I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 178

If the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang joins the Bai Jianmu camp, there will be four of them.

Although the number only accounts for half of the eight disciples, don\'t forget that LV Wenkang, Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong are all powerful figures among the eight disciples.

Among the remaining four people, only Ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi are OK, while the other seven younger martial brothers and eight younger martial sisters have no prestige.

In other words, even if the four of them are united together, it is by no means useful for the four of Bai Jianmu to unite together.

Moreover, the seventh younger martial brother and the eighth younger martial sister are likely to maintain a neutral attitude in such disputes. That is to say, if the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang joins Bai Jianmu\'s camp, there will be only Ye Xuan and himself on his own side.

At that time, no matter how much sun Xinzheng trusts Ye Xuan, when most of the martial brothers support Bai Jianmu, the position of the helmsman may not be on Ye Xuan\'s head.

What\'s more, after this event of the drawing, there must be a certain gap between Ye Xuan and sun Xinzheng.

In this state, Zhang Lezhi knows that the eldest martial brother must not join Bai Jianmu\'s camp. If things evolve like that, even if ye Xuan is released, I\'m afraid the final outcome will be that he can\'t stay at the South County branch.

Therefore, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is very important. If he joins his own camp and ye Xuan\'s camp, there are three people in each camp of both sides with equal strength, so everything will be much easier to do.

Zhang Lezhi spent this effort to let Bai Jianmu\'s camp say that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings. At that time, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang will not join his camp.

As long as the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang doesn\'t join Bai Jianmu\'s camp, even if he maintains a neutral attitude, he and ye Xuan have a certain chance of winning. I\'m afraid, if the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang joins Bai Jianmu\'s camp, it\'s all over.

Not only Zhang Lezhi, but also Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong understand this truth.

Therefore, they can\'t say that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected.

Now, although the two sides are facing only one problem, in fact, we all have the same purpose to let the other side offend our senior brother LV Wenkang.

Both sides understand the importance of senior brother LV Wenkang, so they don\'t say it. However, both sides are directly facing this problem.

Bai Jianmu asked Zhang Lezhi. On the one hand, he helped Tang Jian\'an out of the encirclement. On the other hand, he naturally wanted Zhang Lezhi to say that his eldest martial brother LV Wenkang was suspected.

The key now depends on who can\'t help saying this first.

It can be said that whoever speaks first will be unlucky.

Of course, it\'s impossible not to say it. If anyone dares not to say it, sun Xinzheng will not let him go. He will certainly drive those who don\'t say it out of the school directly.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu should be the most relaxed person, because Zhang Lezhi can\'t ask him this question directly.

According to the ranking of the martial brothers, Bai Jianmu is in the middle, whether from top to bottom or from bottom to top. No matter how he asks, he is not the first to answer the question.

However, Bai Jianmu doesn\'t feel relaxed at the moment.

Bai Jianmu\'s forehead also exudes a fine cold sweat. His martial arts are high. It is reasonable that he can\'t sweat in this weather. However, at the moment, he has a lot of sweat. Of course, it\'s not hot, but because Bai Jianmu is very nervous.

Bai Jianmu knew that if he failed this time, he would really have nothing.

Since the drawing incident, ye Xuan has been locked up because of this incident. Then, the next problem is the helmsman.

Bai Jianmu believes that in the Nanjun branch, as long as there is no Ye Xuan, the position of helmsman must be his own.

Seeing that ye Xuan was locked up, Bai Jianmu, who was ecstatic, had sent a letter to his family, telling the news that he was likely to be the next helmsman.

After the news came back, the family cried with joy.

Bai Jianmu\'s family doesn\'t have a high status in the Bai family in Nanjun. They are only second-class characters. If Bai Jianmu didn\'t mix well in Tianji gate, I\'m afraid he can\'t mix with second-class characters.

Seeing that Bai Jianmu is going to be the helmsman, the family is naturally overjoyed. They can\'t hide their happiness. As a result, too many people know the news.

Even when the patriarch heard the news, he directly asked someone to send a message to Bai Jianmu\'s family. As long as Bai Jianmu becomes the helmsman of Nanjun branch, the position of five elders in the family will be reserved for Bai Jianmu\'s family.

Hearing the news from his family, Bai Jianmu was really surprised and happy.

On the one hand, he blamed his family for telling the news. On the other hand, he was also a little happy.

As long as your family becomes the five elders, there are too many benefits.

The white family in Nanjun has people in many sects. These people have their own status in each sect. If their family becomes 5 elders, they can make use of all the resources of the white family.

This is a great thing. The children of the white family in Nanjun are very young and cover a wide range.

There are people in the Bai family in a series of schools, such as martial arts, pharmacy, training equipment, equipment and so on.

As long as the family becomes the five elders of the family, they and their families can get these benefits.

This treatment can only be owned by some elders of the family.

Bai Jianmu also knows that he can get all these benefits after becoming the helmsman of Nanjun.

However, if you can\'t be the helmsman of Nanjun branch, it will be bad.

What\'s more terrible is that if this fight with Ye Xuan, Zhang Lezhi and others fails, the outcome will be quite bad.

Bai Jianmu knows that if he fails in this fight, it is impossible for him to stay in the South County branch, so he can only leave obediently.

He left the South County branch, so the family\'s position in the white family must be a straight decline. Even the original level can\'t be guaranteed. I\'m afraid it will fall to the lowest.

It can be said that if he fails, Bai Jianmu will face much more serious problems than Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong. If he fails, even his family may no longer have room to turn over.

Therefore, Bai Jianmu understands that he must win this fight.

Win, the sea and the sky, fly freely.

If you lose, you can only say that the end is very sad.

Bai Jianmu thought that after ye Xuan was locked up, he could easily become the helmsman.

But unexpectedly, a Zhang Lezhi came out of thin air to destroy his good deeds.

At ordinary times, Bai Jianmu really doesn\'t pay attention to Zhang Lezhi. Although Zhang Lezhi\'s attainments in mechanism technology are also very high, Bai Jianmu still doesn\'t like it and thinks his technology is not as high as himself.