I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 175

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi was furious, "Bai Jianmu, I want to seek justice for ye Xuan. Does it become a drawing that ye Xuan and I stole together? Find a reason. The game is too far fetched!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu smiled. "Third senior brother, what\'s far fetched about this reason? If you didn\'t steal the drawing together with Ye Xuan, you told me who would steal the drawing except you two."

Zhang Lezhi was stunned when he heard the speech.

If he knew who stole the drawings, he would have caught the man long ago. Why wait until now.

In the face of this problem, Zhang Lezhi can\'t talk nonsense like Bai Jianmu. He needs practical evidence to tell who stole the drawings. Otherwise, if he makes random accusations, I\'m afraid the situation will be more unfavorable.

However, if you don\'t tell the person who steals the drawings at any time, Bai Jianmu will catch up.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi has a headache, but Bai Jianmu still has to answer.

Zhang Lezhi thought about it and replied, "Bai Jianmu, how can I know who stole the drawings? How can I point out the person who stole the drawings at any time? Your game is too difficult."

Bai Jianmu burst into laughter when he heard the speech. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Zhang Lezhi and asked loudly, "third senior brother, what you said is wrong. Since you don\'t know who stole the drawings, how can you know that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings."

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s tone stopped. He stared at Zhang Lezhi tightly, his eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly.

"Unless you\'re the one who stole the drawings."

Looking at the cold light in Bai Jianmu\'s eyes, Zhang Lezhi subconsciously stepped back. Bai Jianmu\'s martial arts are very clear. In such a close distance, it can be said that Bai Jianmu will be unlucky if he wants to fight.

After Zhang Lezhi stood firm, he said slowly, "Bai Jianmu, don\'t talk nonsense. As I said, I don\'t know who stole the drawings, and I\'m not the one who stole the drawings. I hope you don\'t doubt it."

Zhang Lezhi\'s voice has just dropped. This time, Tang Jian\'an has stepped forward quickly and looked at Zhang Lezhi and said loudly without waiting for Bai Jianmu to speak.

"Third younger martial brother, you\'re not right. Since you don\'t know who stole the drawings, why do you doubt the eldest martial brother? Tell me, why do you doubt the eldest martial brother?"

At this point, Tang Jian\'an\'s tone stopped. He glanced at the martial brothers around him. Then he raised his finger to the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang and said.

"You know what the elder martial brother is like, but today he is doubted by the third martial brother for no reason. What\'s the reason?"

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an really has a feeling of elation. The depressed image just now has long been swept away and turned into an expression of righteous indignation.

The question just now made Tang Jian\'an worry white, but he still couldn\'t answer it.

Thanks to Bai Jianmu\'s idea, he immediately reversed the situation.

Now, the person questioned is no longer Tang Jian\'an, but Zhang Lezhi.

Bai Jianmu accused Zhang Lezhi of knowing that ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings because he was the one who stole the drawings. In fact, this reason is also possible.

Zhang Lezhi and ye Xuan have a good relationship, which everyone knows.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Lezhi stole the drawings, but ye Xuan carried the pot for him and was locked up in the repentance Pavilion and suffered.

As a good friend of Ye Xuan, Zhang Lezhi naturally can\'t bear to see this happen. Moreover, he stole the drawings, so ye Xuan certainly didn\'t steal them.

Zhang Lezhi\'s heart was condemned. He felt sorry for ye Xuan, so he proposed to turn the table for ye Xuan.

This reason is absolutely possible.

Bai Jianmu also accused Zhang Lezhi and ye Xuan of stealing the drawings, which is more likely.

If there were no accidents, ye Xuan would be the successor of the next helmsman. Under such circumstances, ye Xuan would not steal the drawings, because he would see the drawings sooner or later. As long as he became the helmsman, sun Xinzheng would pass on the drawings to him. No one would question this.

However, Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t see it, so he instigated Ye Xuan to steal the drawings and explained the various benefits of stealing the drawings. Ye Xuan couldn\'t stand these benefits and stole the drawings.

As a result, ye Xuan, the suspect, was put in the repentance Pavilion, but Zhang Lezhi, the messenger, was carefree outside.

However, Zhang Lezhi, who is not in doubt, also knows that if ye Xuan is not rescued as soon as possible, ye Xuan will give him up sooner or later.

It is for this reason that Zhang Lezhi is anxious to save Ye Xuan.

It can be said that Zhang Lezhi\'s suspicion is not small at all. On the contrary, it is still great.

Seeing that his side had the upper hand in the twinkling of an eye, Liu Huarong almost had the feeling of crying with joy.

Seeing Tang Jian\'an, the second elder martial brother, sweating heavily when questioned by Zhang Lezhi, he was about to lose the whole game, there was a turning point.

Bai Jianmu turned things into this way.

Zhang Lezhi was suspected.

In this case, Liu Huarong, who regretted joining Bai Jianmu camp, suddenly came back to life full of blood and regained his fighting spirit again.

Liu Huarong saw that the second senior brother came forward to ask Zhang Lezhi. He also knew that he wanted you to be more seriously ill while you were ill. Without hesitation, he walked forward quickly, looked at the third senior brother Zhang Lezhi and asked loudly.

"Third Elder martial brother, I think the second elder martial brother\'s words are very reasonable. We all know how the eldest martial brother is.

I think the eldest martial brother started earlier than us and naturally knows more than us. When we first started, who hasn\'t been taken care of by the eldest martial brother? When you have problems, go to ask the eldest martial brother. Has the eldest martial brother ever helped you.

Think about it. The eldest martial brother has helped us so much, but he still leads us to doubt. Do you know how hard it should be in his heart? "

Speaking of this, Liu Huarong paused, looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked loudly, "Third Elder martial brother, does the elder martial brother take less care of you? You\'ve been in school longer than us. I\'m afraid you\'ve been taken care of by the elder martial brother more than us.

Why, why do you doubt the eldest martial brother? How is the eldest martial brother? Don\'t the third martial brother know? I think you should know the eldest martial brother better than us.

The eldest martial brother has no disputes with others all his life and has never been involved in anything. For people like him, why should we doubt? What are the reasons for our doubt? Third martial brother, tell me, why do you doubt the eldest martial brother.

Third Elder martial brother, or do you suspect that the eldest martial brother has another purpose or an ulterior purpose? "