I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 181

Tang Jian\'an and Bai Jianmu were very satisfied with Liu Huarong\'s new views and praised him in their hearts.

However, when Zhang Lezhi heard this question, he was very dissatisfied. At the same time, he secretly scolded Liu Huarong for being cunning. Unexpectedly, younger martial brother Liu, who is usually silent, has become so sharp and resourceful at the moment. It\'s really unexpected.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t answer this question, Tang Jian\'an smiled and said again.

"Third younger martial brother, you\'d better not be polite. Speak up quickly and let us all refer to it in detail, so as to find the drawings as soon as possible."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s urging, Zhang Lezhi thought a little and immediately said.

"Second elder martial brother, although I put forward this view, I really don\'t have an answer in my heart. The reason why I said this question is that I know that second elder martial brother is very intelligent at ordinary times, so I said it. I want second elder martial brother to help me refer to it. I don\'t mean anything else."

Tang Jian\'an\'s face suddenly stiffened when he heard the speech, but then he returned to normal, smiled, waved his hand and said, "third martial brother, I know you are cautious, modest and polite, but at this time, it\'s better not to be modest. We all know that you never say uncertain words. Since you ask this question, you can certainly think of the answer."

As soon as Tang Jian\'an\'s words were finished, Liu Huarong said again.

"Second elder martial brother, maybe Third Elder martial brother has found the answer, or has found the person who stole the drawings. He has this confidence. Put forward this view."

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Tang Jian\'an picked his eyebrows and hurriedly followed Liu Huarong\'s words.

"Younger martial brother, is this true? Is what younger martial brother Liu said true? Do you really know who stole the drawing? Ha ha, please tell the third martial brother quickly. We will catch the person who stole the drawing as soon as possible so as to find the precious drawing."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly came out. It would be bad if he followed what they said.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi waved his hand to them. "Second elder martial brother, younger martial brother Liu, don\'t say that. It\'s not good for others to misunderstand."

Tang Jian\'an smiled and waved his hand, "third martial brother, you\'d better not be modest. At this time, since you already know who stole the drawings, let\'s say it quickly. We can find the drawings as soon as possible."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech and was about to defend again, Bai Jianmu snorted coldly and said loudly.

"Third Elder martial brother, since you know who stole the drawings, but you are reluctant to say it, can you say that you are the one who stole the drawings?"

Hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, the cold sweat on Zhang Lezhi\'s forehead finally stayed.

Two fists are hard to defeat four hands. I want to deal with the three of them alone. It seems that some are not opponents.

However, Zhang Lezhi understands that this is not the time to admit advice. Even if he knows that he is not their opponent, he should stick to it. Until the end, no one knows who is the final winner.

Zhang Lezhi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, turned his head, looked at Bai Jianmu and said loudly.

"Younger martial brother Bai, I have said that I didn\'t steal the drawings. Unless you have any evidence to prove that I stole the drawings, please don\'t say such words without evidence."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu sneered, "third senior brother, the evidence is that you know ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, but you can\'t tell who stole the drawings. Isn\'t that suspicious?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi immediately opened his eyes and looked at Bai Jianmu angrily.

"Younger martial brother Bai, what kind of evidence is this? Don\'t I know who stole the drawings, and I became the one who stole the drawings? What kind of evidence is this? If you can come up with some real evidence, I Zhang Lezhi recognized it. If younger martial brother Bai doesn\'t have any real evidence, can I think that you are planting the blame."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu ignored his words, but said to himself.

"Third senior brother, if you didn\'t steal the drawings, you should tell me. What makes you think that ye Xuan, who knows where the drawings are placed, is not the person who stole the drawings. Do you have any evidence?"

Zhang Lezhi smelled the speech and said angrily, "Bai Jianmu, as I have said, I don\'t know whether ye Xuan stole the drawings. I just feel that it\'s unfair to believe that ye Xuan stole the drawings just because ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings.

Is there anything wrong with my thinking so? "

Bai Jianmu said, "Third Elder martial brother, tell us, who knows where the master puts the drawings?"

With these words, Bai Jianmu stared at Zhang Lezhi closely to see how he would answer the question.

The problem of Bai Jianmu is similar to the one mentioned by Zhang Lezhi just now.

If Zhang Lezhi says that someone knows where to put the drawings, it\'s no different from doubting someone. Therefore, this question is also difficult to answer. In addition, Zhang Lezhi can\'t know. Who knows where to put the drawings.

This question is not easy to answer, and Zhang Lezhi naturally knows it.

The key is that he really doesn\'t know who knows where to put the drawings. All the martial brothers are here. He thought about it one by one, but who knows where the master puts the drawings? Zhang Lezhi doesn\'t know either.

According to Zhang Lezhi, in this situation, through the performance of Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong, he guessed that the person who stole the drawings should be one of the three people, that is, the person who knew where the master put the drawings, that is, one of the three people.

But who is it? Zhang Lezhi doesn\'t have a clue.

Is it possible for Tang Jian\'an to get started first and have the longest contact with the master? It is also most possible to know where the master puts the drawings.

However, Bai Jianmu is also good. He has extremely high talent and is deeply trusted by his master. It can be said that in the Nanjun branch, in sun Xinzheng\'s eyes, except ye Xuan, he is Bai Jianmu. With sun Xinzheng\'s trust, it should be no surprise to know where he put the drawings.

Liu Huarong, the sixth martial brother, is also suspected. Although he is usually silent and silent, it doesn\'t mean he has no intention.

Through today\'s performance, Zhang Lezhi has deep doubts about him.

A person who is usually silent has become very active today. What\'s the matter? Is it because he stole the drawings? Therefore, he is trying to prove that ye Xuan stole the drawings. Naturally, the purpose is to get rid of his suspicion.

Zhang Lezhi knew that if Liu Huarong really wanted to find the place where the master put the drawings, it would not be difficult.