I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 177

Seeing Liu Huarong\'s panic and panic, Zhang Lezhi was secretly happy. He knew that he wanted you to be more seriously ill while you were ill, so he hurried to ask again.

"Younger martial brother Liu, tell me if the elder martial brother is suspected."

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong almost regretted that his intestines were green. He thought it was a dog in pain and could win the upper hand, but unexpectedly he hit a nail.

Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t answer this question just now. How did Liu Huarong answer it.

Now Liu Huarong has really tasted the feeling of Tang Jian\'an just now.

Liu Huarong was sweating and thinking quickly about how to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s question.

Although this question seems simple, the answer is really not so simple.

As Tang Jian\'an thought just now, if the answer is wrong and offends the eldest martial brother, it is equivalent to pushing the eldest martial brother to Ye Xuan\'s side and becoming his own enemy.

However, at this time, there is no alternative.

As Zhang Lezhi said just now, is senior brother suspected.

In Liu Huarong\'s opinion, the answer to this question is yes.

The eldest martial brother must be suspected. For people like him who don\'t care about anything for mechanism, that drawing is definitely the most precious treasure in the world in front of him. None of them is the most precious treasure in the world.

In this world, how many people are indifferent to their most precious treasure.

Needless to say, Liu Huarong believes that there are almost no people who are not attracted to that kind of baby.

Therefore, the answer is yes. Senior brother LV Wenkang must be suspected of stealing drawings.

That is to say, although Liu Huarong knows this, can he say so? If he does, everything will be over.

Although Liu Huarong usually doesn\'t talk much, he can see what\'s happening around him.

He knew very well that although Bai Jianmu had the help of himself and Tang Jian\'an, for the time being, he could be regarded as the strongest among their martial brothers.

However, once Ye Xuan is released, it will be like a tiger returning to the mountain. With Zhang Lezhi and LV Wenkang offended by them, it will be great.

At that time, Bai Jianmu is definitely not ye Xuan\'s opponent.

And he has chosen to join the camp on Bai Jianmu\'s side. Once Ye Xuan is released, Bai Jianmu must be unlucky.

Bai Jianmu is unlucky. Can you stand it? After all, I have chosen Bai Jianmu and everyone has seen it. At this time, even if I want to regret, I don\'t seem to have a chance.

Liu Huarong felt more nervous when he thought of the consequences of his answer.

He just felt his heart beat faster and wanted to concentrate on something. However, his heart beat so fast that his mind was full of the sound of his heart beating. It was impossible to concentrate.

When Bai Jianmu saw Liu Huarong\'s advice, his anger didn\'t come out.

Just now, although Tang Jianan\'s performance was very unbearable, he was much better than Liu Huarong.

At least when Tang Jian\'an thought about the problem, he stood very straight. Although the expression on his face was not good, it was still normal.

At the moment, Liu Huarong\'s eyes were blank, his face was white and frightening, and his body not only couldn\'t stand straight, but also trembled slightly.

Seeing Liu Huarong, Bai Jianmu sighed. It seems that Liu Huarong can\'t answer this question. He has to rely on himself.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu hurried forward and stood between Liu Huarong and Zhang Lezhi. Looking at Zhang Lezhi, Bai Jianmu sneered.

"Third Elder martial brother, you haven\'t answered me yet, but you are eager to ask other questions. I feel that third elder martial brother, you have ulterior motives!"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t help but change his face and hurriedly replied, "younger martial brother Bai, I hope you don\'t talk nonsense. I asked younger martial brother Liu a question because he asked me a question, so I asked him a question. What does this have to do with you?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu clapped his hands, "senior brother, if you can\'t tell who stole the drawings, do I have reason to say that you stole the drawings?"

Zhang Lezhi was stunned when he heard the speech, and then angrily said, "younger martial brother Bai, you can\'t talk nonsense. Why do you say I stole the drawings? What evidence do you have?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu sneered, "third senior brother, if you didn\'t steal the drawing, why are you in a hurry to save Ye Xuan and don\'t hesitate to wrong our senior brother? Can\'t these reasons make us doubt you?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi knows that he can\'t talk to him anymore. Even if he goes on, it\'s useless. Bai Jianmu keeps identifying himself as the person who stole the drawings. He can\'t defend himself. As long as he can\'t find the person who stole the drawings, Bai Jianmu can frame himself indefinitely.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi immediately abandoned Bai Jianmu, turned to Liu Huarong and asked loudly.

"Younger martial brother Liu, you answered me. Is the eldest martial brother suspected?"

Just now, Liu Huarong was so anxious that he didn\'t know what to do. Seeing that Bai Jianmu immediately came to rescue himself, he was relieved. However, it wasn\'t long before this hateful Zhang Lezhi threw the problem to himself again.

How to answer, or that question, I still can\'t answer.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong had no choice but to turn his head and look at Bai Jianmu, hoping that he could extricate himself again.

Seeing Liu Huarong winking at Bai Jianmu, Zhang Lezhi secretly shouted that it was not good.

Liu Huarong couldn\'t answer the question he asked. How did he answer Bai Jianmu\'s question.

I asked Liu Huarong to answer whether the elder martial brother was suspected or not.

Bai Jianmu asked himself to answer, who is suspected, or else he is suspected.

These two questions can\'t be answered. At the moment, Liu Huarong and Zhang Lezhi can\'t face this problem head-on.

We don\'t want to offend people, because offending people now means pushing people to the opposite camp and increasing the strength of the enemy.

Therefore, when facing this question, it is difficult for all people to answer.

Tang Jian\'an is very distressed in the face of this problem.

Liu Huarong is also very distressed in the face of this problem.

Zhang Lezhi is also unable to answer the questions raised by Bai Jianmu.

Zhang Lezhi understands that it is not just a matter of finding the drawings, but must not give the other party such an advantage.

Zhang Lezhi knows that at this time, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is actually very important.

If the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang joins Bai Jianmu\'s camp, Bai Jianmu\'s strength will immediately increase greatly.

Sun Xinzheng has eight disciples.

Now there are three people in Bai Jianmu\'s camp. If you add the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, they have accounted for half of all the martial brothers.