I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 185

Remembering the advantages and disadvantages of his eight disciples, Sun Xin was trying to find out who stole the drawings.

He took such a big risk to steal the drawing. It must be very useful to this man.

However, it seems impossible to judge by this alone, because everyone studies mechanism technology and naturally wants to get this precious drawing.

Therefore, it seems impossible to judge by this point

It\'s like the eldest disciple LV Wenkang.

Zhang Lezhi has just said that although LV Wenkang has no intention of competing for power and profit, he has almost given up everything for mechanism skills. Will such a person steal such precious drawings by any means after knowing it.

Although in the absence of evidence, we should not doubt others, sun Xinzheng feels that it is not impossible.

The reason why he didn\'t stop the problem is that for this reason, he wants to see who is the person who stole the drawings.

Up to now, sun Xinzheng has some doubts. Ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, or the drawings are not necessarily stolen by Ye Xuan.

If ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawing, it would be a big thing, which proves that the drawing is still outside.

Therefore, we must find the drawings as soon as possible.

Looking at Bai Jianmu with cold eyes, Zhang Lezhi took a deep breath and calmed his mood. Then he said slowly.

"Younger martial brother Bai, you said I stole the drawings. Do you have any evidence?"

Bai Jianmu sneered, "then tell me why Ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings. What makes you think that ye Xuan\'s rescue is not the one who stole the drawings."

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "I didn\'t say whether ye Xuan was the one who stole the drawings. This time, I asked the master to let everyone come. I just wanted to know whether ye Xuan was the one who stole the drawings. It\'s not like what you said. I know ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu nodded, "so you\'re just skeptical!"

Zhang Lezhi nodded, "is it really just suspicion?"

Bai Jianmu said, "well, since you suspect that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, who is the most suspicious?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "I don\'t know, so this time he asked the master to summon everyone to study this matter together and see who stole the drawings."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu smiled, "third senior brother, can I doubt you?"

Zhang Lezhi was stunned at the speech, then nodded, "of course, as long as you have evidence, you can doubt me."

Bai Jianmu said, "evidence? You have a good relationship with Ye Xuan. We all know that ye Xuan will tell you where the master put the drawings. I think it should be very possible."

Zhang Lezhi heard the speech and said angrily, "how could ye Xuan tell me where the master put the drawings? Younger martial brother Bai, don\'t talk nonsense and say something without evidence."

Bai Jianmu shook his head when he heard the speech. "Third Elder martial brother, you are wrong. Among our eight martial brothers, only Ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings.

Those of us who don\'t know where to put the drawings naturally can\'t steal the drawings. Since you say ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, I really can\'t think of telling others except ye Xuan who will tell you where to put the drawings.

Isn\'t that evidence? "

Before Zhang Lezhi spoke this time, Tang Jian\'an said, "younger martial brother Bai is right. Ye Xuan knows where the master put the drawings. We all know that if the third martial brother says that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings, you are the only one who is most suspected.

Because ye Xuan, the only one who knows where to put the drawings, I don\'t think he will tell anyone except you. "

At the moment, Liu Huarong had long forgotten the passive situation. Seeing that the second senior brother and the fifth senior brother had spoken, and seeing that Zhang Lezhi was pale and sweating on his forehead, he hurried out to join the fun.

"Third Elder martial brother, you just said that the eldest martial brother was suspected. Didn\'t you think that you were the most suspected.

Ye Xuan is willing to tell you such a big secret. He can only tell you it because you have a good relationship and he trusts you.

We don\'t know where the master put the drawings. Even if we want to steal them, we can\'t find a place. "

After listening to what Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong said, Bai Jianmu saw that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t answer, so he said again.

"Third senior brother, I think even if ye Xuan did this, I\'m afraid it has something to do with you. As you said just now, ye Xuan doesn\'t need to steal the drawings, because we all know that the master will pass the helmsman to Ye Xuan. He really doesn\'t need to steal the drawings."

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s tone paused, and he said coldly.

"And you, third senior brother, you can\'t get anything. You can\'t be the helmsman or see the drawing. You\'re not willing, so you instigate Ye Xuan to steal the drawing.

By doing so, you can get the most benefit. "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was trembling with anger.

"Bai Jianmu, you\'re talking nonsense again. What benefits can I get?"

Bai Jianmu smiled coldly, "what benefits can you get, third senior brother? You can get too many benefits. Don\'t tell me."

Zhang Lezhi said angrily, "tell me what benefits I can get."

Bai Jianmu looked around for four weeks and said loudly when he saw that everyone was looking at himself.

"Third senior brother, if you instigated Ye Xuan to steal the drawings, ye Xuan will no longer be trusted by the master. It is impossible to be the helmsman again.

In addition, you can also blame me or the second senior brother for stealing the drawings. In this way, no one will compete with you.

In the end, among all the martial brothers, only you did not participate in this matter, and the helmsman\'s position naturally fell to you, and the drawing was originally in your hand, so you can get it all.

Isn\'t that good enough? "

At the moment, after listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi was angry and wanted to crack his eyes, shouting.

"Bai Jianmu, don\'t talk nonsense. How could I do that?"

At this point, Zhang Lezhi took a few breaths and calmed his mood. He didn\'t continue until his mood calmed down a little.

"Bai Jianmu, I tell you, even if I say it\'s Ye Xuan, he won\'t agree, because it won\'t do him any good. Just tell me. If it\'s you and I let you do it, will you steal the master\'s drawings?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu suddenly realized it and laughed.