I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 184

Bai Jianmu knows what will happen if he fails. Therefore, he can\'t retreat, and he has no way back. He can only continue to do so.

Just for a moment, Bai Jianmu\'s heart melted a little and returned to cold again.

Looking at Zhang Lezhi in front of him, Bai Jianmu suddenly smiled and said slowly after a long time.

"Third senior brother, we\'d better not say those useless things. I just want to know now. Why do you think ye Xuan doesn\'t have the possibility of stealing drawings?"

Zhang Lezhi sighed when he heard the speech. Although he didn\'t know what Bai Jianmu was thinking, at the moment, he really understood that things were irreparable. His usual martial brother has now become an enemy.

Although Zhang Lezhi sighed, he also knew that sighing was useless. The most important thing was to find a way to recover the situation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi looked at Bai Jianmu and said slowly.

"Younger martial brother Bai, no one knows whether ye Xuan is the one who stole the drawings. However, just because he knows where to put the drawings, he is judged to be the one who stole the drawings. I always feel something wrong, so I asked everyone to study it together and see who is the one who stole the drawings. Is there anything wrong with doing so?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu shook his head, "senior brother, you can cheat others. If you want to cheat me, hum, it\'s impossible.

It\'s not so easy to find the place where the master puts the drawings. You can ask everyone who knows where to put the drawings. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu stopped, looked at Zhang Lezhi and sneered, "Third Elder martial brother, I understand that you have a good relationship with Ye Xuan. It must be at ordinary times that he told you where to put the drawings. Then you stole the drawings. As a result, your good friend Ye Xuan was locked up."

At this point, Bai Jianmu paused and continued.

"I think you may have found your conscience. I feel sorry for ye Xuan. I want to save Ye Xuan. What to do can at least make your conscience feel better.

Third senior brother, am I right? I think you stole the drawing 8 achievement. Therefore, you know that ye Xuan is definitely not the one who stole the drawing. "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi\'s face suddenly changed.

Bai Jianmu\'s words really make people think about the starting point.

In Nanjun branch, Zhang Lezhi and ye Xuan have a good relationship, which everyone knows.

Since ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings, perhaps when the two people usually drink, ye Xuan told Zhang Lezhi the news.

Or, the news was tricked out by Ye Xuan. In short, Zhang Lezhi knew where to put the drawings.

Whatever the reason, Zhang Lezhi knew where to put the drawings.

Then, there are many possibilities for the next thing, and everyone may think differently.

It may be that Zhang Lezhi felt that he had no hope of becoming the helmsman, so he took a fancy to the drawing and wanted to improve his strength. Therefore, he cheated Ye Xuan out of the place where the drawing was put, and then found an opportunity to steal the drawing.

Or, ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi are accomplices. They work together and steal the drawings. The purpose is naturally to frame the people who can threaten them.

As Zhang Lezhi said just now, if the person who stole the drawing is Ye Xuan, no one can doubt him, because he has no reason to steal the drawing.

If he takes advantage of this opportunity and blames his opponent, the possibility of success is very great.

After Bai Jianmu\'s words, even sun Xinzheng had some doubts.

If you follow what Bai Jianmu said, this kind of thing is really very possible.

Sun Xinzheng didn\'t expect that there would be so many possibilities in the case of drawing theft. Although so far, there is no whereabouts of the drawing, he was dazzled by the change of the case alone.

Looking at these disciples in front of him, sun Xinzheng didn\'t know what it was like in his heart.

Sun Xinzheng is sure that the person who stole the drawings is definitely one of these disciples.

Except for these disciples, other disciples of the lower generation basically have no chance to go to the place where they put the drawings, and they have no way to know where they put the drawings.

Therefore, although sun Xinzheng didn\'t know who the person who stole the drawings was, the only thing he was sure was that it must be one of the eight disciples.

In sun Xinzheng\'s heart, he was reluctant to believe it, because no matter which disciple stole the drawing, he failed to live up to his trust and cultivation wholeheartedly.

Sun Xinzheng treated the eight disciples equally and taught almost the same things.

However, everyone has different talents. Even if Sun Xin is the same as the Orthodox Church, everyone\'s achievements are also different.

Under the guidance of sun Xinzheng, after years of cultivation, everyone\'s talent has become more and more obvious.

LV Wenkang, the eldest disciple, is not the best in talent, but he practices mechanism skills with an attitude of diligence.

LV Wenkang gave up everything for his mechanism skills. Sun Xinzheng was very clear about this. Although he didn\'t agree with LV Wenkang, he didn\'t want to take care of each disciple\'s own development, so he let it go.

The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is not the best in talent, but after years of cultivation, his attainments in mechanism art can be regarded as the first of the eight disciples.

However, LV Wenkang once said that he didn\'t want to take care of those trivial things. Naturally, he didn\'t want to be the helmsman. He just wanted to study mechanism technology wholeheartedly.

The second disciple Tang Jian\'an has the same talent as the first disciple LV Wenkang, but he doesn\'t have the diligence of LV Wenkang, so his achievements are not very good.

Zhang Lezhi, the third disciple, is much higher in talent than LV Wenkang and Tang Jian\'an. Therefore, his attainments in mechanism art are also good. Although he is not as good as LV Wenkang, the first disciple, he is much higher than Tang Jian\'an, the second disciple.

Ye Xuan, the fourth disciple, is the most valued disciple of sun Xinzheng.

Ye Xuan\'s talent is extremely high. Although he started later than his elder martial brother LV Wenkang, he has almost caught up with LV Wenkang in the attainments of mechanism art.

Bai Jianmu, the fifth disciple, has unique talent in mechanism skills. He has worked hard in Nanjun branch. Up to now, he has very high attainments in mechanism skills.

Even, sun Xinzheng suspected that Bai Jianmu\'s attainments in mechanism technology had caught up with Ye Xuan.

Sun Xinzheng also paid more and more attention to him.

Liu Huarong, the sixth disciple, has average qualifications. If his father and sun Xinzheng were not good friends, sun Xinzheng might not accept him as a disciple.

Although Liu Huarong is also very hard, his talent is really average. Even if he tries hard, he is far behind Ye Xuan and others.