I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 187

Although the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang doesn\'t care about the trifles of Nanjun branch, he doesn\'t hesitate to give advice when someone asks him about mechanism technology. As long as he knows, he will teach you.

It can be said that among their eight martial brothers, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang took the most care of them.

Tang Jian\'an said that Liu Huarong couldn\'t help it. He knew that he must seize the opportunity and beat down Zhang Lezhi\'s arrogance in a short time. Otherwise, when the other way round, they would be unlucky.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong said first before Zhang Lezhi answered Tang Jianan\'s words.

"The second elder martial brother is right. Although I started late, I am always grateful for the elder martial brother\'s care. I never thought of doing anything unfavorable to the elder martial brother.

Third senior brother, you started earlier than me. I\'m afraid you have been taken care of by the eldest senior brother more than me. How can you bear to involve the eldest senior brother.

Third Elder martial brother, the second elder martial brother and the fifth elder martial brother have just said that among our elder martial brothers, only Ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings, and only he is the most likely person to steal the drawings.

If he hadn\'t stolen the drawings... "

Speaking of this, Liu Huarong paused and continued with some sadness.

"Third Elder martial brother, ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings, but we don\'t know. Among our martial brothers, I think except ye Xuan, the only person who is most likely to know where to put the drawings is you, Third Elder martial brother.

Ye Xuan has the best relationship with you, and only you are most likely to hear the news of the location of the drawing from ye Xuan\'s mouth.

So, third senior brother, please stop sophistry and don\'t involve the eldest senior brother. You\'d better admit it. "

At this point, Liu Huarong\'s tone stopped again. He hugged Zhang Lezhi and continued.

"Third Elder martial brother, now you admit it. We martial brothers will plead for you in front of the master for our usual love.

I think if you take the initiative to admit your mistakes and our martial brothers plead for you, Shifu will not punish you severely.

Third senior brother, just admit it! "

At last, Liu Huarong gave Zhang Lezhi a deep fist salute.

Liu Huarong\'s sincere attitude and tone made sun Xinzheng suddenly move in his heart. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi and guessed in his heart.

Is it true that Zhang Lezhi did this.

Not only did sun Xinzheng have doubts in his heart, but even the seventh younger martial brother Mei Guangji and the eighth younger martial Sister Li Xueyan were full of doubts when they looked at the Third Elder martial brother.

Although Liu Huarong\'s attitude was sincere, Zhang Lezhi almost burst his lungs.

But I didn\'t expect that Liu Huarong would use this trick to deceive himself into admitting that he was the one who stole the drawings.

Needless to say, Zhang Lezhi knows that if he dares to admit that he is the one who stole the drawings, the next thing will certainly not be like what Liu Huarong said.

At that time, the master\'s anger is still a small matter. The key is that Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu, and Liu Huarong, the sixth younger martial brother, and Zhang Lezhi are 100% sure. I believe that at that stage, they will not intercede for themselves. I\'m afraid they will fall into the well and hit themselves to the point of eternal disaster.

Looking at Liu Huarong with a smile on his face, Zhang Lezhi secretly hates that he can\'t squeeze him into meat sauce to relieve his anger.

Although he was angry, Zhang Lezhi knew that if he really dared to do it, the outcome would be very tragic.

Bai Jianmu is already waiting for this opportunity. As long as he dares to fight, he will take this opportunity to cripple himself.

Therefore, you can\'t move your hand. Even if you are angry, you can\'t move your hand. At that time, not only will you be disabled, but also this group of villains will gain power.

Zhang Lezhi knows that at the moment, in the South County branch, Bai Jianmu has only one enemy left. If he breaks down again, Bai Jianmu will become the boss.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. He turned his head to look at Liu Huarong and said with a smile.

"Sixth younger martial brother, thank you for your kindness, but it\'s a pity that I didn\'t steal the drawings. I think you should talk to other martial brothers."

Seeing Zhang Lezhi talking to himself with a smile, Liu Huarong was stunned. He thought that his words just now would make Zhang Lezhi furious and even attack himself.

Zhang Lezhi shot at himself. Liu Huarong was not afraid at all, because he knew Bai Jianmu\'s martial arts very well. I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu won him as soon as Zhang Lezhi started.

Therefore, Liu Huarong is not worried about Zhang Lezhi\'s action. He is worried about Zhang Lezhi\'s inaction. At the moment, seeing the smile on Zhang Lezhi\'s face, Liu Huarong knows that his plan has failed, but he is not discouraged. Since what he said just now can\'t make Zhang Lezhi angry, let\'s say something cruel. Zhang Lezhi should be angry.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong also had a smile on his face. He looked at Zhang Lezhi and said with a fist.

"Third senior brother, don\'t pretend. Ye xuanzhi may tell you where to put the drawings. You say who else can there be besides you stealing the drawings."

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head, "no, since the master didn\'t ask Ye Xuan to tell others the location of the drawing, ye Xuanjiu will never tell the news. Therefore, it doesn\'t exist. I know the location of the drawing."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Liu Huarong shook his head, "senior brother, I used to admire you, but now I look down on you.

The eldest martial brother is so kind to us, and you have been taught by him many times. However, for your own interests and in order not to let others doubt you, you even implicated the eldest martial brother. You even identified the eldest martial brother as the person who stole the drawings. Can you be worthy of the eldest martial brother? "

After Liu Huarong\'s words, Tang Jian\'an also said, "elder martial brother is loyal and doesn\'t want to take care of the trivial affairs of Nanjun branch. Why do you think elder martial brother is the one who steals the drawings?"

Zhang Lezhi sneered after listening to their words. He wanted to tell himself that the eldest martial brother was the one who stole the drawings. However, Zhang Lezhi would never be fooled by them, because he knew that if he offended the eldest martial brother at the moment, there would be no chance of winning.

Although the odds of winning are still slim, there will always be a glimmer of hope. If the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang helps Bai Jianmu and others speak, he will really have no way to live.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi smiled and waved his hand. "Second senior brother, what you said is wrong. I just said whether the senior brother had the idea of stealing drawings, but I didn\'t say whether the senior brother was the person who stole drawings."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused and said in surprise.