I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 183

Ye Xuan definitely has a reason to do so, and he also has the conditions to do so.

As Zhang Lezhi said just now, no one should doubt that ye Xuan stole the drawings, because he has no motive. He can get the drawings around. Why would he start to steal them.

If ye Xuan took advantage of this idea, he would steal the drawings, and then use this thing to eliminate his opponents, this should be the best opportunity.

Bai Jianmu looked at Zhang Lezhi and said with a sneer, "senior brother, if this is your reason, I feel too ridiculous.

You keep saying that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, but you don\'t have any real evidence to prove that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings. Then, what are you going to do? I just doubted you. Is there a mistake? Your practice is too suspicious. "

After Bai Jianmu said these words, he stared at Zhang Lezhi closely.

Bai Jianmu knows that now he doesn\'t have to say anything else. As long as he firmly grasp this point, it\'s not easy for Zhang Lezhi to resolve it.

Unless he has some real evidence to prove that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings, or he can tell who stole the drawings to prove that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings.

In addition, Bai Jianmu is sure that Zhang Lezhi has no other way to answer this question.

In fact, in the face of Bai Jianmu\'s accusation, Zhang Lezhi thought hard, but he didn\'t think of a way to deal with it.

Zhang Lezhi doesn\'t have any real evidence to find that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings, or say who is the real person who stole the drawings.

He had no evidence to prove that ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings, nor could he find out who was the one who stole the drawings.

Zhang Lezhi asked the master to gather everyone together, not because he knew who was the person who stole the drawings, but because he had questions in his heart, wanted to solve the questions in his heart, and then asked the master to summon everyone.

Originally, Zhang Lezhi had good intentions, but unexpectedly, things turned out to be like this.

So far, Zhang Lezhi has seen that Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong have been linked together. Zhang Lezhi can be sure of this through their words.

Zhang Lezhi never expected that in a short time, when ye Xuangang was put into the repentance Pavilion, Bai Jianmu took action and quickly attracted Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong, laying the foundation for being the master.

Not only that, Zhang Lezhi also thought that Bai Jianmu has made such great preparations to be the helmsman. If ye Xuan is released, it is definitely not a good thing for Bai Jianmu. Therefore, Bai Jianmu will certainly prevent Ye Xuan from being released.

Although Zhang Lezhi thought of this, he never thought that even himself would fall into it. At the moment, even if he wanted to get out, I\'m afraid it would be very difficult. Looking at Bai Jianmu\'s meaning, he should also be the object to be eradicated by him.

At the moment, Zhang Lezhi was secretly happy. If he didn\'t ask the master to call everyone, he really didn\'t know that Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong had been united at the moment.

If the three of them secretly framed themselves without knowing it, then they may really fall in their way.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi bit his teeth and secretly scolded Bai Jianmu for being shameless. He didn\'t expect to be independent of the world and didn\'t want to take care of these things. At the moment, he can only face it.

At this moment, Zhang Lezhi also understands that it is not only Ye Xuan\'s problem, but also self-protection. If we don\'t make things clear today, I\'m afraid there will be no future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi looked at Bai Jianmu and suddenly sighed. Then he slowly said, "younger martial brother Bai, why bother? Why bother when you and my martial brother fight."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu was stunned. He thought Zhang Lezhi would say something sharp to answer his questions, but he didn\'t expect Zhang Lezhi to say it.

After Bai Jianmu heard this sentence, his heart also moved. As a fifth grader, he started later than the four senior brothers in front of him, and naturally he was taken care of by them.

No matter the eldest or second elder martial brother, even ye Xuan was kind to him and would teach him carefully if he had any problems.

I think of the time when we were together and only studied mechanism technology without any other ideas. At that time, it was really great. There was no dispute, only the discussion and careful research on mechanism technology.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu\'s cold eyes calmed down a lot.

However, when Bai Jianmu thought of his family, his heart sank fiercely.

If you give up now, there is no doubt about the next result.

Ye Xuan will be released and become the next helmsman, and his future is under Ye Xuan\'s control.

If ye Xuan knew what he was doing at the moment, would he retaliate against himself when he became the helmsman.

As the helmsman of Nanjun branch, it\'s too simple to want revenge on yourself.

In the end, leaving the South County branch is the only result.

What to do with their families? They are still waiting for their news at home. If they can\'t be the helmsman, it will be a serious blow to them. All their fantasies have come to naught. Not only that, they can\'t even guarantee their current life. They will become the lowest person in the white family in Nanjun and never have a chance to turn over.

Is this result what you want.

If you let go now, Bai Jianmu can be sure that this is the result.

no Never give up.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu feels like climbing up on the edge of a cliff. Not only that, if he doesn\'t continue to climb up, he will fall into the abyss and never climb up.

Bai Jianmu also exuded a cold sweat on his forehead when he thought of what would happen if he gave up.

All he did was not want such an outcome.

Bai Jianmu is talented and intelligent. Otherwise, he would not be sent to Tianji gate by the Bai family.

It\'s not easy to be sun Xinzheng\'s disciple.

In order to let Bai Jianmu worship sun Xinzheng smoothly, the Bai family spent a lot of money.

Needless to say, almost half of the huge courtyard of Nanjun branch was built at the expense of the white family.

When cultivating mechanism skills, you need a lot of materials. With so many disciples of Nanjun branch, you need more materials to cultivate.

A large part of these materials were sent free of charge by the Bai family.

Bai Jianmu knows what all this is for.

The final goal of the Bai family is to let him finally control the South County branch.

If you successfully become the helmsman of Nanjun branch, everyone will be happy, but if you don\'t succeed.