I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 179

Bai Jianmu took a deep breath and calmed down his chaotic mood. He knew that it was useless to think too much. Now the key problem is Zhang Lezhi in front of him.

He knew that Zhang Lezhi wanted to tell himself that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang was suspected and let himself offend the eldest martial brother.

However, how could Bai Jianmu fulfill Zhang Lezhi\'s wish? He is also trying to make Zhang Lezhi say that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected and let him offend the eldest martial brother and win him over.

As long as there is the support of senior brother LV Wenkang, Bai Jianmu can be sure that even if ye Xuan is released, he can\'t fight himself.

However, how to deal with this situation.

How to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s question.

At the moment, not only Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong have a headache, but Bai Jianmu is also furious.

Seeing that Liu Huarong was about to be paralyzed by fear, Zhang Lezhi suddenly couldn\'t bear it.

After all, Liu Huarong is his younger martial brother. He always respects himself. At the moment, he has been embarrassed like this. Zhang Lezhi decided not to embarrass him anymore.

With this idea in mind, Zhang Lezhi turned his head and looked at Tang Jian\'an, suddenly smiled and said.

"I forgot. In order, this question should be answered by the second senior brother."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi stopped his tone before continuing.

"Then, please answer this question."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped again. He stared at Tang Jian\'an and asked word by word.

"Second elder martial brother, is the eldest martial brother suspected of stealing drawings?"

After Zhang Lezhi said these words, the expression and mood of the people suddenly changed.

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Liu Huarong\'s heart was suddenly relaxed, and a relaxed feeling rushed into his heart. The tension just now and the current relaxation made Liu Huarong feel in a trance, a feeling in a dream.

Just now when he was ready to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong felt as if he were in hell.

When Zhang Lezhi said to ask the second senior brother to answer this question, he seemed to be in the clouds.

Compared with Liu Huarong\'s ease, Tang Jian\'an\'s heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

Tang Jian\'an knows that the key to this problem is who said it first.

Just now, if Liu Huarong said it first, it would be easier to say it, but if he said it first, the situation would be bad.

After all, Tang Jian\'an is the second elder martial brother. What he said definitely has a considerable effect.

Ye Xuan and Bai Jianmu have higher attainments in mechanism skills than Tang Jian\'an. However, as the second senior brother, Tang Jian\'an has much higher qualifications than them.

If Tang Jian\'an says that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected, although it is of no use to others, it still plays a great leading role in front of the seventh younger martial brother and the eighth younger martial sister.

Tang Jian\'an was relieved by Bai Jianmu, but the problem came back in the blink of an eye.

Just now Tang Jian\'an didn\'t think of how to answer this question. At the moment, he can\'t remember. But he can only turn his head to Bai Jianmu and want him to extricate himself again.

Seeing this situation, Bai Jianmu can only sigh and know that he can only come forward. Otherwise, things can only become more and more passive.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu stepped forward and stood in front of Bai Jianmu. Looking at Zhang Lezhi in front of him, he asked loudly.

"Third Elder martial brother, what did you think before you asked the second elder martial brother? Do you think the eldest martial brother is suspected of stealing drawings?"

Seeing Bai Jianmu coming, Zhang Lezhi already knew that Bai Jianmu was going to talk again.

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi thought quickly in his heart. After a long time, he looked at Tang Jian\'an behind Bai Jianmu and said.

"Younger martial brother Bai, as I said just now, the elders and children are in order. Let\'s start with the second senior brother and arrange them down in turn.

Therefore, the second senior brother should say this first. "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu sneered, stared at Zhang Lezhi\'s face and asked again.

"Third Elder martial brother, usually, when you ask others questions, you must know the answer. I want to know what you think, Third Elder martial brother. Do you think the eldest martial brother is suspected of stealing drawings?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "Younger martial brother Bai, it\'s not convenient for me to answer this question now. I\'m afraid I\'ll mislead the second senior brother. Therefore, I\'d better ask the second senior brother to answer first, and then I\'ll answer."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu suddenly moved in his heart. He immediately laughed. After a long time, he looked at Zhang Lezhi and said slowly.

"Third Elder martial brother, you said that children are in good order. Since you know this truth, it seems that you have raised some questions for everyone to answer. It\'s a little against the rules."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi was stunned. He was confused and didn\'t understand what Bai Jianmu was up to.

A moment later, Zhang Lezhi asked suspiciously, "younger martial brother Bai, what do you mean and why this question shouldn\'t be asked by me."

Bai Jianmu sneered, "third senior brother, according to you, there should be big senior brother and second senior brother above you. Even if you want to ask questions, you should start from the big senior brother. It seems that you shouldn\'t ask from the third senior brother!"

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he understood what Bai Jianmu\'s idea was. He turned and looked at his senior brother LV Wenkang, but he saw that his senior brother LV Wenkang was also looking here.

Zhang Lezhi thought for a while. Then he turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu and asked, "younger martial brother Bai, what do you think we should do about it?"

Bai Jianmu heard the speech, turned his head and looked at his senior brother LV Wenkang, smiled and said.

"Senior brother, as the senior brother of all of us, even if you have any questions, it seems that you should ask them."

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s tone stopped for a moment before he continued.

"Elder martial brother, then, you have a question."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, LV Wenkang was stunned. He didn\'t expect that Bai Jianmu asked him to ask questions.

To tell the truth, LV Wenkang doesn\'t care about these problems. He doesn\'t care who stole the drawings. What he cares about is the mechanism technology he studied.

Bai Jianmu asked him to ask a question, but LV Wenkang didn\'t think about it. How to ask a question.

However, at this moment, LV Wenkang also understood that Bai Jianmu won this opportunity for himself. If he didn\'t ask questions, the person who asked questions should be Zhang Lezhi.

Zhang Lezhi asked a question that LV Wenkang did not want to face.

Not only is LV Wenkang unwilling to face it, but everyone is unwilling to face it. Because of Zhang Lezhi\'s problem, Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong\'s Distressed head are about to explode. If the problem continues, something may not happen. Maybe they will really say that LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings.