I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 182

To know sun Xinzheng\'s experience in putting drawings, Liu Huarong only needs to carefully observe sun Xinzheng\'s trend every day. After a long time, he will naturally find the place to put drawings.

In this way, Liu Huarong is definitely suspected of stealing drawings.

But then again, is the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang really not suspected? Zhang Lezhi is skeptical about this.

The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is not only suspected, but also so big that everyone believes that he is suspected of stealing drawings.

It is for this reason that Zhang Lezhi was the first to say this idea.

However, the original good plan was hit by Bai Jianmu and there was no progress.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi looked at Bai Jianmu and took a deep breath to suppress his anger. He knew that it was no use getting angry now. He could only calmly find a way to find the person who stole the drawings.

Looking at Zhang Lezhi\'s frown and shining eyes, Tang Jian\'an knows that Zhang Lezhi is trying to find a way.

As for what to do, Tang Jianan is also very clear. He knows that in this state, Zhang Lezhi will never go according to their wishes and will certainly find a way to deal with them.

Therefore, we must not let Zhang Lezhi think of a way. Once he comes up with a way to deal with himself and others, there will be another problem.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an looked at Zhang Lezhi who was thinking hard and said loudly.

"Junior brother, since you have determined that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, please give us a reason why Ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s question, Zhang Lezhi looked down and thought. Then he looked up at Tang Jian\'an and said slowly.

"Second senior brother, although Ye Xuan is the only one who knows where the master put the drawings, do you think he will really steal the drawings?"

Tang Jian\'an was stunned when he heard the speech. To be fair, in his opinion, ye Xuan should not steal drawings. Doing so would not be good for ye Xuan, but it would do a lot of harm.

However, up to now, this road can only go on. If you don\'t go on, when ye Xuan turns over, you are unlucky.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an sneered, "third younger martial brother, how hidden the place where the master put the drawings is. I really can\'t think of anyone who might steal the drawings except ye Xuan who knows the place where the master put the drawings, or who can steal the drawings without knowing the place where the master put the drawings."

At this point, Tang Jian\'an\'s tone stopped. He looked at Zhang Lezhi. After a long time, he said again.

"Third younger martial brother, I really can\'t think of any reason why you think that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawing under this situation. Can you tell me what reason you have to prove that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawing."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head. "Second senior brother, you\'re wrong again. The question I asked was not that ye xuanzhi didn\'t know where the master put the drawings, nor whether he would steal the drawings. Instead, he asked you, do you really doubt that ye Xuan stole the drawings?"

Tang Jianan\'s face changed after listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question.

In fact, no one can answer such things without evidence.

Just now, he wanted to deceive the past with this vague method, but unexpectedly, Zhang Lezhi persistently asked this question and asked him to answer positively. Is he really doubting whether ye Xuan will steal the drawings.

Looking at Zhang Lezhi, who was chasing him step by step, Tang Jian\'an\'s mind turned and thought quickly. How should he answer.

After some thinking, Tang Jian\'an finally made up his mind.

What he did during this time has already offended Ye Xuan. Even if he doesn\'t say anything now, I\'m afraid he will settle with him when ye Xuan comes out.

Rather than that, it\'s better to break Ye Xuan into the bottom of the valley as early as possible, so that he can never turn the cards.

The best result, of course, was that he had the upper hand, and ye Xuan was expelled from the school.

In order to achieve this goal and protect himself, Tang Jian\'an gritted his teeth, suddenly looked up at Zhang Lezhi and said loudly.

"Third younger martial brother, I think that ye Xuan stole it. No one knows where the master put the drawings except him. Even if you want to steal it, you can\'t do it."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, Zhang Lezhi nodded, "so, the second senior brother thinks that ye Xuan must have stolen the drawing."

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an has made up his mind. This matter has evolved into this. Once Ye Xuan is released, he absolutely has no good fruit. For his own safety, he must hit Ye Xuan to the bottom of the valley.

"Third younger martial brother, ye Xuan knows where the master put the drawings, so I think the person who stole the drawings has no other possibility except ye Xuan."

After Tang Jianan\'s words, Zhang Lezhi nodded again, smiled and asked, "well, Second Senior brother, what good will ye Xuan do to him after stealing the drawings."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused before continuing.

"We all know that if this doesn\'t happen, ye Xuan is likely to become the next helmsman. The master will naturally pass the drawing to him. The second senior brother should have no doubt about this."

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Tang Jian\'an bit his teeth, then nodded, but didn\'t speak.

Seeing Tang Jian\'an nodding, Zhang Lezhi continued.

"Since ye Xuan can get the drawing sooner or later, why steal it? Second Senior brother, can you tell me why?"

When Tang Jian\'an heard the speech and was about to answer, Bai Jianmu suddenly said.

"Third senior brother, why do you say that?"

At this point, Bai Jianmu stopped his tone and said again.

"Because ye Xuan thought like you. He thought that everyone thought he had no possibility of stealing the drawings. Even if he stole the drawings, no one would doubt him, so he started to steal the drawings."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu snorted coldly and said loudly.

"Ye Xuan has another advantage in stealing drawings.

Since he stole the drawings and won\'t be suspected by others, ye Xuan can blame others for the suspicion of stealing the drawings.

For example, I, or the eldest martial brother, in short, anyone who threatens him, he can frame it and let the master eliminate his threat for him. "

At this point, Bai Jianmu turned his head, looked closely at Zhang Lezhi and said word by word.

"Third senior brother, do you think I\'m right?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi also moved in his heart.

Bai Jianmu said that this possibility is not without.

Although Ye Xuan is likely to be the next helmsman, no one is sure that he will be the helmsman before he becomes the helmsman.

In order to become the helmsman steadily, ye Xuan took this opportunity to eradicate those who threatened him. This is definitely a good opportunity.