t identify him as the person who stole the drawings because he is the most suspected."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an sneered and asked.

"Third younger martial brother, since you said Ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings, you should talk about it. What\'s your reason to prove that ye Xuan wasn\'t the one who stole the drawings."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s question, Zhang Lezhi waved his hand, "I don\'t have the evidence yet. However, it\'s a bit of a joke to believe that ye Xuan stole the drawings just because he knew where to put them.

What\'s more, I think ye Xuan has no reason to steal the drawings. Why did he steal the drawings? He can see the drawings sooner or later. I think you won\'t think ye Xuan is such a heavy hearted person. You can\'t wait for this period of time, so you can\'t wait to steal the drawings. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi\'s eyes coagulated, stared at Liu Huarong tightly, and asked again, "younger martial brother Liu, do you think ye Xuan is such a heavy man?"

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong couldn\'t help but change his face. He opened his mouth, but didn\'t say anything to refute.

Cultivating mechanism skills is a very boring thing. Ye Xuan can cultivate mechanism skills so high, which proves that he is definitely not that kind of impetuous person.

It can be said that if impatient people want to cultivate mechanism skills, their achievements will never be very high.

Ye Xuan\'s attainments in mechanism art are so high, which is enough to prove that ye Xuan is definitely not the kind of person who can\'t hold his breath.

Not only did Liu Huarong know this, but everyone knew it. Therefore, he had nothing to say.

Hearing that Liu Huarong had nothing to say, Zhang Lezhi sneered.