I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 189

Zhang Lezhi sneered, turned to Liu Huarong and said slowly.

"I think younger martial brother Liu also thinks that ye Xuan is not the kind of person who can\'t hold his breath.

In that case, why did ye Xuan steal the drawing? Do you really feel that there is no problem with it.

If ye Xuan is not surprised, he will soon be the master of Nanjun branch. Under this premise, ye Xuan has no reason to steal that drawing.

That\'s why I doubt it. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi fixed his eyes on Liu Huarong and asked, "younger martial brother Liu, do you still think ye Xuan will steal the drawing under this premise?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong suddenly became nervous. He knew what he was doing. He also had doubts about this matter, but what could it be? What he is doing now is not to doubt, but to make this matter no longer suspect others.

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Liu Huarong thought quickly in his heart and immediately had an idea. He looked up at Zhang Lezhi and shook his head, "senior brother, what you said is just normal."

Speaking of this, Liu Huarong lengthened the end of the sentence and paused until the voice slowly disappeared.

"Third senior brother, if ye Xuan wants to understand this, he knows that even if he steals the drawings, no one will doubt him.

In this case, if he steals the drawings, it\'s normal. "

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head again and replied, "it doesn\'t make sense. Since ye Xuan can be the helmsman, why should he steal the drawing? As long as he becomes the helmsman, the drawing will be his sooner or later. Why should he steal the drawing?"

Liu Huarong heard the speech, and a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth, "third senior brother, do you really think that ye Xuanjiu has no competitors in the Nanjun branch?"

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi suddenly moved in his heart. Subconsciously, he turned and looked at Bai Jianmu.

After seeing Zhang Lezhi\'s move, Liu Huarong smiled again and said slowly, "yes, my third senior brother also agrees. In the South County branch, ye Xuan is not the only candidate for helmsman.

In this case, it shows that ye Xuan may not be the helmsman. In this state, it is very possible for ye Xuan to go back and steal the drawing. "

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was stunned. Then he angrily said, "sixth martial brother, ye Xuan should not be such a person. In ordinary times, we should also know his personality..."

Before Zhang Lezhi finished this time, Liu Huarong smiled, "third senior brother, can you guarantee that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings?"

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s question, Zhang Lezhi was stunned.

He really couldn\'t answer Liu Huarong\'s question.

How can you guarantee that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings?

Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t answer Liu Huarong\'s words, not because he didn\'t trust ye Xuan, but for other reasons.

If once he says it, he can guarantee that ye Xuan is not the person who stole the picture, then Zhang Lezhi can be sure of what Liu Huarong will say next.

At that time, Bai Jianmu will jump out and accuse himself and ye Xuan of stealing the drawings together. That\'s bad.

Therefore, Zhang Lezhi can\'t answer. Now, whether he can turn over for ye Xuan depends on himself. If he is also involved, it\'s all over.

After Liu Huarong\'s question, everyone looked at Zhang Lezhi and wanted to hear his answer.

Bai Jianmu kept a close eye on Zhang Lezhi. As long as Zhang Lezhi said that he could ensure that ye Xuan would not steal the drawings, he would have to work with Ye Xuan to steal the drawings.

Tang Jian\'an looked at Zhang Lezhi more nervously.

Tang Jian\'an knew that the question Zhang Lezhi faced, like the one he faced just now, was very difficult to answer.

Just now, I couldn\'t say that my senior brother LV Wenkang had the idea of stealing drawings. At the moment, Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t say that ye Xuan was not the one who stole drawings. These two things brought the same results.

If Tang Jian\'an says that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has a secret idea, he is pushing the elder martial brother to Ye Xuan and asking him to join Ye Xuan\'s camp.

At the moment, if Zhang Lezhi can guarantee that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, then the problem comes.

How can Zhang Lezhi guarantee that ye Xuanjiu is not the one who stole the drawings?

Unless he really knows who stole the drawings, or Zhang Lezhi and ye Xuan were originally a gang, so he tried his best to turn over for ye Xuan. What\'s more, Zhang Lezhi is also suspected. He stole the drawings. Therefore, he will know that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings.

In short, as long as Zhang Lezhi dares to ensure that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, the problem he will face next is not a simple problem. It is likely to drag him directly into the water and let him and ye Xuan be company.

At the moment, after asking this question, Liu Huarong looked at Zhang Lezhi triumphantly. He knew that no matter how Zhang Lezhi answered, he was defeated.

Even if Zhang Lezhi replied that he can\'t guarantee that ye Xuan is the one who stole the drawings, it\'s useless, because if Zhang Lezhi can\'t guarantee that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, why can he say that ye Xuan\'s rescue is not the one who stole the drawings.

If things really go on like this, the best result is that, as before, ye Xuan is locked up in the repentance Pavilion and will never get out, and Zhang Lezhi can\'t turn the tables for ye Xuan.

What\'s worse, Zhang Lezhi will also be involved in this matter and become Ye Xuan\'s accomplice.

Therefore, Liu Huarong is very confident, unprecedented self-confidence. He believes that Zhang Lezhi cannot answer the question he asked. Even if he answers, he will never run out of his palm and is under his control.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu\'s impression of Liu Huarong has changed tremendously. Originally, he attached great importance to his second senior brother Tang Jianan and thought that Tang Jianan would be of great help to this matter, but he never thought that Tang Jianan was chased to the corner by Zhang Lezhi without saying a few words since he entered the hall.

Liu Huarong, however, turned the tide and directly gained the upper hand.

Bai Jianmu knows that in the face of Liu Huarong\'s question, Zhang Lezhi is trying to answer, and he can\'t say it, because he also wants to be clear. No matter how Zhang Lezhi answers, he has a way to answer. Even Bai Jianmu has thought of several words to respond to Zhang Lezhi\'s reply.

Bai Jianmu decided to give Zhang Lezhi some color this time to save him from looking for trouble here. It\'s best to drive him directly to the bottom of the valley and never turn the plate.