I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 176

Looking at Liu Huarong talking in front of him, Zhang Lezhi felt dazed, as if the person talking in front of him was not Liu Huarong, not his sixth martial brother, but someone else.

It\'s amazing that Liu Huarong, who used to be submissive, has turned into what he is now.

Hearing Liu Huarong\'s question, Zhang Lezhi also sighed secretly.

Although Liu Huarong was blaming himself, he was right. He started earlier than him and was taken care of by his senior brother more than him.

Zhang Lezhi naturally knows what the elder martial brother is like.

In Zhang Lezhi\'s eyes, the eldest martial brother is like a half master. When he first started, he asked many questions he didn\'t understand. He didn\'t ask the master first, but the eldest martial brother, because he felt that the eldest martial brother was easy to talk. Even if he said something wrong, the eldest martial brother wouldn\'t blame him.

Therefore, it is for these reasons that Zhang Lezhi still respects his senior brother LV Wenkang.

It can be said that if Bai Jianmu and others hadn\'t followed him step by step, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t have made such a bad decision.

Zhang Lezhi can\'t help it. It\'s best to choose the eldest martial brother.

The eldest martial brother almost lives a life free from worldly strife. No matter what he does, success or failure will have no impact on his future life.

Because even if the master leaves the Nanjun branch, no matter who becomes the helmsman, he will not take the eldest martial brother. The eldest martial brother will not pose a threat to anyone in dealing with people.

What\'s more, the eldest martial brother has no ambition.

He used to be the eldest martial brother. He has the skills in mechanism technology. It should not be difficult for him to catch up with the Master Sun Xinzheng. If he wants to be the helmsman.

However, LV Wenkang doesn\'t want to be the helmsman. He wants to study mechanism technology wholeheartedly. Therefore, no matter who becomes the helmsman, he won\'t have any danger.

In addition, Zhang Lezhi chose the eldest martial brother as the target for another reason.

The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang doesn\'t care about trifles, but after all, he is the eldest martial brother and has enough weight.

If Zhang Lezhi chooses others, such as Mei Guangji, the seventh younger martial brother, the weight is obviously not enough.

In that case, Tang Jian\'an would not have been distressed for so long. He had already said that the seventh younger martial brother might steal drawings.

In that way, it will not achieve the effect Zhang Lezhi wants.

Therefore, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is the best candidate.

Hearing Liu Huarong\'s question, Zhang Lezhi sighed and replied.

"I naturally know what the eldest martial brother is like, but don\'t you know what the eldest martial brother likes?"

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped. He looked at Liu Huarong and asked.

"Is it because of this that we don\'t doubt the eldest martial brother?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi turned his head, looked at his Master Sun Xinzheng, hugged his fist and saluted.

"Master, all the disciples do is to find the drawings as soon as possible. Besides, they have no selfishness.

If you don\'t find that drawing as soon as possible, I\'m afraid the consequences will be unimaginable. "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi, sun Xinzheng nodded, but didn\'t speak.

Anyway, he lost the drawing in his hand, and he also has a certain responsibility.

If we don\'t find it out as soon as possible, once the drawings fall out, he will be killed by sun Xinzheng.

Seeing the master nodding, Zhang Lezhi also had some confidence. Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Huarong and asked slowly.

"Sixth younger martial brother, the drawings are so important. Isn\'t it the most important thing for us to find the drawings first.

At this time, what\'s the use of thinking about other things? Only finding the drawings is the most important thing.

I doubt that elder martial brother has my reason. Do you think what I said just now is wrong? "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong was stunned and had a faint regret again.

Just now, I was only happy, but I forgot that Zhang Lezhi is not a vegetarian. If he asks any more strange questions, how should he answer them.

Just now, Tang Jian\'an, the second elder martial brother, was in a hurry, but he didn\'t face the problem directly. This is the best result.

However, now I rush up foolishly. Do I want to face Zhang Lezhi\'s problems.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong\'s forehead burst into a cold sweat. It\'s not that easy to return.

It\'s easy to stand up and speak, but it\'s not easy to take it back.

Hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu huarongqiang answered calmly.

"Third Elder martial brother, of course, looking for drawings is the most important thing. However, we know the character of the eldest martial brother very well. Can we doubt him?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "Doubt, seventh younger martial brother, I can tell you that I can doubt anyone in order to get the drawings back."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped for a moment. He turned his head and looked at the eldest martial brother, and then continued.

"I can doubt the eldest martial brother, and the eldest martial brother can also doubt me. In short, what we need to do now is to find the drawings. For other things, we can find the drawings."

When Liu Huarong heard the speech, he secretly looked at Tang Jian\'an, the second senior brother around him, but saw Tang Jian\'an\'s happy expression and regretted again.

It should not have been his own problem. He jumped out too early to take the place of his second senior brother Tang Jian\'an to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s question.

If you don\'t jump out by yourself, I\'m afraid the person who faces the third senior brother\'s question is the second senior brother Tang Jian\'an.

Thinking of this, Liu Huarong had more cold sweat on his forehead, but he still had to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s questions. However, Liu Huarong could only answer.

"That being said, we really shouldn\'t doubt the eldest martial brother."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he sneered in his heart and asked directly again.

"Seventh younger martial brother, can you say that elder martial brother is really not suspected?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong secretly shouted that it was not good. Zhang Lezhi asked so, which is to ask the question to the origin again.

That\'s the problem that Tang Jian\'an was worried about just now.

Does elder martial brother LV Wenkang have the idea of stealing drawings.

Just now, Bai Jianmu helped Tang Jian\'an out. What should I do this time.

Facing this question, Liu Huarong can\'t answer it. Now he just hopes that Bai Jianmu can show his power and help him out again, just as he did for Tang Jianan just now, and completely reverse things.

However, this time, can Bai Jianmu really reverse things?

Can you really think of any good way to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s question?

The answer is No.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu was stunned by what happened in front of him.

In order to solve the problem, I thought I had the upper hand.

But I didn\'t expect that before I was happy, things took a sharp turn, evolved into this way, and returned to the origin.