I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 174

At the moment, the most important thing in sun Xinzheng\'s heart is to find the drawings first. The rest can be put away and left in the future.

However, Sun Xin didn\'t know who was in charge of the drawing.

Originally, he didn\'t want Ye Xuan to steal the drawings, because ye Xuan is his most trusted disciple after all. If ye Xuan steals the drawings, it means that he has betrayed his trust and that sun Xinzheng knows no one.

But now it\'s really different. Sun Xinzheng hopes that ye XuanZhen is the one who stole the drawings, because in that way, the drawings won\'t be left outside.

As long as the drawings don\'t stay outside, sun Xinzheng already feels lucky.

This drawing has been studied by Shifu for half his life. Once it is exiled, all the things that Shifu has studied with great effort will be in vain.

Therefore, there must be nothing wrong with the drawing.

Sun Xin was looking at the disciples in front of him and guessed in his heart, who is the real person who stole the drawings.

Boss LV Wenkang, is it possible to steal that drawing?

Sun Xinzheng doesn\'t know, but what Zhang Lezhi said just now really attracted his attention.

As a master, sun Xinzheng knows exactly who the boss LV Wenkang is.

Sun Xinzheng naturally understands that LV Wenkang devotes himself to studying mechanism technology.

That drawing is absolutely very attractive to LV Wenkang. No one can deny this. Even LV Wenkang himself can\'t deny it.

In that case, will LV Wenkang steal the drawings?

With this question in mind, Sun Xin is asking Zhang Lezhi what the answer is, and he wants to know more.

If you only doubt him, you may be biased, but if everyone doubts him, there may be a real problem.

However, just as Sun Xin was waiting for Tang Jian\'an to answer, things went down sharply. The skeptic turned out to be Zhang Lezhi again.

The key is that Bai Jianmu\'s suspicion is very reasonable.

Why is Zhang Lezhi so obsessed with this matter? When everyone thinks Ye Xuan is the one who stole the drawings, he has to turn over the plate for ye Xuan.

Why? Is it really just because he feels that everyone is unfair to Ye Xuan?

Or, what is the inside story and what we don\'t know.

At this moment, everyone was a little suspicious.

Since the eldest martial brother has the possibility of stealing the drawing, that precious drawing is also the best treasure in the eyes of the third martial brother Zhang Lezhi.

It\'s hard to guarantee that senior brother Zhang Lezhi will not steal that drawing.

Moreover, there is another possibility.

This drawing was originally stolen by Ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi.

Now, ye Xuan is suspected and locked up in the repentance Pavilion. Then Zhang Lezhi must save him, or Ye Xuan will give him up.

Therefore, regardless of everyone\'s ideas, Zhang Lezhi wants to turn over the plate for ye Xuan. The purpose is naturally to rescue Ye Xuan. Otherwise, ye Xuan will not be rescued. Once he is confessed, Zhang Lezhi\'s end will be absolutely good.

That\'s why Zhang Lezhi called everyone together to turn the table for ye Xuan.

After thinking for a while, Sun Xin transferred the suspected candidate to Zhang Lezhi.

If the drawing was stolen by Zhang Lezhi, it will definitely play a greater role than LV Wenkang.

Even if LV Wenkang steals the drawing back, the function of the drawing is to be used for his research, not for other aspects.

Zhang Lezhi is different. He stole the drawing, but he not only studied the usefulness of the drawing, but also had many unexpected benefits, which everyone knows.

Being doubted by everyone, Zhang Lezhi naturally didn\'t want to. Looking at Bai Jianmu\'s proud smiling face, Zhang Lezhi thought for a moment, and then said slowly.

"Fifth younger martial brother, since you doubt me, do you have any evidence?"

After listening to Zhang wenlezhi\'s question, Bai Jianmu was stunned at first. Then, he just thought a little and said with a sneer.

"Third senior brother, do you want evidence?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, Zhang Lezhi nodded, "since you doubt me, there must be evidence to prove that I stole the drawings. Otherwise, it\'s a frame up!"

Bai Jianmu heard the speech, nodded and suddenly shouted.

"Then you tell me that only Ye Xuan knows where the master put the drawings. In this case, you still say that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings. Then tell me what you did to prove that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawings."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu paused. He stared at Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu, and his eyes became sharp. "Unless you stole the drawings, you will know that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings.

Third senior brother, am I right? "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head, "younger martial brother five, do you think I\'m the one who stole the drawings just by this point!"

Bai Jianmu looked at Zhang Lezhi and shouted, "third senior brother, tell me, in addition to this reason, how do you know that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Lezhi shook his head again. "I didn\'t say that ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings. I just felt that it was unfair to Ye Xuan to judge that ye Xuan was the one who stole the drawings alone. Is there anything wrong with Ye Xuan!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Bai Jianmu sneered. He walked slowly forward for two steps and came to Zhang Lezhi. He asked in a cold tone.

"Third senior brother, through your words, I began to doubt that you and ye Xuan stole the drawing together."

Zhang Lezhi suddenly changed his face when he heard the speech and hurriedly said, "Bai Jianmu, don\'t talk nonsense in front of the master. Why do you doubt that ye Xuan and I stole the drawing together? Do you have any evidence?"

Bai Jianmu sneered, "do you want any evidence? Why are you so anxious to save Ye Xuan? This is the best evidence."

Zhang Lezhi smelled the speech and said angrily, "what evidence is this? Do you think I want to save Ye Xuan, so you can suspect that we two stole the drawing together? Isn\'t this a joke!"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s answer, Bai Jianmu saw his eagerness and was secretly happy. As long as Zhang Lezhi was anxious, there would be flaws. As long as he followed closely step by step, he would have no backhand.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu\'s tone was even colder. "Third senior brother, tell me, what are you so anxious to save Ye Xuan for? If there is no ulterior reason, you still want to turn over for ye Xuan when the master believes that ye Xuan stole the drawings. What\'s the reason?"