I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 173

When Zhang Lezhi saw Bai Jianmu\'s answer, his cold eyes suddenly appeared. He knew that he must not provoke him at this time. Otherwise, this guy would certainly do it. At that time, he would be unlucky.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi turned to look at Tang Jian\'an and said, "please answer the second senior brother!"

Before Tang Jian\'an answered, Bai Jianmu snorted coldly and said first.

"Third Elder martial brother, what\'s your hurry? When will the second elder martial brother answer that it\'s his business? What\'s your hurry?"

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu suddenly brightened his eyes. He stepped forward and narrowed the distance between Zhang Lezhi and him. He said coldly, "I see, third senior brother, I\'m afraid you stole the drawing. Otherwise, why are you so anxious to pull the master brother into the water."

Just after Bai Jianmu\'s words, Tang Jianan was overjoyed. His originally sad face was swept away at this moment. He also stepped forward and came to Bai Jianmu\'s side. Looking at Zhang Lezhi not far away, he asked loudly.

"Third younger martial brother, why do you always let me only recognize the eldest martial brother as the person who stole the drawings? I see.

Younger martial brother Bai is right. I think you are the one who stole the drawings. Otherwise, why did you do that.

Are you guilty? In order to get rid of your suspicion, you framed senior brother as the person who stole the drawings.

I think, third martial brother, you are the one who really stole the drawings. "

After listening to their words, Zhang Lezhi\'s face suddenly turned pale. He didn\'t expect that things went down sharply and evolved into this way.

I asked Tang Jian\'an to answer that question. At the moment, it was a sign of my guilty heart.

Zhang Lezhi was in a hurry. For a moment, he couldn\'t think of anything to answer the two people.

Just then, Liu Huarong hurried forward, looked at Zhang Lezhi and said loudly.

"Third Elder martial brother, normally speaking, I shouldn\'t say anything about you as a younger martial brother, but I really can\'t see it anymore. Second elder martial brother and fifth elder martial brother are right. In order to cover up the fact that you stole the drawings, you only recognize the eldest martial brother as the person who stole the drawings."

Originally, the accusations of Tang Jian\'an and Bai Jianmu have made Zhang Lezhi difficult to deal with. Now, coupled with Liu Huarong, Zhang Lezhi is tongue tied and speechless.

Although Zhang Lezhi could not answer their words, he was also thinking about how to face this situation.

This question raised by Bai Jianmu is also a very likely problem.

As I said just now, if ye Xuan is locked up, he will have a certain chance to be the helmsman.

If you steal the drawings, frame Ye Xuan, and then bring down Bai Jianmu, it is really possible to succeed.

Framing the master brother for stealing drawings is a key step to bring down Bai Jianmu.

It can be said that the question raised by Bai Jianmu not only solved the problem raised by himself just now, but also overturned the rake and only recognized himself as the person who really stole the drawings.

At this moment, feeling the dangerous situation, Zhang Lezhi also burst out a cold sweat on his forehead.

He knew that at the moment he had no way back, either Bai Jianmu and his gang fell down or he finished it himself. In short, which side won, which side could stay at the South County branch.

Now, it is no longer a simple question of the position of the head of the South County branch, but whether we can continue to stay in the South County branch.

Zhang Lezhi has seen clearly that if he fails, he can only quit the Nanjun branch. In addition, he has no second choice.

In fact, there is only one possibility for Bai Jianmu and his group. If they fail, they can only withdraw from the South County branch, and there is no other possibility.

Because no matter which side wins, it will not leave its opponent in the way in front of itself. Moreover, the opponent is like a hungry wolf, who will counterattack at any time. In this case, we can only completely drive the opponent out of the Nanjun branch in order to ensure our own safety.

Needless to say, Bai Jianmu and his group think so. Zhang Lezhi also thinks so, because no one is willing to leave the danger around.

Zhang Lezhi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, lowered his head and secretly looked at the master, but he also looked here. However, the expression on his face became more and more dignified. I think Bai Jianmu\'s words also attracted his attention.

Now sun Xinzheng is really worried. What he is worried about is that Wan Yiye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawing, that is to say, the drawing may not be in anyone\'s hand. In case this drawing falls outside, sun Xinzheng will be the sinner of Tianji gate.

Therefore, sun Xinzheng has made up his mind to never let go of any clue. As long as it is possible, he must trace it until he finds the drawing.

Now, sun Xinzheng has no other ideas. He doesn\'t care about any way for the drawing. As long as he can find the drawing, it doesn\'t matter.

Just now, seeing that Tang Jian\'an was afraid to answer Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng was already a little annoyed.

Sun Xinzheng is really not clear. Is this question so difficult to answer? Just answer yes or no. is it really so difficult to answer.

Or does Tang Jianan have other purposes.

However, what other purpose will he have? Sun Xinzheng really can\'t think clearly.

Suddenly, sun Xinzheng\'s eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and he thought of a possibility.

Can it be said that Tang Jian\'an stole the drawings? Only this explanation can explain why he hesitated.

However, it\'s also wrong. If Tang Jian\'an stole the drawings, he should identify LV Wenkang as the person who stole the drawings. Yes.

LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing the drawings. In this way, even if Tang Jian\'an stole the drawings, he is not suspected.

To understand this, sun Xinzheng frowned more tightly. He really couldn\'t figure out why Tang Jian\'an felt so difficult about this problem.

Although sun Xinzheng doesn\'t understand the reason, at this moment, he can be sure that there must be something wrong. As for what the problem is, sun Xinzheng doesn\'t know much.

Hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s questioning again, seeing that Tang Jian\'an still refused to answer, sun Xinzheng, who had been impatient for a long time, was about to open his mouth to urge.

But suddenly heard Bai Jianmu\'s words.

Bai Jianmu\'s words really attracted sun Xinzheng\'s attention.

Zhang Lezhi was the one who stole the drawings. That\'s why he blamed his senior brother LV Wenkang for stealing the drawings, so that he would not be suspected.

This kind of thing is really possible.

Sun Xinzheng frowned and thought carefully. If Zhang Lezhi did so, Tang Jian\'an identified the senior brother as the person who stole the drawings. Once he succeeded, Zhang Lezhi would not be suspected.

Not only is there no doubt about the drawings, I\'m afraid, in the end, I don\'t know what he will do to exclude other martial brothers.