I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 172

Although Bai Jianmu thought hard, it was not that simple. No matter what he thought, he didn\'t come up with a solution.

Bai Jianmu naturally knows the consequences of Tang Jianan\'s wrong answer better than anyone.

Moreover, the consequences of this incident will make Bai Jianmu worse than others.

Not only could he not stay in Tianji gate, but even his family would be laughed at by the family.

This result is something Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want to accept, so he must fight.

This problem seems simple, but it is by no means a simple thing to solve it well.

Seeing that Tang Jianan refused to answer, Zhang Lezhi decided to give him time and pressure to make a decision as soon as possible in case things changed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi slowly walked up to Tang Jian\'an and said with a soft smile, "second senior brother, it\'s just a word. Is it so difficult?"

When Tang Jian\'an heard the speech, he would be blown up. He looked up at Zhang Lezhi. The look of resentment in his eyes made Zhang Lezhi feel cold.

But so far, Zhang Lezhi also understands that everyone\'s positions are different. Although we didn\'t do it, it\'s actually more dangerous than that.

Because they like the mechanism art, they will vote under sun Xinzheng\'s door to study their favorite mechanism.

However, if this incident fails, it will be impossible to stay at the Nanjun branch and continue to study mechanism technology in the future. Therefore, this matter can not retreat, but can only move forward.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi turned a blind eye to Tang Jian\'an\'s resentful eyes and asked loudly again.

"Second senior brother, answer quickly. The master can\'t wait. Do you have to wait for the master to urge you?"

Tang Jian\'an looked at Zhang Lezhi and felt his anger growing. It was the guy in front of him who made a fool of himself. If he didn\'t have this guy, why would he be so angry.

Just when Tang Jian\'an was furious, Bai Jianmu saw Zhang Lezhi come forward and ask questions. He hurried to take two steps. When he was in front of Zhang Lezhi, he said with a sneer.

"Third Elder martial brother, you\'re a little lenient. Can you talk with the master here.

The second elder martial brother is the second elder martial brother of all of us. As a younger martial brother, he is so rude to the elder martial brother. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu snorted coldly, and the cold awn suddenly appeared in his eyes. Although it was only a flash and died, Zhang Lezhi was startled and subconsciously stepped back.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi retreated, Bai Jianmu snorted coldly again, "Third Elder martial brother, do you think you are the helmsman now, so you speak unkindly to the second elder martial brother. However, I advise Third Elder martial brother that you are not the helmsman now, and the second elder martial brother is still your second elder martial brother. I hope you will pay attention to your words. If you want to be powerful, you can be the leader in the future.

Now, Third Elder martial brother, if you dare to speak unkindly to the second elder martial brother again, don\'t blame me for teaching you a lesson for the second elder martial brother. "

At the end, Bai Jianmu\'s words almost spit out from his teeth, showing his determination.

Yes, Bai Jianmu is really fighting now. He was not warning Zhang Lezhi just now, but wanted to tell his master what he said.

If Zhang Lezhi really dares to say more, Bai Jianmu will do it.

By taking the opportunity of shooting, Bai Jianmu will certainly beat Zhang Lezhi seriously and unconscious. It\'s light and hemiplegia, which is what Bai Jianmu wants most.

If Bai Jianmu makes a move, with his martial arts, no one present is his opponent. Even if all the people here go together, they are definitely not his opponent. Bai Jianmu has this confidence.

Bai Jianmu knew that if he beat Zhang Lezhi seriously for this reason, the master couldn\'t do anything about himself. At most, he scolded himself and put himself in the repentance Pavilion.

Although he may be locked up in the repentance Pavilion, he is different from ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was locked in because he stole the drawings. If the drawings could not be found, he would never get out.

Bai Jianmu is different. If the third senior brother Zhang Lezhi is beaten and the master puts him in the repentance Pavilion, even if the punishment is heavy, even if he is closed for three years, he will have a chance to come out.

Even if he is locked in, Zhang Lezhi has little ability to turn around for ye Xuan. At that time, even if Tang Jian\'an becomes the helmsman, it doesn\'t matter. It\'s a big deal to deal with Tang Jian\'an when he comes out.

Bai Jianmu doesn\'t feel any pressure if he only deals with Tang Jian\'an. Tang Jian\'an is different from ye Xuan. If Tang Jian\'an can become the helmsman, he can only become the helmsman with the qualifications of his second senior brother. When he comes out, he will give up the helmsman\'s position obediently.

Bai Jianmu wants to understand this, so he is really ready to fight now. Even if he is locked up in the repentance Pavilion, he will not hesitate, because he has no way back.

Seeing the cold light in Bai Jianmu\'s eyes, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart suddenly felt cold.

He remembered that Bai Jianmu also had excellent martial arts. If he was unhappy, he would not be his opponent by relying on his martial arts.

Zhang Lezhi once saw Bai Jianmu\'s martial arts.

That time, four of their martial brothers went out to West County. On the way, they met a gang of robbers.

At that moment, there were more than 20 robbers, all strong, with big arms and round waist. Everyone was still armed.

At that time, after seeing the more than 20 robbers, Zhang Lezhi was really frightened. He felt that his martial brothers were finished this time, but he didn\'t expect that Bai Jianmu shot just when they could not resist.

When Bai Jianmu shot, Zhang Lezhi only saw the Figure shaking in front of him. Not long later, those strong robbers were beaten by Bai Jianmu and fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

It was also that time that Zhang Lezhi really knew that Bai Jianmu was a master of martial arts, or a master with very high martial arts.

Thinking of the situation of that day, Zhang Lezhi knew that if Bai Jianmu shot at him, he would never catch his three moves and two moves.

Zhang Lezhi retreated a few steps and opened a distance with Bai Jianmu.

"Fifth younger martial brother, when did you see me speak unkindly to the second elder martial brother? I just saw that the master was impatient, so I said a word to remind him."

At this point, Zhang Jian\'an\'s tone paused. He looked at Bai Jianmu warily and said loudly.

"It\'s you, younger martial brother Bai. What do you want to do? Don\'t forget, I\'m your third martial brother. Do you still want to fight the third martial brother!"

Bai Jianmu sneered after listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words.

"Third Elder martial brother, how can I do this to you? You are my third elder martial brother. I just can\'t stand what happened just now!"