I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 180

Zhang Lezhi knows that at this moment, he must not be the first to say that his senior brother LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings. If he does, he will not only fall into passivity at this moment, but also have no chance to turn over in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi turned his head again, looked at Tang Jian\'an and asked.

"Second senior brother, you\'d better answer my question first. Other things will be discussed after you answer!"

Seeing that Bai Jianmu came to rescue himself and overcome the difficulty for himself, Tang Jian\'an just breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could catch his breath, Zhang Lezhi asked him again.

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Tang Jian\'an was surprised. Subconsciously, he turned to Bai Jianmu and hoped that he could extricate himself again.

But it\'s not that simple. Zhang Lezhi now knows that they can\'t have a chance to breathe again. If so, they don\'t know what ideas they will come up with to embarrass themselves.

Thinking of this, he saw Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes looking straight at Bai Jianmu. Zhang Lezhi hurriedly asked again, "second senior brother, you\'d better answer my question quickly. Even if you want younger martial brother Bai to answer, it\'s your turn to answer after you answer."

Looking at Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes for help, Bai Jianmu knew that if he didn\'t get rid of the siege quickly, Tang Jian\'an would immediately say what he didn\'t want to hear.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu snorted again, turned to look at Zhang Lezhi and asked loudly.

"Third Elder martial brother, let\'s talk about it first. Is the eldest martial brother suspected?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "I\'d better ask the second senior brother to answer first, and then I\'ll answer."

Bai Jianmu sneered, "what\'s the difference? You asked the question. You first said that the eldest martial brother was suspected. Don\'t you know the answer?"

At this point, Bai Jianmu paused and continued.

"Third Elder martial brother, since you put forward this idea, I don\'t think you have doubts about the eldest martial brother. You also think that the eldest martial brother is the person who stole the drawings."

Zhang Lezhi heard the speech and screamed. He hurriedly said, "it has nothing to do with me. I\'m just analyzing the possibility between our martial brothers, but I don\'t know exactly who is likely to steal the drawings."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi knows that he can\'t talk to Bai Jianmu anymore. If he goes on, I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu will let himself answer this question first, which will be bad.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu immediately turned to Tang Jian\'an and asked loudly, "second senior brother, please answer quickly. Don\'t you see that everyone has been waiting in a hurry."

Bai Jianmu sees that Zhang Lezhi has changed the topic again and aims at Tang Jian\'an. He is busy talking again.

"Third Elder martial brother, you\'d better not hurry to let the second elder martial brother say. Since it\'s your question, you\'d better set an example for everyone first. Let\'s listen to your opinions."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu turned to look at Tang Jian\'an and asked with a smile.

"Second elder martial brother, am I right? Should the Third Elder martial brother answer this question?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Tang Jian\'an immediately understood it and hurriedly said loudly, "yes, younger martial brother Bai, you\'re right. Since the third martial brother put forward this question, he must have an answer in his heart. I\'d better ask the third martial brother to answer this question first."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, how could he answer this question first.

"Second elder martial brother, how can this be? Since ancient times, you have been in order. It\'s reasonable to ask second elder martial brother to answer first.

Second senior brother, I\'d better listen to your opinion first. "

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an, disturbed by Bai Jianmu, has regained his self-confidence. Just now there was nothing to do, so he had nothing to say.

Now, with the hint of Bai Jianmu, you will naturally have a goal and have a good talk.

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Tang Jian\'an shook his head and said with a smile.

"Junior brother, I\'d better listen to your opinion first. Since you raised this question, you should have an answer in your heart. I think it\'s not too late to listen to your opinion first."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he waved his hand. "Second elder martial brother, you are the second elder martial brother and the elder martial brother of all of us. We are all led by you. Naturally, we should listen to your opinions first. Therefore, we\'d better ask the second elder martial brother to answer first."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an smiled and shook his head. At the moment, he has completely recovered his usual composure. His panic has long disappeared, and he can talk in front of Zhang Lezhi again.

"Third younger martial brother, you\'re too polite. Although I\'m the second elder martial brother, you\'re not bad. It doesn\'t matter if you answer this question first!"

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head. "No, how can I? As a younger martial brother, how can I speak in front of the elder martial brother first? I\'d better ask the second elder martial brother to express his views on the eldest martial brother first, and then we as younger martial brothers say it again. This is in line with the rules."

Tang Jian\'an heard the speech, waved his hand again and said, "third martial brother, at this time, you\'d better not be modest. Since you put forward that question, you should have an answer in your heart. You\'d better say it first and let us refer to it. Wouldn\'t that be better?"

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an turned his head, looked at Liu Huarong, smiled and said, "younger martial brother Liu, do you think so? Let the third martial brother speak out his views first, and we are all answering. Isn\'t that better?"

When Liu Huarong saw that his side had the upper hand again, his self-confidence burst again. After hearing Tang Jian\'an\'s questions, he quickly turned his head, looked at Zhang Lezhi, hugged his fist and said.

"The Third Elder martial brother and the second elder martial brother are right. Since you say that the eldest martial brother is suspected of stealing the drawings, that is to say, you have already made a decision in your heart. Don\'t you think that the drawings were stolen by the master elder martial brother.

If that\'s the case, don\'t be difficult for our senior brothers. As long as the third senior brother says it, it won\'t be much easier to find the drawings as soon as possible. "

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Tang Jian\'an couldn\'t help but praise him. I didn\'t expect that younger martial brother Liu\'s mind turned very fast. In the blink of an eye, he buttoned a big hat for Zhang Lezhi to make him talk about suffering.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an decided to work harder. As soon as Liu Huarong finished his words, he immediately said without waiting for Zhang Lezhi to answer.

"Third younger martial brother, younger martial brother Liu is right. Since you have long believed that the eldest martial brother is the one who stole the drawings, why bother us? As long as you say it, we will naturally believe it and don\'t have to be so troublesome."

At the moment, after hearing Liu Huarong\'s words, Bai Jianmu gave him a thumbs up and praised him in his heart.

At the critical moment, younger martial brother Liu really didn\'t lose his chain. He said something useful. It\'s really hard to judge by appearance.