I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 186

Bai Jianmu laughed after listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer. After a long time, he suddenly closed his smile and said coldly.

"So you did it yourself and stole the drawing.

Third senior brother, am I right? "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi suddenly changed his face. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Bai Jianmu and shouted.

"I didn\'t do that. How could I steal master\'s drawings? What evidence do you have to prove that I did it."

Without waiting for Bai Jianmu\'s answer this time, Tang Jianan said first, "because as long as you steal the drawing, you can blame the person who can threaten you, and then take this opportunity to get rid of your opponent.

Third younger martial brother, isn\'t this reason sufficient? "

Zhang Lezhi was furious when he heard the speech. He turned his head and looked at Tang Jian\'an and shouted loudly.

"Second senior brother, don\'t talk nonsense. Why should I steal the drawings and why should I frame others."

Tang Jian\'an sneered, "third younger martial brother, the master wants to step down as the helmsman. We all know that you should know better. For the helmsman\'s position, you want to use this trick to frame others. It should be, and it is very possible."

Bai Jianmu also said, "Third Elder martial brother, admit it. Your good friend Ye Xuan was put in the repentance Pavilion because you stole the drawings."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu paused. He looked at Zhang Lezhi and said coldly.

"Third senior brother, you should know better than me where the repentance Pavilion is. If you don\'t admit it again, you stole the drawings. Your good friend Ye Xuan, if you stay in the repentance Pavilion for a long time, I\'m afraid there will be an accident."

Zhang Lezhi naturally knows where the repentance Pavilion is. It is set up to punish disciples for their mistakes.

If you stay for a short time, it\'s better to say that if you stay for a long time, even if you have a nervous breakdown, it\'s nothing strange.

Bai Jianmu is right. Ye Xuan has been locked up in the repentance Pavilion for three days. If he doesn\'t release it as soon as possible, I\'m afraid there will be an accident.

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was furious. He turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu and said angrily.

"Bai Jianmu, I think you stole the drawings. As long as you stole the drawings, ye Xuan naturally became the biggest suspect. At that time, the most likely person to be the master is you Bai Jianmu. Now you accuse me of stealing the drawings. In fact, hum, I think you stole the drawings. Your purpose is to make yourself no suspect and go Be your helmsman. "

Bai Jianmu\'s face changed after listening to Zhang Lezhi.

Zhang Lezhi is right. If there is no Ye Xuan, he will naturally become the helmsman, because in all aspects, except ye Xuan, other people, even Zhang Lezhi in front of him, are definitely not as strong as him.

Although what Zhang Lezhi said is reasonable, it is absolutely impossible for Bai Jianmu to admit it, even if he did it.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu sneered, "Third Elder martial brother, don\'t say this to me. You know, if you want to frame me, you need to find a better reason.

Only Ye Xuan knows where the master put the drawings, and we all think ye Xuan stole them. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu suddenly raised his finger to Zhang Lezhi and shouted loudly.

"Third senior brother, only you are most likely to steal the drawings, because you say ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, but you can\'t tell who stole the drawings. Then tell me why you say ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings."

At this point, Bai Jianmu sneered and slowed down his voice, "third senior brother, if you can make it clear, I will admit that I stole the drawings."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was stunned. Then, he angrily said, "I have already said that I don\'t know who stole the drawings. I just want to discuss with you and find out who stole the drawings. Is there something wrong?"

Bai Jianmu shook his head when he heard the speech. "Third Elder martial brother, you\'re right to do this, but you tell me who is likely to steal the drawings except ye Xuan who knows where to put the drawings."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi suddenly had an idea. His plan was disrupted by Bai Jianmu and made himself too passive. He had to reverse this passive situation as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi no longer looked at Bai Jianmu, but turned his head and focused on Tang Jian\'an again.

"Second elder martial brother, let\'s continue the topic just now. Let\'s talk about whether the eldest martial brother has the idea of stealing drawings."

Originally, Tang Jian\'an was listening to the dialogue between Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu. He was thinking about what to say and let Zhang Lezhi obey. Unexpectedly, Zhang Lezhi turned and asked him.

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Tang Jian\'an\'s face also changed.

It\'s this question again. I still can\'t answer it.

However, since Zhang Lezhi asked, he absolutely couldn\'t say no. in desperation, Tang Jian\'an turned to Bai Jianmu again, hoping that he could extricate himself again and let himself through this difficulty.

Looking at Tang Jianan\'s eyes for help, Bai Jianmu knew that he had no idea and asked himself to help him out. Although it was useless to be angry with Tang Jianan, Tang Jianan was with himself after all. Tang Jianan failed and did no good to himself, so he must help him out.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu thought a little, and then said, "Third Elder martial brother, you turn the topic to the eldest martial brother. I think you want to make yourself no suspect."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu suddenly sighed, looked at Zhang Lezhi and said with great sincerity, "Third Elder martial brother, why do you embarrass the eldest martial brother? Now, we all know that you and ye Xuan stole the drawing together. Why do you have to argue any more? We\'d better admit it quickly so as not to bother others."

Tang Jian\'an secretly hated Zhang Lezhi for asking him questions, which made him make a fool of himself. At any moment, after hearing Bai Jianmu\'s questions, he didn\'t wait for Zhang Lezhi to answer, so he spoke first.

"Third younger martial brother, the eldest martial brother is so kind to us. Do you have the heart to frame him? Now, it\'s obvious that you and ye Xuan stole the drawings. Why can\'t you admit it openly and honestly? Why should you implicate the eldest martial brother?"

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an lowered his voice and continued with some gloom, "elder martial brother started early and knows more than us. We all remember his care for us.

Third senior brother, why are you so? Have you forgotten who taught you and who tirelessly taught you and helped you when you have questions? "